54.3:"The sacrifice for secrets".

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For the past few days, I can't believe the darkness and villain that surrounds us. I know for a fact that evil lives within us, but every time I see a child, women, elderly or even men being victim to it, just breaks my heart a little more.

I have seen cases after cases and hashtags circulating, but no justice and no strong steps whatsoever. I believe more than the government, the people who feed these monsters are to be held responsible. I usually don't go on parents because somehow today's generation don't even respect or follow them.

BUT, the fact that their parents helps them to commit these crimes and get away with it has everything to do with parents. It is their fault. The monster can't be tamed, not fed to keep down. The monster needs to be caged. God, I just feel so awful. The thought of a women head being cut off is so disturbing.

Every time this happens, I feel powerless, helpless and there are so many things/people I want to school and shout on.

I am just mentally disturbed, shaken and in constant fear. I hope we all stay safe and not let these monster free.

Please stay safe. As much as I preach and support the freedom for women, the world is dirty, and we can't deny the fact. Take steps, stay safe.


She sips the coffee as she reads a book in a cafe near her workplace. It is rare, very rare, that she takes time out of her work to be anywhere else. Mostly because she knows if she is gone, there will be an officer who will turn people away.

But, the exhaustion from all her thoughts brings her nearer to the books to escape from it. The more she reads, the stable she is. At least, there is no one judging her.

"Good to see you again, officer". She heard someone say as she jolts, looking at Zakir, with a frown, "You are looking at me like I am a criminal".

She rolls her eyes, going back to her book when she heard the scraping of the chair in front of her and he planted himself without her permission.

She raises her eyebrows as he spoke, "What? We have things to discuss. Do you want me to stand and talk?"

She nodded.

"No. I will sit and talk". He added smiling and she sighs

It's been a month. A month after that suicide incident and she marched off after that little confrontation. She wasn't in the mood for any more dialogue with people who will never change.

She just knows the girl managed to live and she doesn't know if she will truly live.

"Are you there?" He asked, waving his hands in front of her and she blinks, "Ok. I have you now".

She purses her lips, taking her book out to write and ask him what he wants when he places his hand on her book.

"I am here to show you something". He said, grinning as she leans back and he signs next, "My new talent. Did you like it?"

Her eyes widen as she signs, "You learned it? How? This fast?"

He shrugged, "I threaten my friend to have his wife teach me, and I was on the hospital bed for a month so I had all the time in the world".

She nodded, impressed, "So, what do you have to talk about?"

"First teach me how to say your name?" He said, looking at her attentively, "I learned everything besides the names. They are too many and hard".

She chuckles silently and he likes how her lips twitch at his words. At least, that was the near smile he saw of her.

She signs her name and he starts to insist to show his name.

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