Chapter 40

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(Justin's pov)
I can't take this. I've been unable to sleep, and I want Becca. I stood up out of bed then walked out of the room. Becca was sleeping peacefully on the couch. I slid beside her and wrapped her close to me. Damn, she's really warm. I felt her forehead for it to feel hot. I think she might be sick.
"Go away, Justin."
Becca unsuccessfully pushed my arms away, because she was half asleep.
"Becca, do you feel ok?"
I hovered over her.
"Go away."
She mumbled tiredly.
"Baby, I'm not going anywhere."
I got up and turned the lights on, squinting from the brightness. Becca moaned and pulled the covers over her.
"Becca, I think you have a fever."
I pulled the covers back.
"I'm fine."
She hugged herself and closed her eyes.
"Becca...I'm sorry. I didn't know I bothered you this much. I'm sorry."
I scooped her up in my arms.
"I guess it's ok."
She mumbled half asleep.
"You're really warm, bae. Do you feel sick?"
I set her on the bed.
"I'm a bit achey, and I feel a little nauseated."
Becca started to wake up more as she talked.
"Do you feel like you have to throw up?"
I asked as I searched through my luggage, where I have a small supply of meds.
"Not really."
She responded.
"Here, take these."
I found a bottle of pepto bismol and Advil. Becca took them then rested on the bed.
"I'm gonna check your temperature too, babe."
I gave her a thermometer, so she could hold it in her mouth. I sat beside her and waited for the beep. Finally, the thermometer went off, and I grabbed it.
"I don't think 102 degrees is good."
I put the thermometer away.
"I just want to sleep, Justin."
Becca mumbled, so I turned off the lights again and joined her. She peeled the sheets off herself, because she was overheated.
"If you feel bad enough, tell me, ok?"
I faced her and kissed her temple.
She nodded and let me hold her.
"You still love me?"
I smiled, because I knew the answer.
"Don't be stupid, Justy."
Becca smiled tiredly before everything went silent again.
The bed dipped down slightly, making me wake up. I turned my head to see Becca rubbing her head. She seemed hurt, so I sat up and moved closer.
"Becca, what's wrong, bae?"
I rubbed her back to feel it not as hot as earlier last night.
"My head hurts. I don't feel good, Justy."
Becca looked exhausted and sick. Her eyes looked sunken and her lips were dry.
"We need to get you to the doctor."
I stated worriedly.
"No, I hate the doctor."
She mumbled, sounding worn out and weak.
"Do you wanna get better?"
I asked her.
"...Fine, but after your photoshoot."
She mumbled, barely audible.
"No, baby, you need a docto-"
"I don't wanna get you in trouble, Justin."
Becca's voice was hoarse and sore.
"Becca, is that what you think? You'll get me in trouble? C'mon, babe, that's nonsense."
I pulled her close.
"I'll be fine. I'll stay in the bus or something."
She sighed miserably then stood up.
"I'll get you some medicine."
I dug in my bag and gathered some pepto bismol, advil, and Tylenol for her. I put on a black shirt with gray sweats as I waited for Becca to come out of the bathroom. When she came out, I grabbed her hand and set the pills in it.
"You sure you wanna go, baby?"
I put my arm around her. I know she doesn't like Chantel, and if she's gonna start a fight with her, then I don't think she should go. She's sick, and I don't think arguing will make her better.
"I'm sure."
She nodded and walked toward the door. I followed her, making sure everything was clear. The bus was waiting for us in the back of the building, so I led her successfully into the bus.
"I'm gonna bring you in with me."
I laid her on the couch.
"I'd rather stay here."
Becca mumbled.
"I want to take care of you, baby. You can stay in my dressing room, so I can check on you."
I reasoned with her.
She sighed then sat up.
"Rest, babygirl. Don't use up your energy."
I laid her back down and kissed her head.
"Is the medicine kicking in?"
I felt the bus park.
"I think so."
She sat up again. I scooped her up and carried her in my arms.
"Justin, I can walk."
Becca whined softly.
"No, you can't."
I smiled at her and carried her inside the building.
"Put me down, please."
She demanded tiredly, so I did.
She leaned close to my chest, so I put my arm around her.
(Becca's pov)
"Justin, hey!"
Chantel walked up to Justin. Ugh, I'm so not in the mood to deal with this bitch.
"Hey, Chantel."
Justin greeted her.
"Is something wrong?"
She asked innocently, glancing at me in disgust. Of course, Justin doesn't realize shit. He's too busy treating her like royalty.
"Becca's not feeling well."
Did Justin have to say that?
"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. Maybe it was something you ate...or drank."
That's when it hit me. Chantel put something in my water. That fucking bitch! I was about to lunge at her, but Justin tightened his grip on my waist. Chantel had an annoying, victorious smirk on her face.
"I can't talk right now, but I'll see you in a sec."
Justin pulled me into his dressing room.
"Justin, it was her."
I spoke before he could say anything.
"What do you mean?"
Justin seemed confused.
"She got me sick. She put something in my water!"
I exclaimed, simultaneously frustrated and angry.
"Becca, you need rest, babe."
Justin took my hand, but I pulled it away.
"She's got me sick, Justin!"
I wanted to hit something. I'm tired of her bullshit. I know he didn't believe me.
"Ok-Ok, maybe it was her, maybe it wasn't. Becca, we'll discuss later. I'll be back soon."
Justin took his shirt off and put on a gray dress shirt with black slacks. I turned away and buried myself on the couch.
"Becca, I love you."
Justin sounded sad. I didn't respond. I heard the door shut; then I sighed. I feel like shit, inside out. My body aches, and I feel ignored. I feel like a fucking second choice. I wanna cry, but I wanna scream. Why doesn't Justin believe me? He keeps telling to "get over it", but he doesn't even know what it feels like. I just want him away from Chantel, because I don't want him to fall in love with her. She's pretty and all, and that could make Justin not like me anymore. At least this is the last day for the photo shoot. I can have Justin to myself again.

(A/N: I'm so excited for Justin's performance this week! Next post is on Thursday)

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