Chapter 14

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Chapter song: Shouldn't Come Back by Demi Lovato
(Justin's pov)
Ryan and Chaz came back from spending the night at Becca's. I was so desperate to hear what they had to say about her.
"She's pissed about everything...especially by the message that your girlfriend sent to her through your phone"
Ryan spoke disappointedly.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Check you-"
I heard a scream from outside, and we all rushed outside to see Selena and Becca on the sidewalk. Selena was on the ground, holding her nose, and Becca was standing with her hand on her cheek.
"What happened?"
Ryan and Chaz ran up to Becca, and I went to Selena.
"Justin, she hit me again. Is it bad?"
Selena was crying and showed me her nose, which was bleeding.
"It's ok, baby"
I glared at Becca and let Selena go inside.
"I never hit her! She's the one wh-"
"Are you sure about that, Becca?"
I glared and walked up to her. She seemed fearful and put her guard up. I also noticed that she was covering her face.
"Dude, calm dow-"
"Don't get in this, Ryan!"
I snapped bitterly.
"I'm tired of this! If you love her then go! You can't fucking make up your mind! That's not my fault! You're too fucking blind to see what she's doing!"
Becca spat, not looking at me nor showing her face.
"Cut it out, Becca. You know that's not true!"
I spat back, making her flinch.
"You don't know shit, do you?! And this, whatever the hell we are, is over! It's fucking worthless with you!"
Her voice cracked.
"And why the fuck should I believe you?!"
I yelled harshly. She put her hands up and flinched, as if I was gonna hit her.
"...Cos I'm your best friend...or at least I was. I'm not anymore. And if you were actually wanting me back, then you would trust me. That's what best friends do. They never doubt each there's no "see you later" or "see you soon". There's only goodbyes....goodbye, Justin"
Becca was crying and pushed past me. I finally caught a glance at her face, and I could've sworn I saw a bruise. I stood speechless, staring at the empty space where Becca was once standing.
Ryan and Chaz gave me a blaming look and went inside.
"Justin, is she gone?"
Selena held me right. I looked at her. She's certainly feeling better now.
"...Is it true?"
I muttered out.
"Is what true?"
Her eyes were innocent.
"Are you using me? Cheating? Lying?"
My glare turned to her.
"Justin, why would you think that?"
She started crying. I felt bad again.
"I can't believe you'd actually think that. I thought you loved me"
She cried.
"...I'm sorry, baby. I don't believe that"
I held her close and led her inside.
"You're fucking kidding me, right?"
Ryan was pissed and so was Chaz.
"What now?"
I glared, feeling irritated.
"I can't believe you said that to Becca. She didn't do anything. Selena did"
Ryan spat. Selena looked hurt.
"Listen, I won't believe a fucking wor-"
"Check your phone"
He motioned to my phone on the table and walked away with Chaz. I grabbed it and scrolled through my recent messages.
"Justin, let's go"
Selena pulled me, but I didn't budge. I found one that I apparently sent to Becca last night and clicked on it. I heard Selena and me having sex last night.
I slammed my phone on the table. I'm pretty sure I cracked it, but I'm too mad to give a fuck.
"You sent that to Becca?"
I looked at Selena, scanning her expression.
"No, Justin. I would nev-"
"Shut it, Selena. Why would you do that?!"
I clenched my jaw.
"I'm not your baby. Selena, why would you send that to Becca?! Answer me!"
I raised my voice.
"She was gonna take you from me! Justin, she has her own boyfriend!"
Selena started to cry and shout.
"Take me? Becca never wanted me since I got back. I wanted her. Maybe I'm a bad boyfriend, but at least I don't try to make her boyfriend jealous"
I stormed out the door.
"Justin, where are you going?"
Selena followed me.
"That's none of your business"
I hissed and made my way to Becca's.
(Becca's pov)
I slammed my door shut and screamed. I hate Justin! What the fuck is going on with me?! Why do I keep letting him in?! He's so hurtful and careless! I would kill him if I could. I would literally stab him in the throat until he suffocates on every lie he tells. I heard a knock on the door but didn't bother to open it. I just cried my hardest, feeling my head start to pound. The door opened, and Justin let himself in. Anger rose to the top of me.
"Don't you dare say anything! Get out!"
I shouted hatefully.
"No, Becca, I-"
"Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops!"
I threatened.
"Out, Jus-"
"Ok ok! Becca, what happened to you?"
His voice and eyes were full of concern.
I spat furiously.
"What happened? Who did this to you?"
He touched my face. Shit, I forgot to about makeup, but I don't even care anymore.
"You wouldn't care!"
I slapped his hand away.
"Becca, no-"
"Get out of my life! Just go!"
I pushed him forcefully.
"No! I'm tired of your bullshit! Get the fuck out of my life!"
I pushed him outside and slammed the door, locking it tight. That's the end of it. I'm done with that bastard!

(A/N: Valentines gift for u guys😘)

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