Chapter 16

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Chapter song: Love the Way You Lie by Ariana Grande (cover)
(Becca's pov)
I had to cry. I get so close to giving in with Justin, but I keep reminding myself that it's not safe. It still hurts to push Justin away. I heard a loud bang at the door. I sniffled and opened it.
"Bitch, what'd I tell you about being with that bastard?!"
Max yanked me out of my apartment.
"Stop! Max-mmm"
He covered my mouth and threw me in the trunk of his car. I banged and pounded against it as the car drove.
"Help me!"
I screamed and cried desperately. After long minutes of screaming and pounding, the car stopped. The trunk opened, and Max pulled me out and into his apartment.
"What'd I fucking tell you?!"
Max hit me like a punching bag. I fell to the floor, hoping it would stop.
"You think you could fuck him and get away with it?!"
He started to take off his clothes. My eyes widened in fear.
"No no no, I'm sorry, Max. Please don't-"
"Shut the fuck up!"
Max struck me multiple times until I could nearly move. I felt beaten and helpless. He taped my mouth shut with duck tape then hovered over me as I cried with desperateness.
"You love me, right?"
He asked softly while holding my face roughly.
I nodded, trying to show how honest I was.
"Let me show you how to fuck properly"
Max ripped my clothes off and pinned me down. He started to touch me, and I tried to stop him by pushing his hands away.
"Don't fucking move!"
He punched me then continued to touch and feel me. Tears blurred my vision. His hands rubbed my area with anger. I moaned and cried as my boyfriend took full advantage of me. Once I felt his fingers shove inside me, I screamed in fear and pain. He fingered me roughly, making me release painfully.
"That's really nice, baby"
Max rubbed me before slamming himself into me. Good thing he put on a condom. I let out a painful shriek and cried my loudest. I pleaded as much as my eyes would let me.
"You're so tight, baby"
Max started to bang me. I was too tired and weak to put up a fight anymore. It hurt like hell as he penetrated me with force. I felt a terrible amount of pleasure and released again.
"Good girl"
Max kissed my face. I cried and winced at his touch.
"Let's do it again"
He chuckled then shoved himself back into me. I yelped and cried harder. I was sore and so tired. I wish I could die right now. Could this be called rape if he's my boyfriend? I mean, it's still against my will. Nobody knows about this, so what if Max won't let me leave? The only person who would even guess I'm in trouble is Justin, but I told him to leave, and I'm still too mad at him. I felt myself release again on Max. I felt so guilty and helpless. I couldn't tell wether I was alive or dead.
"That'll teach you not to fuck other guys behind my back"
Max hissed and laid beside me.
"Try to leave, and you'll regret it"
He whispered menacingly in my ear. I turned away and cried softly as Max awkwardly held me close.
I was miserably woken by someone talking.
"No, baby, I can't today"
Max was on the phone.
"Love you"
He hung up then looked at me.
"You're awake"
He smirked then stood up and dressed.
"Here, make this useful"
He threw my clothes at me. When I moved, I gasped from the pain in my body. Max chuckled. My body was bruised and hurt. Not to mention, I was sore. Everything hurt, and I just wanna go home. I only got 2 hours of sleep.
Max gripped my arm and tugged me out. It was very quiet in the car, and I felt like I was about to break down.
"W-where are we g-going?"
I stuttered out a question.
"Somewhere more private"
He muttered. We arrived at a small house. It looked pretty normal to me. I was pushed in and thrown on the floor. I started to cry, not able to hold it in anymore.
"Be quiet..."
Max sighed in aggravation. He shoved a piece of cloth in my mouth and covered it with tape again.
"That's better. Now, stay there. If you try to escape...don't even make me go there"
He spat. I cried and whimpered in pain and sadness.
"Stop fucking crying!"
He barked loudly. I forced myself calm and curled up in the corner.
(Justin's pov)
I sighed and put down my phone.
"Still trying to call her?"
Chaz walked into the kitchen.
"She won't pick up"
I muttered hopelessly. I've been trying to get a hold of Becca all morning.
"She's pissed, Justin"
Ryan joined in.
"Can you call her?"
I really need to talk to her, hear her voice. She better not go back to her boyfriend's. I can't help but to worry about her.
"I guess"
Chaz grabbed his phone. There was a knock on the door, and I rushed to it, hoping it was Becca.
"Justin, I'm sorry"
It was Selena.
"I'm busy"
I was about to shut the door when Selena stopped me.
"Please, give me one more chance, Justin"
I glanced at Ryan for an answer. He shook his head.
"We're over, Selena"
I muttered flatly.
She walked in without permission.
"...But I need to say something...I cheated on you with exactly 7 guys. One of them was her boyfriend, and I told him that you had sex with Becca...better yet, I told him that BECCA had sex with YOU"
Selena remarked with a smirk. At that moment, I realized that Selena knew that Max was abusive to Becca.
"You didn't"
I glared at her.
"Oh, I did"
She grinned evilly.
"Get the hell out of here"
I led her to the door and shut it, making sure to lock it.
"She didn't answer. I called twice"
Chaz put down his phone. I leaned against the door in thought. If Max knows that Becca and me had sex, he'll beat the shit out of Becca.
I muttered regretfully.
"What is it?"
Ryan asked.
I opened the door, and we got in the car. I zoomed to Becca's and knocked on her door. No answer. I tried opening her door. Luckily, it opened. Ryan, Chaz, and I entered to see no Becca. I saw her phone and 16 missed calls and messages from me. I sighed and cursed under my breath.
"She's probably at her boyfr-"
"That's not good"
I rushed back in the car.
"Justin, what's wrong?"
They asked in confusion.
"I can't explain"
I remembered that Becca told me not to say anything. I parked at her boyfriend's apartment building and knocked on the door.
"Dude, she probably doesn't want to talk to you"
Ryan and Chaz followed me. I sighed and kicked the door open. Nobody was there.
"She's with her boyfriend, bro. Leave it alo-"
"No, she's in trouble"
I walked out angrily.
"She's fine. Maybe they went to eat or something"
Chaz stated. I doubted it and drove back home. I can't just give up. I know Becca isn't safe with her boyfriend. I can't search the whole city, because it'll take forever. Plus, paparazzi and fans would chase me down. I decided to just think about where she could be in the park. The park always seems to calm me down.

(A/N: Sorty for the last post. Next post is on Tuesday✌️)

Love you guys. Thanks for reading💕

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