Chapter 47

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(Becca's pov)
Justin should be back any minutes. I'm sure he's tired and exhausted. He had checked up on me around 8pm, as promised. He gave me more meds then changed his clothes for meet and greets. My body hurts, especially my back. I'm all scraped up and bruised from the accident. Ugh, why am I so stupid-
"I'm ba-ack!"
Justin popped in front of me. He was shirtless.
"You did meet and greets shirtless?"
I wanted to sit up, but my body's too sore.
"You wish."
He flicked his eyebrows at me.
"Your Beliebers would love that."
I smiled.
"...Does that mean you'd love it?"
He gave me a teasing look.
I was secretly lying.
"Aw, you know you do. The feeling of my hot, sticky body. The smell of sweat-"
"Ew, Justin, no."
I hid under the blankets since he moved closer.
"I'm just kidding, babe. I'm gonna take a shower; then it's Bieber time."
He winked then entered the small bathroom. I smiled to myself then tried sitting up on my own. My back hurt the most, stinging and aching tremendously. Well, this is what I get for being stupid. I hissed painfully and sat still to ease the pain. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, because it was getting in the way.
"Now, I feel refreshed."
Justin walked out in a white shirt and black gym shorts. I smiled at his cuteness.
"You ok, princess?"
He studied my position.
"Yea, just a little sore."
I'm always sore. My whole body hurts so badly, and I just wanna rest.
"Aw, let's get out of here."
Justin gently picked me up then carried me out. We entered the bus again.
"I've gotta use the bathroom, Justy."
I said before he set me down.
"Uhm, can you go by yourself?"
Justin was obviously a little awkward.
I was carefully set on the ground. I immediately winced, using the wall for support. My arms hurt as I shut the door. I used the bathroom then washed my cut-up hands.
"You ok?"
Justin asked again when j walked out.
I breathed out; then Justin carried me back to the couch.
"Your hurting a lot, are you?"
Justin stroked my swollen cheek. I nodded and felt the want to cry.
"Shh, we're gonna have a magical night. No tears, ok?"
He gently wiped my eyes. I nodded again then felt the bus stop. I could hear people screaming, meaning that paparazzi and crowds were there.
"Dammit. Hide yourself, babe."
Justin told me, so I hide under the blackness of the blanket. Justin lifted me up, triggering the bruises on my back. I whimpered as he carried me outside. I could hear loud yelling and screaming. I felt like people were too close. Finally, everything grew quieter.
"You ok, love?"
Justin took the blanket off me. We were in the elevator.
"I think so."
I let out a breath.
"Good. Now, let's enjoy this night."
He opened our hotel room then set me on a fluffy chair. I saw a candlelight dinner setup in front of me. I had to smile. The room was dark, and Justin set a glass of water in front of me.
"A bowl of lobster bisque for the princess."
Justin set a bowl of hot soup in front of me. Lobster bisque is my favorite soup. I could only stare at the setup.
"Like it?"
Justin sat in front of me with the same soup.
"Justin, I love it. How did you get all this?"
I ignored my pain and admired everything.
"Let's just say a few friends helped me out."
Justin winked then motioned me to try the soup. I tried it, and it was delicious.
"You're so sweet, Justy."
I smiled at him as I ate the soup.
"I do it for you, babygirl."
He smiled nicely at me. I ate until there wasn't a single drop of soup in my bowl.
"Don't forget desert."
Justin set a bowl of chocolate ice cream.
"Aw, my favorite."
I grinned at his gentlemanliness.
"I'm glad you like it."
He got himself a bowl of cotton candy ice cream.
"You do know it's midnight."
That explains why I'm so tired.
"Who cares."
He ate his ice cream.
"Well, thank you so so much for this, Justy. I should get some sleep, because I'm exhausted."
I don't care if I just ate. I'm tired as hell.
"Me too. Don't move, baby."
Justin stood up and walked to me.
"I'll carry you to the bathroom."
He set me in front of the sink.
I grabbed my toothbrush.
"I'd like to be everything you want. Hey girl, let me talk to you..."
Justin sang Boyfriend as he cleaned up. I giggled and washed up. I took out my ponytail then used the counter to walk myself out. I need a shower so bad, but I don't know how.
I mumbled shyly.
"Yea, bae?"
He stood in front of me.
"I need a shower."
I looked at him in bashfulness.
"Oh, right. I forgot about that. Well, I'll have to help you. Are you ok with that?"
Justin seemed ok with it, so I guess I am too.
"Yea. Only if you take your shirt off."
I'd feel a little less...naked if Justin wasn't fully dressed.
"Sure. Anything you'd like."
He smirked and took off his shirt and pants. Ok, I never said pants, but it's fine with me. Justin helped me take my shirt and pants off. I really don't feel awkward with Justin. I mean, he's seen me since we were younger. I motioned him to take off my bra, and he did. Once my panties were off, I stepped in the tub. The bathtub was filled with warm water.
"Can I say something?"
Justin poured water over my head to wet my hair.
"What is it?"
I asked him.
"I want to fuck you so hard."
Justin's words made me smile. I don't even know why.
"You're gonna have to wait."
I smirked at him.
"I know."
He started massaging my head with shampoo.
"Oh, that feels good, Justy."
I tilted my head back and let him continue.
"You too."
He whispered sexily.
"So my hair feels good?"
I giggled at his comment.
"Yea, your whole body feels good."
He rinsed the shampoo off my hair.
"Stop it, Justy."
I grinned at him.
"It's true."
Justin grabbed a sponge and started rubbing my body with body wash. It didn't hurt much, because he was very gentle with me.
"You're so sweet, Justin."
I whispered with my eyes closed.
"It's all for you, beautiful."
He kissed my wet temple. I blushed at him and let him finished washing me.
"I'll help you out, bae."
Justin grabbed a towel and held out his hand. I took it then used him to step out. He wrapped me in the towel then led me out of the bathroom.
"Sit down, love."
Justin told me, so I sat on the bed.
"Put this on."
He handed me one of my favorite bras and pair of panties.
"How'd you know these were my favorite?"
I snapped on my bra then put on the panties.
"You wear them often."
He shrugged then rubbed cream in his hands.
"Lay back, darlin."
His hands smelled like orange mint. I laid back on my sore back.
"Tell me if I hurt you."
Justin started to rub my arms, stomach, and legs with cream. It didn't hurt much, but some of the bruises on my stomach were triggered.
"Turn over, baby."
Justin refilled his hand with the Orange-scented cream.
"Ok, please let me know if it hurts."
He sounded worried and too careful to me. He started to gently stroke his hands over my back. It hurt a lot, but I tried to tolerate it.
"Ow, Justin, it hurts."
I sat up and winced.
"Sorry, Becca."
Justin held me close.
"It's ok. I should get some sleep."
I felt my eyes getting too heavy.
"Yea, stay there, baby."
He gave me one of his white shirts, and he helped me into it.
I slipped into the sheets and waited for Justin. He turned off the lights then joined me in bed.
"I hope you feel better soon, princess."
Justin whispered in my neck and let me lay on him.
"I love you, Justin."
I mumbled against his skin.
"I love you too, baby."
He planted a kiss on my cheek before we went to sleep.

(A/N: This story will last longer than If I Die btw. And next post is on Saturday.)

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