Chapter 64

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(Becca's pov)
Justin and I were on a plane to Toronto. Ryan and Chaz took another plane to San Fransisco to visit their girlfriends.
Justin gave me a couple pain pills to stop the pain in my broken wrist and aching stomach.
"You're so beautiful, babygirl."
Justin wrapped his warm arms around my waist.
"Aww, Justin."
I kinda whined and giggled in his neck.
"We're going to dinner at 8pm."
He spoke as he kissed my head.
"Ooh, fancy?"
I smiled against his skin.
"Very fancy."
He murmured and kissed my neck.
"Mm, Justin."
I giggled and put my arms around him.
"Why are you so perfect?"
He slid my legs on his lap and held me close.
"I don't know."
I blushed and smiled shyly.
"Your birthday's coming up, baby. You know I'm gonna spoil the shit out of you."
Justin's eyes were filled with amusement. My birthday is in 2 days, November 6th.
"No, Justiiiin."
I whined and begged him not to spoil me.
"No use begging. I've got it all planned out."
His voice sounded teasing and suspicious.
"You're so mean."
I joked playfully in a whine.
"What? Baby, c'mon."
He grinned and rubbed his nose against mine.
"Just kidding."
I went ahead and kissed his soft lips.
We arrived at the Intercontinental hotel in Toronto. This city is so breathtaking, even though I've never been here before.
"It's my day off. Let's do something, babe."
Justin took my hand and hopped in his car.
He drove as I admired the city streets.
"Well, I don't know what to do."
I smiled and glanced at him.
"I know."
He glanced at my feet then drove a little faster.
I gave him a quizzical smile. Before he could answer my question, we arrived at a nail salon.
"Shh, don't say anything, princess."
He put his finger to his lips and got out of the car. I just smiled and followed him in.
"Pick a color, babe."
He said once he paid for a pedicure.
I looked through all the different colors. I like pink, but I don't know with shade.
"How bout this one, baby?"
Justin gave me a dark purple.
I took it and smiled at Justin. He was smiling too, and I had the urge to just squeeze him.
"Aw, baby, I love you."
He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek, his fluffy hair tickling my nose.
"I love you too."
I giggled then sat in the chair. Justin took a seat beside me on a rolling chair.
"How's your wrist?"
He asked and glanced at my cast.
"It still bugs me, but it's ok."
I told him as my feet were getting done.
"You're beautiful."
He changed the subject.
I blushed because there were other people around.
"And I reeaallyy loooove you."
He nuzzled his head against my neck.
"You're so cute."
I ran my fingers through his hair. It felt so soft and silky through my fingers. He needs a hair cut.
"That feels good."
He murmured with that little smirk he makes.
I smiled and kept running my hands through his long hair.
"I don't know. It turns me on."
He lowered his voice on every word.
"Justin, not here."
I stopped running my hands through his hair.
"Nooo, babyy."
He whined adorably.
"Sorry, maybe when I feel better."
I patted his head then saw a few girls in the corner. They were freaking out about Justin, snapping pictures and squealing.
"Go say hi, baby."
I told Justin, because I knew he saw them too.
He got up and went over to them. I watched him from my chair. He made them laugh and gave them hugs and kisses. I smiled at how nice he is. How could anyone compare to him?
My nails were finished, and Justin helped me out so they wouldn't get ruined.
"Let's go get ice cream."
Justin started the car.
"Desert first, huh?"
I smiled playfully at him.
"Unless you want seconds."
Justin winked at me.
"Justiiin. Stop doing that."
I whined, mostly because I don't feel well enough to have sex with him.
He chuckled as we arrived at an ice cream shop.
"Let's make this quick."
He helped me inside and made sure my nails didn't get ruined.
"Chocolate for my princess. Cotton candy for me."
Justin gave me a smirk as he ordered. I blushed pretty hard when he called me his princess.
He handed me my ice cream; then we hurried back in his car before people could crowd us.
Justin asked as we ate. I nodded and looked at the giant buildings around me.
"It's 5pm. I think we should go around 6:30. Are you excited?"
He asked.
"I can't wait. You're always up to something."
I giggled at him as I licked my ice cream.
"This is part one of your birthday present."
He admitted proudly.
"You always overdo it, babe."
I shook my head.
"Hey, I haven't celebrated your birthday in years. I'm gonna make it special."
He finished his ice cream and started the car.
"How many parts are there?"
I'm gonna have to accept that he's gonna spoil me to death.
He smiled at he drove.
"You're killing me, Justy."
I joked and finished my ice cream.
"You look pretty alive to me, bae."
He pulled into our hotel. We made our way to our room and I laid on the bed.
"Ugh, I'm tired."
I sighed and rested my body. I haven't done shit today, but I'm still sore.
"Aww, you want some medicine, baby?"
Justin held a bottle of Advil.
I nodded and smiled.
"Here, I'll go get you some water."
He handed me two pills then came back with a glass of water. I took the pills then stood up.
"I'm gonna take a shower."
I told him as I walked in the bathroom.
"Can I join?"
Justin had a puppy face on, which I can't resist.
I giggled at his cuteness.
He pulled me in the bathroom and shut the door. He started the water while I undressed. I had to put plastic wrap over my cast, so it doesn't get irritated or itchy.
Justin pulled me in the shower and let the water soak our skin.
"I like this."
His hands grabbed my bare waist as my breath hit his soaking chest.
"As long as we don't take it too far."
I'm not ready for sex yet. Maybe in a couple more days, but not now.
Justin smirked and kissed me; then he started to wash my hair with milk and honey scented-shampoo. He turned me around and did one of my favorite things, massage my head. I moaned a little while he did.
"That's not helping, you know."
He whispered in my ear.
"Hey, you did it earlier."
I objected as he rinsed my hair out.
"Yea, but when you're turned on, it doesn't show."
Justin whispered again, and it made me blush. He had a boner.
I playfully hit his wet arm.
He chuckled as he washed his long hair.
"I guess it's ok. You can't help it."
I smirked and washed my body.
"Neither can you."
He washed his body too.
"Why is that?"
I stood as the warm water rinsed me clean.
"You can't help being naturally beautiful."
He pecked my lips before turning off the shower. I smiled and it stayed there for a while. We got out and wrapped ourselves with towels.
"Let's get ready for dinner, babe."
Justin spoke as we searched our luggage. I pulled on a black top and a pink skirt; then I put on the necklace that Justin bought me years ago. I put my hair in a bun then added some makeup and perfume.
When I finished I realized that Justin was watching me the whole time. He was wearing grey sweater with blue jeans and white shoes.
"Are you ready?"
I broke his gaze.
"Oh, yea. Are you?"
He licked his pink lips then asked me.
"I've been ready."
I smirked and placed my hand in his.
He kissed my cheek before opening the car door for me.
He started driving, and I smiled at how pretty the city lights were.
"You're gonna love this."
Justin parked at a restaurant called Terrelli's. It feels nice to spend time with Justin. I wish we did this more often.
(A/N: Justin's performing at the VMAs!!! Holy shit! Next post on Thursday)

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