54.1:"The darkness and the light".

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Back to normal ;) How was your Eid? I have a ban on people who aren't vaccinated to limit themselves in places. So, I was mostly at home


Do you feel safe at the police station? Or with a police officer?

Rania didn't feel safe with either. She didn't even feel safe with herself. The soul inside of her has ripped apart too many times that she wishes that it stop existing.

But, was she going to give up because of what others did to her? No. She wasn't going to let this world take away anything more from her.

"Write these reports too". The officer- Yasir said, slamming a load of files on the desk

She sighs. She didn't exactly have much choice. The senior thinks they have the right to drop anything on anyone and if it is a woman in question, they dump everything. From their private life, physical strength, evaluation of women, women of today world who knows their rights and their unwanted opinions on everything. They do have a problem with everything.

She continued to type in all the files, grateful for her quick writing speed as she feels someone place a hand on her shoulder and she jumps away.

She turns to look at the officer with a big belly, "What's got our little birdie scared?"

She wrinkles her nose at the alcohol smell on his breath. She moves away and thankfully he went away. The men don't take rejection from women. She had to put down, fight men and more to have them stop advancing at her. The fact that in this field there are no women at the higher management makes it harder.

You have to keep your head down if you want to stay here.

You can't ever say anything, not as you can say anyways.

She is a police officer. She is almost 30. Not quite, she is 27, but people believe she is 30 already and in need to do all the things that were assigned to her. Because she doesn't, the free advice- she won't even call them to advice because honestly speaking advice have a way to follow to reach the person in such a way that it doesn't bother or burden them.

What our society provides us with is disrespect, their opinions, manipulation and such, they like to call all that advise.

As if.

She looks at her old car, as she sits in it, driving out of the place. She just wishes to not exist. But, she can't. She didn't live to be someone who doesn't do anything good for this society.

She lived to save anyone and everyone she can. She has to. Someone has to do it.

She parks her car at exact 6 PM, looking at the middle-class house that she is proud of. With what she earns, she never looks down on the way her life is. She always thinks the best. Even if some people want her to believe otherwise.

She frowns when she found another car which looks close to luxurious and a man and woman at the side of her house. She did park her car on the other side because this was the main street, but who are these people?

"You just have to do what I say". The woman who looks like the man's mom said

"How am I supposed to spend my life with someone who won't speak a word?" The man said frustrated

Right. She cannot speak. She is mute. She is disabled.

A disabled police officer, ironic, isn't it?

"That's the best part. She will never be able to say anything to us or anyone".

"She is a police officer".

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