Chapter 38

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(Justin's pov)
My show finished later than expected. Plus, I had to do M&Gs with fans and Beliebers. The pizza just arrived, so we're eating dinner late.
"This is our second night eating pizza."
Becca nudged me.
"Well, I guess I'm too lazy to eat anything else."
I threw my trash away and chugged down a water.
"When are Ryan and Chaz gonna be back?"
Becca finished up then plopped on the couch.
"I don't know. You waiting on them or something?"
I joked with her.
"No, I'm just wondering. Hey, can we go back to the hotel. I'm starting to get tired."
She stretched out on the couch, looking completely adorable.
"Aw, my baby's tired."
I smiled and kneeled beside her. She giggled behind her hair.
"Let's get you in bed, bae."
I heard paparazzi outside.
I muttered, and Becca sat up. I went and got my bodyguards; then I grabbed Becca and held her close.
"You ready?"
I asked Becca.
She sounded nervous. I know she hates this, but I can't do anything.
"Ok, let's go."
We all walked right in the middle of the crowd. My bodyguards were keeping everyone back, but I felt some hands touch my back and arms. Becca looked like she was about to cry, so I pulled her in front of me. We finally made it inside and into the elevator.
"You ok, baby?"
I tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Yea, it's just scary."
Her voice was shaken.
"I know, babygirl."
I put my arm around her and led her into the room.
"I still need to take a shower."
I usually take one after my concerts, but I couldn't today.
"I'm gonna go to bed."
Becca changed into one of my shirts and took off her shorts.
"I'll be done in a moment, babe."
I took off my shirt. I turned on the shower and stepped in. I washed my hair and all the sweat off my body. I shaved real quick then stepped out. I put on some sunflower scented lotion then put on my black boxers. When I walked out, Becca was sleeping. I joined her in bed and pulled her close to my body.
"Goodnight, Justin."
Becca whispered. I guess she wasn't sleeping.
"Goodnight, Becca."
I kissed her head before shutting my eyes.
My alarm went off, making me click any button on my phone just to shut it up.
"Morning already?"
Becca groaned and pulled away from me.
"Wanna go with me to the shoot?"
I ran a hand through my messy hair and sat up.
She sat up, her hair covering her face. I liked that.
"Damn, it's cold in here."
I put on some sweatpants and a shirt. Becca walked in the bathroom while I ran another hand through my hair. I heard Becca singing As Long As You Love Me in the bathroom. I chuckled a little bit at how cute she is. I put on some black tennis shoes then heard the door open.
"As long as you la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la love me..."
I sung back at her.
"You're voice is better than mine."
Becca giggled shyly.
"Yours isn't bad, baby."
I pulled her in and kissed her cheek.
"I'm hungry."
She pulled me out the door.
"Starbucks sound good?"
I made sure my bodyguards were ready.
She smiled as I led her out the back door and into the bus.
"Now, don't overthink anything, bae. You know I love you."
I pulled her close as the bus parked.
"I know."
She smiled and followed me into the building. Jon greeted me and explained the photo shoot then handed me a pair of black swim trunks.
"This is all?"
I questioned as nice as possible.
"Yep, your fans would love it."
He winked then continued with whatever he was doing. Damn, Becca's gonna hate me.
"C'mere, babe."
I pulled her in the dressing room with me.
"Is this gonna be a regular thing?"
She smiled playfully, talking about how I bring her in while I'm changing.
"If you want."
I smirked and took off my shirt.
"Wait, you're doing this shirtless?"
Becca didn't seem happy about that. I knew she wouldn't be.
"Don't get worked up, baby. It's not my decision."
I tied my swim trunks on and held her hand. We walked out, and my stylists fixed up my hair.
"Hey, Justin, how are you?"
Chantel walked up to us. She was wearing a robe.
"I'm good. How bout you?"
I admired myself in the mirror before turning to her.
"Good so far."
She glanced at Becca then back at me.
"That's good to hear. I'm almost ready. I'll meet you in a sec."
I smiled at her. I hope Becca doesn't overreact. Chantel then left and me and Becca were alone again.
"Ok, babe, I'm gonna do this; then we can go. I love you."
I kissed her deeply before walking towards the set. I was told to hold Chantel's waist. She was wearing a white bikini. I'd be lying if I said her ass wasn't huge and her breasts were big, but that doesn't mean I have a crush on her.
"You look good, Justin."
She complimented me while placing her hands on my abs.
"Thanks. You look good too."
I didn't mean it in a flirty way. I meant it as a friend.
"Are you busy after this?"
Chantel moved her hands on my shoulders and moved her body closer to mine.
I was told to pull her closer and press my forehead with hers, so I did.
"Oh, I was thinking we could go for lunch. Becca can come too."
She offered and smiled at me.
"Sure, that'll work."
I smiled back then moved away from her. I'll convince Becca somehow.
She placed her hand on my cheek.
"3 more!"
Jon called out, and there were 3 more bright flashes before Jon cut it all. I walked up to Becca, who looked mad and upset.
"You ok, baby?"
I grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"I'm perfect."
She spoke with sarcasm.
"Becca, I know it was a bit too much, but there's nothing going on."
I held her hands and looked in her beautiful blue eyes.
"Let's go."
Becca sighed, but I held her from walking away.
"Becca, you're gonna hate me, but I told Chantel that we'd join her for lunch."
I felt guilt yet hopefulness at the same time.
"You're kidding me."
Becca spoke sassily.
"No, baby, I'm not. You don't have to go if you don't want to, but I'd much rather you go, so nothing weird happens."
I pulled her close again.
"Ugh...I'll go."
She gave in then hugged me.
"Thanks, bae."
I hugged her back. We walked outside to see Chantel waiting for us.
She smiled and hugged me.
"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting."
I had no choice but to hug back. I mean, she's just a friend, so why not?
"Don't worry about it. Hi, Becca."
She greeted Becca with a hug.
"Hi Chantel."
Becca looked annoyed and disgusted. Damn, she's so jealous. It's kinda cute though.
"I was thinking Chick-Fil-A."
Chantel suggested.
"That's fine. You wanna ride inside my tour bus? We can drop you off after."
I offered her.
"Oh, that'd be wonderful."
She grinned at us.
"Alright, let's go."
I held Becca's hand as we headed to the bus.
Becca didn't sound happy at all.
"Lighten up, babe. It's no big deal."
I whispered in her ear.
"This is so cool."
Chantel admired the bus. I told the driver to go to Chick-Fil-A then sat on the couch. Becca sat on my right side; then Chantel sat on my left. Oh, geez.

(A/N: I'm soo tired of school. I just wanna get out.😖 Next post is on Wednesday☺️)

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