55.3:"..fatal with exceptionally beautiful face"

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She laughs sarcastically as the sword appeared in front of her.

"Is it fun?" She snapped, looking in his eyes, "Is it fun to sleep with different women every night and to break those innocent souls? Is it entertainment to show off your power to a woman?"

"Shut your damn mouth". His elder member said, "We have the right to those women. Our Lord commands men to be higher to women".

Her eyes filled with rage, "When did HE say that? The words used were guards and protector of women. Which implies that no harm should come to a woman in your presence. It doesn't mean you have rights over them. It means you have to make sure women live in a world where they are protected, just like your King. He has guards around him to protect him from potential danger that doesn't mean those guards have any rights over him".

"You don't know--".

"No. You are the one who likes to play with commands. Do you know how many times the Lord mentioned in his book to be kind, caring and loving to your women? Do you know what our Prophet cried about when he was speaking to his men before his death and what he continued to plead until his last moment? He said to be kind to your women over and over again".

"Get away from me". She heard someone yelling and in a few seconds Jasim was by her side, holding her face, "What in the world did they do to you?"

"I am fine".

"What do you have to say for the allegations?" King spoke and her eyes harden

She watches how his eyes remain on Jasim and his hand on her hand.

"I will never believe I am wrong when your men came to my people to abduct those women from their houses for your pleasure".

His hand clenched as his eyes turned to his shaking council, "Is this true?"

"No. She is lying. She is trying to divide us". The member cried desperately

"So you are telling me that you had no idea?" She asked, narrowing her eyes as he nodded, she spoke, "Do you think you deserve to be a King? Do you even go out of this place to look at your empire? Do you know how people are barely living in your empire?"

"What are you saying? They are all living a good life. Do you see how much development we did for them?" His council member snapped

She snarls, "The part that you actually developed is the part that you show to your King if he ever steps out. There are a whole lot of people there, suffering and barely meeting ends".

"What are you speaking about?" He demanded 

"For a King, your excuses that you have no idea isn't going to cut it. You are responsible for every single soul that lives to feed these castles. That work to keep you a King". She snapped, "Leave that. You can't even handle what happens between these four walls and you think you deserve to be a King of an empire".

One of his guards swing the sword at Jasim and she raises her hand, blocking it as the blood pour out of her hand.

"Just because you have weapons doesn't mean you have the right to use them as you please". She said, as she continued to hold it tightly

His jaw clenches as he watches the blood quickly pooling around her.

"Enough". He shouted as everyone take a step back, with their head down

He stands from his seat which he never did no matter what. He walks towards her, bending on his knees in front of her and he heard several gasps from his council member. He looks in her dark chocolate eyes that held no warmth for him because he did see the flickering of it when this other man came in.

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