51.6:"Peace of the hearts".

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When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They'll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

-Day Wing


IT'S A DOUBLE UPDATE. This is the last chapter. Please make sure you read the chapter before this one.


He smiles looking at their college group photo in which they both were glaring at each other. He didn't bother her after that day she went away. He was desperate and his heartache from time to time but he didn't want to force her to feel something for him.

He just wishes she did.

"Appi didn't even visit us once". Maya cried and she had been crying ever since she found the whole truth

She cries randomly and even on the small things. He had been trying to stabilise her. He had been trying to stabilise himself. They were both breaking apart.

"Bhai?" Maya said wiping her face, "Am I supposed to hate Baba? He hurt Ammi".

He sighs, pulling her in a tight hug, "You know what I learned recently?" Maya shakes her head on his chest, "I learned that hate, anger, resentment are strong emotions- the only emotions that stay within us the longest and only become more powerful".


"They are not worth it. The more power they gain over us, the less of a human we become. They drain your energy, they drain your body, innocence and they drain your light from you. They fill you with darkness and when you become sick of it, they fill you with more darkness. You attract the energy that you like and if we continue to let them win over us, it will never end".

"So, I shouldn't hate him?"

"Had he done you wrong?" He asked placing his hand on her cheeks, "I know he hurt our mother. But, he is with the one who will have him pay for every single tear our mother shred. Do you think hating him when he is not here will help you? Will it make you feel at ease? Will you be able to breathe without trouble?"

Maya shakes her head, "I don't want to hate him".

"Then don't. Let him be. What he did, he did. Let him go. The more you hold on the poisonous rope, the more it will hurt you. It will poison your heart and soul. So, let it all go".

"Can I do that?" He heard her (Zara's) voice and his heart stopped

He didn't even raise his eyes to look at her afraid that this was another illusion and he didn't want to have his heartbreak.

"Appi". Maya said running to her hugging her tightly, "I missed you so much. I was going to drive a truck in your house to kidnap you".

She laughs, "Good thing. I ran away before that".

"Why are you wearing a wedding dress?" Maya asked shocked

His eyes immediately snapped at Maya's word as he takes in the beautiful woman in front of him. She was real and not real at the same time. God, she was so beautiful. So delicate and so lethal.

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