Chapter 15

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Chapter song: All You Never Say by Birdy
(Justin's pov)
Fuck! No, I can't leave Becca like this. How did she get all those bruises on her? She looked so sad. Was it her boyfriend? That's the only person that came to my mind. Think about it, he kept eying her at the restaurant. He acts careless and very suspicious around me. Why would Becca not tell anyone? Fuck. I stood at her door and eventually sat down and waited for her. I'm not leaving until I see her again.
I guess I fell asleep here, because I could see the sky was lighter. The door opened, and I jumped up. Becca saw me and quickly shut the door. I stopped her before she could lock it.
"Becca, wait"
I studied her, realizing that she had makeup on.
"What? What do you want?"
Her voice was sore and hoarse. Her expression was tired and worn out. I knew she'd been crying all night.
"Becca, I-I'm really-"
"Sorry. yea, I know. You always say that"
She mumbled and walked past me.
"You were right about Selena, ok? I should've believed you"
I admitted and followed her.
"It's a little too late for that"
She walked with her arms around herself.
"Becca, where are you going?"
I continued follow her.
She muttered. I know it was a lie. She's going to her boyfriend's.
"Don't go back there"
I stopped her.
"Why not?"
She glared.
"It's pretty obvious he hurts you"
I wiped some of her makeup off to reveal one of her bruises.
"Why would you care?"
She continued walking, pushing my hand away.
"Why should I not care? You're everything to me, Becca"
I blocked her way by standing in front of her.
"I don't care. I can make my own choices, and I choose to be with my boyfriend, wether you like it or not"
Becca walked to an apartment building. I'm assuming it was her boyfriend's.
"I can't let you"
I pulled her back. She flinched, and her eyes were shocked.
"Listen, I don't give a fuck about you. I wish you never came into my life. Unless you wanna make it worse, I suggest you keep your mouth shut about my boyfriend"
She hissed before walking into the building. I stood frozen as I watched her go into her boyfriend's apartment. I sighed and tugged my hair in frustration. Why did she go in there? I'm gonna need to have a word with her boyfriend, that bastard. So what do I do? Just walk away while Becca gets mistreated by her boyfriend? No. And I can't just barge in there and start a fight with her boyfriend. Now I know why she acts like I'm gonna hit her or something. That's why she flinches a lot when I touch her. I sighed again and waited impatiently for her.
. . .
It's been an hour, and Becca still hasn't come out. Finally, the door opened, and I saw Becca get pushed on the ground as the door slammed. She was whimpering and crying. She was bleeding. My heart dropped, and I rushed to her.
"Becca, are you ok?"
I helped her sit up.
"Justin...Get away"
She whimpered and tried to push me, but she winced.
"Leave me alone, Justin. Whatever you're trying to do is not working"
She wiped her teary face. I saw how bruised she was, wether she got them before or after today. I saw that her bottom lip was bleeding and she had a black eye. Anger grew inside me, and I pounded on the door.
"Justin, no"
Becca whimpered. The door opened, revealing Max.
"This is for hurting Becca!"
I started hitting him and tackled him to the ground. He struggled as I threw many punches at him.
"Justin, stop"
Becca was crying.
"Don't lay another hand on her again!"
I growled then gave him one last punch in the face. He was curling up on the floor. I walked out and lifted Becca in my arms.
"Stop, let me go"
She squirmed just to wince.
"Becca, I don't wanna leave you"
I continued to hold her.
"Just put me down"
She muttered. I nodded and set her on her feet.
"Are you ok?"
I studied her actions. She whimpered a lot and had tears in her eyes.
"I can handle it"
She glared.
"You're still mad?"
It hurt whenever she glared at me.
"How can I not? You basically ruined my life back there"
She sighed and whimpered.
"What? How? He deserved it"
Is she defending that bastard?
"I have to go back there tomorrow"
She muttered and entered her apartment, shutting me out.
"Wait, why?"
I opened the door and sat beside her on the air mattress.
"Cos I have to"
She mumbled and broke eye contact.
"No, you don-"
"Yes, I do. You wouldn't understand"
She sighed and laid on her mattress.
"Cos you haven't tried to explain"
I stated, wanting to hold her so bad.
"I'm not telling you shit"
She muttered irritably.
"I won't let you go back there"
I mumbled sorrowfully.
"Cut it out, Justin. You are definitely not helping at all. Ever since you came back, you've made my life a living hell. You can't just start a fight with my boyfriend, and expect some kind of reward, like you're some great hero. I told you that I'm done with you. What you did...What you do hurts me and hurts me over and over again. Just face the fact that I don't love you anymore. Go back to your girlfriend. I'm sure you'll be fucking her in about 30 minutes"
Becca sounded sad and broken.
"You want me to leave?...forever?"
I swallowed hard. I don't wanna leave her again.
She whimpered.
"Ok...but let me say one last thing"
I stared in her teary, gray eyes.
"Make it quick"
She mumbled. I took whatever I had left to kiss her. I held her close and held the kiss. It was surely our last. I didn't care if I got blood on my lips as well. Becca didn't try to push me away, yet did she kiss back. She just remained still. I teared up and whimpered from the pain in my heart before breaking the kiss.
"Alright, I'll go"
I dried my eyes before I walked out. Damn, this hurts. It always does. I just want Becca back. This is all my fault. How did I even hook up with Selena anyway? I mean, she's nothing like Becca. How did I fall for her? Ugh, I want to go back in there and keep trying to get Becca, but I can't. If she could just say that she loves me, I would call her mine. I can't. I could tell she's gotten close to spilling out her feelings for me, but she holds it all back. I really hate that about her. I caused it though. I'm the reason why she's broken and miserable, and I will forever regret it. Becca won't have me or my bullshit. It's pointless now. As much as I want her, it's no use. She's right. It's over.

(A/N: Still feeling bad😷 But not bad enough to not post😋)

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