59.1:"The toxicity that runs deep"

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God, it feels like years. So much happened and is happening. My mom had a major surgery, my dad was admitted, my studies were on the edge, full time job, and lastly I found that I have a nerve damage which means I cannot do much with my hand.

Alhamduillah, because everything passes by eventually. And, things are getting better. I am so sorry I couldn't spend time with you all. I miss you all :(

On the side note, I found out recently that in some places a girl (at age 7 or above) vag*na is stitched unlawfully to prevent her from desires and reserve her for her husband, only.

If there is someone you know or if they are reading this note, please please know this is WRONG. Not just in the worldly law but also in religion. Women are not here to provide services to men, only, Islam never oppress in anything. Just like how important being intimate it is for men, it is far more important for women and they have the right to demand it. Please educate yourself from scholar's who are authentic (do not follow any asian scholar). Check your facts against Quran because it basically explained the whole procedure.

Also, please, especially women who live in asia or are born, do not ever agree or accept what someone teaches you. The toxicity added to our religion is bad. Every word, action is culture, NOT religion. We can make the change. We can be the change. Please educate and spread.

I was traumatized when I read a real story on this. How her husband ripped those stitches on first night after marriage while she screamed and bleed. How he raped her after. And yes, husband rapes too. Read about it, please.

The fact that I lose my sanity and remember how grateful I should be to live in a place where I never faced this is so sickening. I don't even want to say Alhamduillah on someone's else sufferings. This is why we are told to look around before we suffocate ourselves by thinking that the world is against us.

That doesn't mean you can't be sad. That just means how you live while being sad. A difference many of us don't know about.

Now enjoy!


The purest love is that of a father and daughter.

Zahoor believes that there are two things wrong with that statement. The fact that the statement implies that every father's love is pure for his daughter is false. There are countless father who isn't worthy of being one. And, the fact that it implies that naturally a father is supposed to love his daughter. Even when it's a blood bond she believes what strengthen is efforts. Because if a husband and wife relationship is not based on blood bond instead a thread of their creator and the only way it flourishes is efforts so does any other relationship.

Also, if both the parties works on it, not just a single alone person fighting on both sides.

She is not saying this because she has a father who isn't worthy to be one. Instead, her father is the most amazing man to exist in her life. Without his constant support and his encouraging self, she wouldn't have achieved anything in her life. Especially not a sense of what this life is and what she needs to focus entirely on.

"Here is the thing, beti (daughter)". Her father said looking at some drama that was just as horrible as any other with the same plot, "You cannot perceive other men based on how I treated you. You cannot force your beliefs on him. You cannot plead him guilty because he didn't fit the perfect shape you created in your mind. Because he is human and what you should expect is mistakes. However, don't ever mistake my words to believe that any sort of disrespect, anger and abuse is ok from him, no, if he ever so did a little of any of it, you leave the man immediately. No forgiveness and no second chances. You are not raised to baby a man who never thought of growing into a man. If you can grow into a patient beautiful girl, he had enough chance to grow into a real man".

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