61.6:"To be"

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To say that his mother was not happy about their marriage will be an understatement. The more his mother found out about his wife (general information) the angrier she gets.

Well, that is not his concern. Who he marries is none of his mother's concern. He doesn't even need his mother's permission to do so and if she gets angry or curses him for it, he is not sinful. He, as much as any woman, has a right to marry who he wants. Women still require a father or brother to sign for them. A man doesn't require anyone.

He prepared all of it. The wedding date, and wedding dresses (after fussing and asking her to go with her daughter, secretary, and caregiver to buy them with his card). He knows she finds it annoying when he fusses over her. But, he also knows it is only because women don't usually have anyone in their lives who takes care of them or fusses over them. It is usually the opposite and they just get used to it.

He made sure she had the marriage contract with a detailed summary of each point in it for a month to go over. He had his lawyer on call if she had doubts. Every point that she mentioned in their talk (especially having a second wife,, later on, was something she doesn't like) was added to the contract.

Well, he is not going to ever stop fussing over the two women or the people associated with them. The list is short. It is only Henna and Anima. He knows for a fact that she doesn't have a father anymore. She doesn't even have a brother and the person who will be her wali (guardian) is a man who runs the shelter she stayed in. As much as he hates that, he had to visit the man there to seek his permission. He only hated that she had to stay in such a place. He had nothing against the man who runs it or the place in general.

Because if it wasn't for the man, many women would not have a safe space. As safe as it gets.

After that was her daughter, and for a month, he had a small interaction with the intelligent little girl. She was advanced beyond her age. He had heard from Rohan that people who lose one ability had often seen to have something extraordinary. Maybe, Sudur, has that intelligence of hers.

Besides that, he manages to take Irsa to the hospital for a checkup for her blood sugar. Turns out, she needs medication to maintain her blood sugar now. He had read through many articles and found all the side effects and diet she needs with that medication.

He spent a generous amount of time understanding things that he could do to make both women happy. Doesn't take much but constant effort. Not once in a while effort, but, everyday effort. Small or big doesn't matter.

He had asked his soon-to-be wife to buy a suit for him. He said that because he knows she will imagine him in a specific color and he wants to wear and look exactly or even better than what she imagined.

"Sudur". She called her daughter as she sat down on the couch after a day of shopping, "I need to speak to you, beta".

"Ji, Ammi?" (Yes, mom)

Her daughter came running to her and she wraps her arms around her thin body bringing her in her lap.

"Tomorrow, I will be married. I need to know what you think of it. If you don't like Hani I will not marry him".

"I like him". Her daughter said without any hesitation and she rolls her eyes because Hani does have charm and it seem to affect both of them differently

She moves her daughter's hair away from her face, "And why do you like him?"

Her daughter placed a hand on her chin as she thought, "He speaks softly not liking daddy (her birth father). He never treats me like I am inferior to him. Even when I know he knows more than me, he never acts like he is superior or makes me feel stupid. He listens, mama, he really listens to everything I say. He treats me nicely".

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