55.2:"To be a rose or to be a dagger?".

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He raises his hand stopping the men walking towards her and her eyes remain narrowed at every step he takes and a dreadful silence around them.

"What's your name and place?" He asked as everyone looks at them

"I don't have to tell you that". She snapped angrily

His eyes narrow at her words, "I am your King".

"You are not my King".

He purses his lips as his eyes shielded his emotions. His eyes narrow at the blood still pouring out of her neck. He takes his custom-made handkerchief, forwarding it to her and she pushes it away.

"The deer belongs to My King". His elder counsel member screamed at her

Her eyes blazed in fire, "Is that so? This place might belong to him, but the animals belong to those who hunt them".

"Our King shot it down". Another screamed

She chuckles bitterly, this is the first time he has seen a woman this way. Most women who spoke to him have this certain tone and at one point he believes all women to have it.

She pushes the sword away from him as his men were about to grab her, he shakes his head, halting everyone. She moves towards the deer, turning it around.

"Is this your arrow, My King?"

It ticks him off the way he uses his title as something insulting. But, he learned to be patient even with those who disobey his commands.

He takes two strides and his long legs helping him reach the deer quicker. He looks down at the animal and the arrow which didn't belong to him.


"This deer is mine".

"You cannot do that. Even if the King didn't--".

"The one who aims and the one who shot it down are two different". She said as her words held the sense of terror in it, "I am sure we all learned which one gets to take the animal".

"You are nothing but a trash on--".

"I don't need your delegation of me". She snapped as she takes her arrow from the deer, placing it in her quiver, "This belongs to me".

She ties the deer in a cloth as she sits beside it, placing her hand on it, closing her eyes as she sends a prayer for this blessing. And, thankful for the deer to become her food.

"What's your name?" He asked, as she was ready to leave

"You don't need to know".

He watches her confidently walking past his men, even pushing some and disappearing at the end of the forest. He stands there, for the first time, in this new experience and he didn't know how he felt.

He didn't feel bad at least.

She enters her small town with the deer attached to her back as she places her quiver to her front. People make way for her to walk through as they bow slightly.

She places the deer near an elderly woman who is in charge of taking care of the food of fifty people. This deer is not enough. Good for them, no one knows the secrets of the forest as they do.

They have grown some of the best vegetables, use the water from the fall and hunt the animals that no one can reach. So, they have enough food without paying much money.

They can't have any money. They are not a part of this society. They are rebellious as they were named by the greedy bastard. Because they objectify the wrongs and spoke for their rights, they were thrown out of the prestigious town.

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