50.3:"Devil in hiding".

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She felt her knees getting weak as she stayed at her spot after hearing those words which strikes her like a clap of thunder.

Did her mother hate her?

She doesn't know and she didn't even hear anything around her after that moment. She felt her mother hard hold on her hand as she dragged her out of the house and she stayed there not even moving a muscle.

He sighs.

He knows she must be devastated. He has seen the way she was eager to come to meet her mother and to have her warmth around her.

He removes his cap placing it over her head and then putting on the face mask when he finds people curiously looking at them. He wouldn't have cared that people realise her mother was a liar but he knows she isn't in the position to answer unnecessary questions and people don't care about the next person situation (mental health) and simply want to end (answers) their curiosity.

"If you are thinking of committing suicide from here". He said huffing as he sits beside her on the top of his house, "I must tell you that it won't be effective. At most you will have a few broken bones which will only be a hassle to you".

"Thanks for the information". She said dryly, "Why will I kill myself after living through all the tragedies and years?"

"We never know what way our thoughts work".

"But we can stop them from turning that dark".

"Perhaps. Mind is only an organ which we control unless we let it control us, it can't do a thing".

"I am not dying anytime soon. I want to see what the next few years that I have bring me".

"What if it isn't joy?"

"Why will I ever want such an unreliable, unrealistic and short-lived thing?"

"I don't know. People usually live through years with the chant that one day they will have their happy endings".

"Delusional. World isn't sunshine and rainbow". She said shaking her head, "Life isn't meant to be easy and simple. That isn't realistic believes to have because if we crave those beliefs in our mind- everything that went wrong will only seem unfair".

There was a silence as they think of their miseries.

"Don't trust people". He said breaking the silence as she looks at him, "I wanted to say that to you when you told me you wanted to visit your mother".

She sighs, "Why would you say something like that? Isn't it natural to trust people?"

"It is. It is almost as dangerous too. When we trust people with everything in us, it only breaks us apart when they betray us".

"So, you don't trust a soul?"

"Soul is meant to leave anyways. Either on their feet or in their grave".

"My God, if that is what I start to think I might as well not be with anyone".

"You want to be with someone?"

"If someone is good enough for me, why not?"

"One would think that you will not have anyone with you after everything you went through".

"Yet you have me by your side".

"What?" He said confused turning to her

She looks at him, "You don't have a single soul around you here. No employee, no servant, no gatekeeper and no-cook. You don't have a person walking on your property because you don't want anyone near you. If I am right, you don't want anyone beside yourself here yet you have me here by your side. This should mean something".

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