Chapter 2

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Chapter song: You're Not Sorry by Taylor Swift
(Justin's pov)
I snuck up to Becca's balcony, like I used to do. I hesitated, but I knocked on her window. Nothing. I saw Becca crying on her bed. I gotta admit, it kinda hurt. I tapped again, but she continued crying. I sighed and went in her room without permission. The sound of her crying made me tense up.
I sat beside her. Her hair was different. She grew it longer and dyed it a darker shade. I gotta say, it looked good.
"Go away"
She sobbed in her pillow.
"...Becca, are you ok?"
I placed my hand on her back.
She tensed up.
"Can I see that beautiful face of yours?"
I kept my hand on her back.
"Leave me alone"
Finally, she sat up to swat my hand away. She looked different from the last time I saw her. By different, I mean...beautiful. Even though she was crying, she looked perfect. I took the chance and hugged her tight. The guilt got the best of me.
"Stop, let go of me"
Becca sobbed and tried to get free, but ended up surrendering and crying in my arms.
"Becca, I'm so sorry"
I confessed with shame.
"No-no you're not"
She got free from my arms.
"I don't expect you to forgive me"
I sighed and moved her damp hair away from her eyes.
"I hate you"
She pushed my hand away.
"Becca, don't say that"
Now, I know how bad I hurt her. Damn, if I would've known, I would've at least warned her. We may not be in a relationship anymore, but she's still my best friend...I think.
"...Why did you do it?"
She sobbed quietly.
"...I-I...Becca, to be honest...I fell in love. I needed love in my life"
I confessed guiltily.
"You had me, Justin. What's wrong with me? Wasn't I good enough?"
Becca started to cry harder.
"Becca, you were, and you still are...but I moved on. So did you. Don't you have someone too?"
I was dying to hold her, especially with the way she was crying.
"Yea...but you still could've told me. Instead, you just forgot me"
She sobbed.
"Becca, I didn't forget you. I just-"
"Moved on. Why don't you move on from this and get away from me"
She glared through her broken, teary eyes.
"'re still my best friend. I won't leave you"
I hugged her again.
"...You already did"
My heart hurt when she said that.
"...I'm sorry"
I held her tighter.
"Just go. I will never forgive you...ever. You'll be lucky if I even want to be friends with you"
She sniffled and pulled away.
There's no need to beg. She doesn't want me anymore.
She cried. I stood up and walked out. Damn, what did I do? Becca's gotten so beautiful in the past 2 years. She's gotten smaller and...cuter. She looks really good. However, I still have Selena. She's better.
"Did you talk to her?"
Ryan asked when I got back.
I walked past him.
"I take that it didn't go well"
Chaz muttered.
"It didn't. I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys"
I got in the car, and the driver drove me back to the hotel. All I felt was guilt. You know what? Forget this. I have a reason why I love Selena.
"Hey baby"
I walked in the room to see Selena in her underwear. Damn.
"Oh, hey Justin"
She gave me a smirk. I grabbed my crotch and bit my lip.
"Fuck me, Justin"
She begged and laid on the bed. I stripped to my boxers and rushed to kiss her. I felt her body all over while she gave me a handjob.
"Shit, baby"
I groaned and started to rub her pussy. We pleasured each other until we couldn't take it. I put on a condom and shoved myself inside her. She smiled and moaned. I pounded on her as she moaned and squealed and released herself. I finally got close enough to release, then I collapsed next to her.
"You're so beautiful, babe"
I wrapped her up in my arms.
"You're so sexy, baby"
She kissed me. I kissed back and we fell asleep.
(Becca's pov)
So much for a good night sleep. I didn't get any but 2 lousy hours. I walked back to Max's apartment.
"Hey baby"
Max let me in.
I grabbed my jacket and sat on his couch.
"You ok?"
He lit a cigarette. I forgot to mention he's a smoker and alcoholic.
"I guess"
I shrugged.
"You're either ok or not ok"
He sounded annoyed.
"...I'm not ok"
I knew that if I said I was ok, he would think I'm lying. I'm not lying anyways.
He blew a cloud of smoke in my face.
"...My ex visited me last night"
I coughed and swatted at the smoke.
