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Since, it's my birthday :D.

There is a chapter before this "grey" so make sure you've read it.

ALSO BABA IS COMING HOME. I am so happy, this is the best birthday I can have. Alhamduillah

See you soon ^_^


The next couple of hours she stayed in her room morphing around wondering about him. She didn't speak after he had confessed and he ran away to his room not coming back.

Usually, when she is alone her mind turns to remember her suffering and she cries her heart out each night. Even when she was back at her husband house after he was done with using her for his pleasure she would go out of the room and cry the rest of the night in her pain.

Her pain wasn't just physical but mentally she was under severe pressure by going through all that at the time she was supposed to be building and learning about mental health. She was rather in the position where any sort of her health was no one priority. Everyone used her for their own gain until the end.

She cried days in and out, praying to her Lord for her betterment because she lost hope in people. When her family thought of her like a discarded woman why would she ever think of anyone else as her own?.

She had her heart broken many times and her hope shattering every time people asked her to have patience and that her husband will change someday. She waited since was 15 to 18 but the change never came but everything turned worst.

She sighs pulling her hair in a bun standing from her position having enough stressing about Zaheer. She walks towards his room door placing her ear against it trying to listen to any sound. When she heard no sound she knocked on his door a couple of time but still, there wasn't any answer.

She frowns walking downstairs to look at his car but the car was still parked and she didn't even hear him leave his room. She looked around the mansion just in case she missed him leaving his room but she didn't find him anywhere.

At around 7 am, the time he leaves for office she waited right outside his door but not even till 9 am he was out of his room. Now the worry started building inside of her as she knocked harder this time trying her best to grab his attention just in case he didn't hear or ignored her last time.

Finally having enough she opened the door entering inside his darkroom for the first time of her being in his mansion. She looks around for the switch turning it on as she heard him groaning as the light enter his vision. She found him curled in the middle of the king-sized bed in his blanket covering all his body beside his face.

She walks closer frowning when she found him face pale and the sweat forming on his forehead. She places the back of her hand on his forehead feeling his temperature finding he has high fever.

At first, she panics running downstairs to ask for help and found his guards who told her they will bring the doctor in a while. She went back running to the room pacing around looking at him all this time until the doctor finally came and checked him.

"He has a high fever because of stress and overwork. He should be fine after he takes a rest for at least a week with a proper diet and medication". The doctor explained handing her the prescription, "If there are any other symptoms or his fever isn't going down you can call me".

She nodded giving the prescription to the doctor when she heard his phone ringing loudly. She looked at his phone watching it ringing when he groaned because of the sound she immediately answered it.

"Where are you?". She heard someone shouting making her startle, "You are never late to work".

"Hello". She said lowly

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