Chapter 22

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Chapter song: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
(Justin's pov)
Becca didn't seem as happy as she did when we got to the studio. I don't know if I should ask her if she's ok. I drove around since I'm off for the rest of the day. I finished the album, and it's called Believe. I think my Beliebers will love it. Becca was quiet, and her mind was running all over something. I don't know what it was.
"Justin, how many bodyguards do you have?"
Becca tore through the silence.
"A lot. Why?"
I parked at a McDonald's for lunch.
"Just wondering"
Becca shrugged carelessly.
I repeated the question.
"I was just...ugh, I got this text on my phone"
She rubbed her temples.
"What text?"
I wanted to hear everything she had to say.
"From him"
She overemphasized "him"
"Let me see your phone"
I put my hand out. This bastard needs to stop fucking with her. She gave me her phone, and I looked at her texts.
"This isn't over baby"
I read the text out loud.
"Becca, don't stress over this. I've got so many bodyguards that I don't even know all their names. Would you feel better if I got you a couple?"
I held her hand in mine. She nodded, and I smiled.
"Let's get some lunch"
I opened her door and led her inside.
"What do you want?"
I gently stroked the back of her shirt.
"Fries and a milkshake"
Her smile grew warm. I ordered for her and ordered a Big Mac for myself.
"Becca, it's gonna be ok. Nobody's gonna hurt you. You've gotta trust me"
I sat beside her at a table.
She mumbled. We started eating our food. I took one of her fries and ate it.
Becca stopped me from grabbing another one.
A grin spread across my face.
"You didn't get any fries for yourself?"
She asked amusingly.
I smiled.
"Then go buy some"
She put my hand in my lap.
"I paid for yours though"
I pouted.
Her eyes lit up.
"That's not fair, baby"
I continued to pout.
"Ugh, fine"
She rolled her eyes.
"Thanks, bae"
I kissed her cheek and pulled her close. After we finished eating, I realized that there were paparazzi crowding the door.
I remembered that I hadn't come with bodyguards.
"Justin, how are we gonna get out of here?"
Becca stood close to me.
"I'm gonna have to call someone"
I called Scooter, but he didn't answer.
"Dammit. You want to try and make it to the car?"
I asked Becca.
"I guess"
She seemed nervous.
"Take this and close your eyes"
I gave her my hoodie. She put it on along with the hood. I put my arm around her and pushed through the crowd of screaming people. I felt many hands touching my back and shoulder and messing up my hair. I tolerated it and focused on getting Becca safe. Finally, I got Becca in the car then rushed to get inside. I started the car, trying my best not to hit anyone as I drove out slowly. Once I was able to drive properly, I zoomed as far away as possible to a candy store.
"Are you ok, baby?"
I pushed the good off Becca, revealing her beautiful face.
"I think so"
She started to take off the hoodie.
"No, keep it on. I like it on you"
I stopped her, making her cheeks turn pink.
"Let's make a quick stop before people recognize us"
I opened her door for her and led her into the store. Becca went straight towards the chocolate while I went to the sour patch kids. We were ready to pay in less than 5 minutes. I paid, then we headed back to the car.
"I've got good news"
I smiled as I popped a lemon flavored candy in my mouth.
"What is it?"
She looked at me with interest.
"I finished my album. It's called Believe"
I beamed proudly.
"Oh, can I listen to it? Please, Justin"
She seemed excited.
"Of course, and you can have the very first copy"
I pulled the album out from my bag and handed it to her. She held it like it was a million dollar bill.
"Omigod, thank you so much, Justin"
She grinned cutely and stuck the cd into the player. I heard my own voice ringing out of the speakers, singing All Around The World. It feels weird listening to my own songs. Becca crawled in my lap and kissed my cheek.
"You sound so good"
She smiled and nibbled on a piece of chocolate.
"Thanks, babydoll"
I kissed her cheek back and fed her a green sour patch kid. She giggled slightly. We both finished our candies before Becca rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. The only sound we could hear was Catching Feelings from my new album.
We've been laying here for about an hour and a half. The music stopped playing about 30 minutes ago, but Becca wanted to stay here. Honestly, I have no problem with it. I'm so happy and grateful to have her. She's everything I need, and I would drop everything I have to help her.
Becca pulled away from me to look me in the eye.
I stroked her shoulder.
"I love you"
She spoke honestly.
"I love you too, beautiful"
I kissed her and pulled her closer.
"Can we go home?"
She crawled back in the passenger seat.
I started driving to my house. I'm sure Ryan and Chaz were already there. Becca's phone buzzed, and she answered it.
I heard her say. However, her expression changed to scared. I parked at my house and gave her a concerned look.
"Y-you can't"
She stuttered. I instantly took her phone from her loose grip.
"Listen here, bitch, you better leave her alone before this ends up badly"
I snapped into the phone.
"It already did. You can't do shit about it. I'm not even in the state anymore"
It was Becca's ex, Max.
"We'll see about that"
I spat then hung up.
"Justin, I'm-"
"You're not worried about anything. Everything's gonna be fine. You're safe with me"
I led her out of the car and into my house.
"Hey, guys"
Ryan and Chaz were watching tv and eating popcorn.
Becca took a seat next to them.
"Oh, Justin, your manager called. He said something about Becca"
Ryan stated.
"Ok, thanks. I'll go call him back"
I dialed his number and held it to my ear.
"Hey, Justin"
Scooter answered.
I joked around.
"Sorry, I was too busy PLANNING your TOUR"
He reasoned.
"Really?! When is it?!"
I was alert and listening, dropping the subject of earlier today.
"The soonest I could schedule is the day after tomorrow"
Damn, that's early. Well, my album drops tomorrow, so I'm sure it'll be a big surprise for my Beliebers.
"Cool...but what about-"
"Becca can come, and your other friends can too"
Scooter answered my unfinished question.
"Yes, thank you, Scoot!"
I grinned and felt excitement rush through me.
"No problem. Go break the news to her"
He chuckled.
"I will"
I chuckled back before hanging up.
"What's with the big smile?"
Chaz asked.
"Good news..."
I turned down the tv.
Becca smiled too.
"You guys get to go on tour with me"
I grinned proudly.
"Really? That's so cool. When is it?"
Ryan and Chaz had grins on too.
"The day after tomorrow"
I sat beside Becca.
"I can't wait. I should probably ask my parents though. They'll probably say yes"
Chaz got up. I guess Becca has to ask her parents too. She gave me a look that even said it.

(A/N: I'm getting soooo impatient for the Bieber Roast😫 Next post is on Saturday💜)

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