"Tell me"
His jaw clenched. That's not a good thing. He's getting upset.
"Uhm....well, he said that he was sorry, and it ended up with me making him leave. That's all-I swear"
I didn't go into details like how I felt or how bad it hurt.
"...That's all?"
He glared in my eyes.
"That's all"
I told him honestly.
"You better not be lying"
He gripped my arm tight and painfully.
"I'm not"
I whimpered. He was about to hit me, but thankfully his phone rang.
He kept a strong grip on my arm.
"Hey, what you need, babe?"
Babe? Is he cheating on me? No.
"Yea, tonight sounds great...bye"
He hung up.
"You're cheating on me"
I grew angry.
"Isn't it obvious?"
He pulled me in.
"Stop, I'm done with you"
I pulled away from his grasp.
"No you're not"
His gripped me again but tighter.
"Let go of me...asshole"
I slapped him with my free hand.
"Bitch what'd you say?!"
He let go of me and hit me in the stomach. I fell on the floor and whimpered.
"Say it again. Hit me again. Bitch see what you get!"
He grabbed me by my neck and raised me up. I struggled to get out of his hold.
"Now if you leave me, I'll make sure to hunt you down. I will cause you and your family pain if you leave. Understand?"
He hissed and threatened. I nodded, and he let go, making me fall on the floor. I coughed and gasped to catch my breath.
He kicked my stomach.
I yelped and cried.
"Quit your crying, bitch, or I'll give you something to cry about!"
He pulled me up by my hair and slapped me. I tried to quiet down, but I hurt so bad.
"And if you tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you regret it. 3 years in jail ain't nothing to me. I'll find you and fucking kill you and everyone you love"
He grabbed my ankles and pulled me back to him. He grabbed my face and got close enough for me to smell the smoke on him.
"Go back and keep that mouth of yours shut. Come back tomorrow or I'll assume that you told someone"
He kicked me on the floor, and I crawled out. Once I got outside, I couldn't stop crying. My throat hurt from both Max and crying. I held my face and felt the warm yet stinging pain from being slapped. I held my stomach and coughed. I was crying so hard that I was hiccuping. I'm sure Max left some pretty bad marks on me, so I walked my way to CVS. By now, I was just whimpering and shivering. My eyes were still teary and my body still ached. I bought some makeup and went to the bathroom. There was a red hand mark on my left cheek and neck. I applied makeup on both areas to cover up the marks. I brushed my hair down and put on a fake smile. There. Good as new. My stomach was bruised, but nobody's gonna notice that. I made my way back home to see Ryan, Chaz, and....Justin and Selena. Just great. I shivered then walked to my room.
"Becca, where were you?"
Chaz was the first to walk up to me.
"I was with Max"
I mumbled.
"Are you ok?"
He studied me.
"I'm fine. Just cold"
I muttered and went to my room.
"Becca, wait"
Ryan entered my room.
I muttered.
"Come and help me make brownies in the kitchen. It'll cheer you up"
He put his arm around me.
I let him lead me to the kitchen. I didn't want to look at Justin again.
"How've you been?"
Ryan and I set up the ingredients.
I lied and opened the medicine cabinet.
"That's good to hear. Your boyfriend seems like a nice guy when we met him"
He watched my actions.
"He is. He's very...sweet
I grabbed a bottle of pain relief pills.
"Yea. What's wrong?"
He motioned to the bottle I was holding.
I lied and took 2 pills.
"I heard Justin spoke to you last night"
He started mixing the batter.
"Yea. He's a jerk"
I commented on last night.
"I agree, but you should at least try to treat him better. I mean, he's gonna be here for a while"
Ryan warned.
"He doesn't deserve it. Neither does his bit-girlfriend"
I stopped myself from getting upset.
"She is a bitch"
He chuckled.
"I don't wanna talk about this anymore"
I put the brownies in the oven.
"You wanna watch Netflix with us? I saved you a spot"
He offered.
"Nah, I'm good. I'll stay here"
I declined his offer and sat at the table. My parents weren't home. They're usually gone during the day. I put my head down and sighed. How did my life get so fucked up?

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