50.6:"Devil's roaring heart".

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Double update, yess. Don't forget to read the previous chapter;)

Next will be the last :(


He was officially mad. No, he was raging.

His eyes narrowed at the man (Rohan) laughing with another idiot (Zaheer) freely and he just can't like him.


My first love.

Ok, he shouldn't be angry. Because if his mind works with facts, the man was married and their love ended years ago.

Yes, he shouldn't be mad. But he wasn't a kind person, to begin with, and neither his logic works when it comes to her.

His eyes turn to her and her timid self which was barely sitting there and not running out of the door. Why? He wonders if she still had a feeling for the man?

Ok, now he was pissed.

"Tauheed". Zaheer said shaking him, "What are you thinking? I thought you weren't coming tonight".

"I wasn't". He snapped watching everyone's eyes turn to him and it's only her eyes he meets, "I just changed my mind".

"Chill out, then". Zaheer said patting his shoulder

Oh, if he could bring that dead ex/thrashy-husband of his wife and ask him to just chill out, he would love to see his reaction to that.

He is losing his sanity.

She wasn't his wife, to begin with, which is an advantage in Zaheer's case. God, he cannot do this. He cannot act anymore. He needs to act.

He heard the bell ringing only to have another clown join the party.


This idiot just doesn't shut up and that annoys him.

"Look who we have here". Waqas said grinning, "Our very own devil".

He pushed him away grunting, "That was a horrible line".

"But it was true". Waqas said

"No, it isn't". She snapped and everyone turned to look at her and she flushed

"Who's this pretty lady?" Waqas said trying to move past him to her side when he sticks his leg out and Waqas tripped

Waqas groaned when Zaheer helps him casting a glare at him and he shrugged.

"Sit yourself down". He said glaring at Waqas

He turns to look at her watching the way she was nervously biting her lips and almost losing her composure.

He sighs, "Sarah, I need you for a minute please".

"He said please". Waqas whisper yelled to Zaheer who nudge him causing him to yelp

He shakes his head looking at her and they walk out of the house in the garden. She releases a breath she was holding all this time trying to calm her senses.

"Do you wish to leave?" He asked gently standing in front of her

She inhales his scent shaking her head, "I need to do this. I can't lose yet".

"You are never a loser, Sarah". He said softly and she turns to look at him, "You will never be defeated. Not now when you have me by your side".

Her eyes brimmed with tears, "Why am I so scared? I don't know what to do".

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