46.3:"The beginning".

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They exits the police station where the man who broke into her house was held for investigation.

"How did you manage to do the process so quick?". She asked feeling the night breezes coldness on her skin

He shrugged, "Because the only thing I gain after serving in an army is few connections".

She nodded, "How did you know about that man?. You seem to know him from before".

He sighs, "Remember that day when we first met in the cemetery?". She nodded, "When you got the call I saw that man looking at you and I kind of understand that there was something wrong. If I am guessing right, this isn't the first time he wanted to do this. He had been following you around".

She shivers as she thinks about someone looking into her. The thought of someone knowing the ins and outs of her made her think even worse things.

"Stop". He said raising his hand, "He is already caught and I will make sure he doesn't get away with it. So, stop thinking about what had happened".

She nodded meekly.

"Since your house is jeopardized, where are you planning to stay?". He asked looking around the area, "I don't think the cheap hotel here is safe for you".

"I know". She said thoughtfully, "I don't have a place to stay at".

"You want to head to orphanage?. I am sure you can stay there for some time". He suggested

She shakes her head, "The owner will be stressed because of me. She already does enough for me, I wouldn't want to burden her".

"That's out of options then". He said thinking about the next step, "How about we head to the burger joint that's open 24/7 so we can rest a little before thinking of a new way?".

She nodded as she follows behind him looking around her with an instilled fear of being watched or some devil of the night coming back to her.

They sit the farthest corner to be not that visible to anyone.

"You should rest". He said making a pillow of his jacket he took out from his luggage he had been carrying

He placed the jacket on the table, "I will stay awake so don't worry".

She nodded taking her medication to sleep because before it was the demon of her past who wouldn't let her sleep, now she has the demon of her present.

"Why the medicine?. You can't sleep without them?". He asked confused

"Yes. I can't sleep at night so I need to take them. Besides, I barely sleep even after taking them". She said shrugging as she yawns placing her head on his made shift pillow closing her eyes

He smiles at her looking adorable and he slaps his face to come back to his senses. He looks around the place to be distracted only for his eyes to come back to her. He has never seen anyone sleep before.

Weirdly he feels the need to continue watching her but when she shivers in her sleep, he looks around for the air conditioning to find it right above her.

He should have checked it before.

He opens his luggage taking the warm jacket out of it moving towards her as he stands behind her back, placing the jacket on her securely.

He removes his cap placing it over her head in a way that the cap prevents the lights from entering in her eyes. He smiles when he finds her relaxing in her sleep and he moves to sit in front of her again.

He places his hand on the table and then his head as he continued watching her.

She frowns in her sleep when she heard the loud sounds around her as she opens her eyes stretching when something falls off her. She looks at the army uniform jacket she is familiar with on the ground which made her heart clench.

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