Chapter 32

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(Justin's pov)
"I'm not hungry anymore"
She seemed really anxious and paranoid.
"Hey, don't get worked up over this, ba-"
"Justin, stop saying that! I'm scared as fuck, and I can't fucking focus on anything without "watching my back!"
Becca snapped, and her chest started heaving deeply.
"Calm down, Becca. Breathe, breathe, it's ok. Don't worry, baby. Just breathe for me."
I calmed her down before she had a panic attack on me.
Becca nodded and lowered her eyes to the floor.
"Don't stress, love. I'm right here."
I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek.
"Don't you have an interview?"
Becca changed the subject.
"Yea, but we have time. Hop on the bed for me, beautiful."
I stood up and grabbed the lavender scented cream.
"Take your shirt off, bae. It'll help."
I pulled her to the bed; then she slid her shirt off, revealing her white lace bra.
"Take this off too"
I tugged on her bra straps, making her slap my hands away.
"I can take it off myself."
She gave me a scold before plopping on her stomach in bed and taking off her bra. I smirked before hovering over her body. I started rubbing the cream into her back and felt how stressed she was.
"Damn, babygirl. You're worrying me."
I spoke with concern.
She mumbled and moaned from my hands.
"Don't worry bout it."
I continued to rub the stress from her.
We were on our way to my interview. I wasn't ready for the questions. They were probably gonna be on the incident that happened with Becca. Dammit. Well, Becca isn't speaking or doing much. I know she's scared about the messages sent to her. Honestly, I'm even a little worried about this. I mean, what if her ex does get a hold of her? If something bad were to happen to her, I'd go crazy. I've known Becca my whole life, and if she gets taken away from me...what am I? Who am I doing this for? That's why I need Becca.
"We're here."
Ryan stood up, and I noticed there were crowds of fans and paparazzi. I smiled, because my beliebers are trying to push the paparazzi out.
"You ready?"
I took Becca and pulled her close. She nodded, then we made a run for it. My bodyguards were backing me up as we rushed in the building.
"I'll meet you in the back, guys."
I took a moment to talk with my fans. It's like we have our secret code.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
Ryan smiled at me.
"No, I just want to meet some fans."
I took Becca's hand.
"Or do you want your clothes ripped off? Including your underwear."
Chaz smirked; then both Ryan and Becca chuckled.
"They wouldn't do that"
I grinned, even though I knew it made sense.
"You never know."
Ryan shrugged then pressed the elevator button.
"How much time do we have?"
I asked, searching for a clock.
"20 minutes"
Chaz answered.
"I have time."
I motioned them to follow while I made my way to the back door.
"Stay with her."
I told them and motioned my bodyguards to follow me out the door. Just as I pictured, a big group of fans were waiting for me.
"Hey, guys, how you doing?"
I smiled at them before they started screaming.
"I don't have much time, so let's take a group picture. I'll make sure to post it."
I took my phone out.
"Ready. 1...2...3"
I took a few pictures then turned off my phone.
"I love you, guys."
I smiled at them, making some cry.
"Aw, don't cry, loves. Be happy. I want to thank you for always being there for me. I really appreciate it."
I thanked them as I backed away.
"I love you, Justin!"
They screamed, and I smiled.
"Stay safe. I love you too, babes."
I waved goodbye to them before going back inside.
"You're so nice, Justy."
Becca put her hand in mine. Finally, she said something.
"I know."
I kissed her cheek before we entered the elevator. I fixed my hair and outfit before reviewing the questions asked. Just as I thought, there was a question about my outburst with the cameraman. I sighed then felt someone hug me. Becca.
"Good luck"
She mumbled against my shirt.
"Thanks, baby."
I hugged her back and kissed her head.
"Stay close to Ryan and Chaz for me. Get a few bodyguards to stay by you. I shouldn't be more than 10 minutes."
I told her.
Becca nodded and broke the hug. I walked out to the set of chairs for me and sat down. There were Beliebers and other people in the crowd.
"How are you, Justin?"
The interviewer asked. I'm not sure I recognized him, but I went with it.
"I'm good, thank you."
I prepared for the questions.
"It's so good to see you. You're looking good by the way."
He complimented me.
"Thank you."
I said politely.
"Ok, so I heard about the incident that happened earlier this week...Can you explain that?"
He questioned.
"Well, my, uhm, girlfriend. She didn't feel well, and there was this guy...It's totally messed up, but he was just...He didn't make anything better."
I had trouble explaining the whole situation.
"So you punched him."
The interviewer stated.
I nodded, uneasy about my position.
"And your girlfriend. Her names Becca, right?"
The sound of Becca's name made my heart skip a beat.
I wasn't comfortable with this topic either.
"She seems nice. What do you think about her?"
He asked me really stupid questions. What do I think about my girlfriend? Well, I obviously love her.
"She's sweet, you know. She's amazing."
I kept my answer simple.
"And Selena...What about her?"
Damn, who comes up with these questions?
"I don't know...I've moved on."
I shrugged, because Selena means nothing to me.
"Ok, I think that's all we have time for today."
Finally, it ended. I shook the interviewer's hand then went backstage. Ryan and Chaz were by the bathroom door, looking concerned.
"What's up?"
I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to open the door. It was locked.
"Becca hasn't come out for 10 minutes."
Ryan told me.
I knocked on the door to get no reply.
"She hasn't said anything either."
Chaz cut in.
"Is she even in there?"
My heart fell, and I grew worried. Ryan and Chaz were silent.
I muttered then pushed on the door.
"I need a key."
I looked around for something to use.
"How bout a credit card?"
Chaz held up his credit card, and I took it. I slid it along the crack of the door until it popped open. I entered the bathroom to see nothing, but Becca's phone and the bathroom window open.
I looked out the window to see nothing. I clicked on her phone and saw a text that said "You're mine".
"I don't think she snuck out."
My voice was shaken and worried.
"Should we call the cops?"
Ryan suggested. As much as I hated to get the law into this, I knew I had to. I nodded then started to feel it all collapse on me.

(A/N: I have bad news. I won't be position on Saturday, bc I have to visit family at the hospital. I'll probably post on Sunday or Monday idk yet. Is that ok?)

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