47.3:"Waves of pain".

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He sits beside her on the chair in the hospital while she lays on the bed after the doctor explained that she suffered through mental and physical issues which leads her here which add in to his guilt as he might have been the cause of most of it at least his part is in mental stress of hers.

He looks at her pale skin under the dim light of the hospital room that he asked them to shift her in. He does know who that man is and what he wanted from her exactly just that he isn't going to reveal that to her.

He did plan things through but in the end, his plans went downhill.

He sighs.

It's been about five hours after she fainted saying she will marry him and he knows she must have found about her brother doing which caused her to say it.

He continued to look at her for some time deciding to head out to get some fresh air before he could think about the next steps he needs to take. Since she agreed to marry, it's best to have her brother agree and to do that, he will have to threaten that man by all means.

He called his team assigning them to the task so when she is awake, they can be done with this marriage.

After that, he heads to the small garden in the hospital sitting on the farthest beach in the hiding of the tree not wanting to be seen by anyone and not even recognised at this point.

He just wants some peace for once when he didn't find it even after sitting there, he decided to buy few more cars and some more feminine things that she might like in the room without any consideration of the price.

He continued to browse for an hour without realising how much he bought and how he was spending his time doing absolutely nothing helpful.

Finally, when he didn't have anything more to buy, he shuts down his phone looking at the sky but the feeling remains within him.

Why are those things never makes him happy for more than a few minutes?.

He frowns deeply when he heard a familiar voice as he turns to the sound making his heart clench.

"Aleena?". He said a little taken back by the way she looks, "Why are you here?".

He didn't wish to show any emotions to this woman. She is the same age as him and they used to be close, now they are not.

"We met after so long". Aleena said sighing, "And you are behaving like this with me".

He narrows his eyes at her words, "I don't see any reason to interact with you".

"What brought you to the hospital?. Are you sick?". Aleena asked worriedly

He thought for a long moment, "I don't have to tell you that".

"Can you lower your attitude?. I think it worsens over the years". Aleena said shaking her head, "This is why I said--".

"I don't need to hear that again". He snapped wishing someone just take him out of this situation he never wanted to happen, "What brought you here then?. It's only fair if you want to know my reason".

"I am not well". Aleena said lowly

"Why?. What is wrong with you?". He asked confused because last he left her, she was healthy

"You actually don't remember?". Aleena asked disappointed

"Was it someone that happened when we were together?". He asked not sure

Aleena sighs, "I have haemophilia, Rohan. I thought you will remember at least that".

His eyes widen, "No way!. I didn't know that how can I know that?".

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