60.5:"They found me"

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This wasn't supposed to happen.

She wasn't supposed to be married to a stranger for no reason. She shouldn't have said yes because it means bringing danger to everyone.

But when his mother came to speak to her she wasn't able to say no. Not because she was being forced or pressured. No. Because there was something that was telling her that she needs to say yes.

She didn't say yes right away saying she need a week to pray istikhara before she replies. She vividly remembers the bright light she saw not once but thrice before she said yes.

Only the one beyond the skies is the one she believes in.

She had said that she will not remove her covering even in the house. No one questioned her. She said she will give her name only to the three people who will be witnesses and they will not speak of her name again.

He assured her the men were someone who works in the army with him so they won't be going around saying anything. It settles some of her nerves.

She sighs.

She has been driving herself crazy with thoughts. It is just so hard to believe and trust anyone. What if he forces her to remove her covering? What if he rejects her once he knows who she is?

She was supposed to be waiting in his room for him. Everyone left her after congratulating her. Now she nervously plays with her Abaya.

"Why are you still wearing this?" His sister snapped, "What are you trying to hide?"

She was startled because she didn't even hear his sister walking in.

"I will remove this now". His sister said taking threatening steps near her

She immediately stands from the bed moving back trying to put some distance between them. When his sister neared and started to pull down her face covering she screams and yelled to not do it. Her tears start to fall as she fights with one hand to hold the covering on her face and uses another to push his sister away.

His sister manage to tear a part of her Abaya when the door slammed open.

She turns teary eyes toward Rabee who stood in the doorway pale and shocked. It looks like he didn't believe what he was seeing and how he was seeing it. Maybe he thought he was imagining all of this?

He was excited.

For some reason, he was excited to form a relationship with her. He felt in his heart, the peace, it was unusual and overwhelming. It was comforting when he had called her wife in his head.

When he had called her name; Arzu Malik.

He felt a little pride at knowing he is the only one who truly knows her name. He respects the fact that she doesn't want to show herself to anyone and it's understandable. With the given circumstances, he felt like he used her. The fear that settled her in his house he may have used that. He was scared he might not be likeable and she hates him for placing such a burden on her.

During the week, he did pray too. If he was good enough of a man who can protect, cherish and love her, then only his Lord allow their lives to intertwine. Otherwise, he was ready to move away.

After she said yes he was ecstatic. He didn't believe she actually said yes. He thought he wouldn't be able to get that answer. All kinds of negative thoughts clouded his mind throughout this week.

Today, he made the effort to look good for her. It was one of the rights of her and a responsibility of his. To look pretty for his wife. To manage his look, scent and everything else. He did want to impress her, badly.

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