Chapter 71

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(Becca's pov)
I'm surprised I'm up this early after last night. It's not like we used a lot of energy, but Justin had me panting.
"I need to call my mom."
Justin mumbled and reached for his phone on the nightstand.
"Good idea. I'm gonna use the bathroom."
I yawned then got up.
"Hey ma...What time do you wanna meet us for breakfast?...ok...Yea, Panera Bread is good...ok...I love you."
I could hear Justin's conversation as I freshened up. I decided to put on a little makeup and make my hair a little nicer by putting it in a ponytail.
"Hey babe, we're gonna meet my mom at 8am. Is that cool?"
Justin looked at me with cheerfulness.
"Yea. What are you doing?"
I asked while he stared at me.
"You're beautiful, princess."
He grinned then pecked my lips before heading to the bathroom. I smiled and changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans with a white sweater.
"Did your parents even call you yesterday?"
Justin asked when he walked out of the bathroom.
I just realized that my parents never called me since I left.
"What the hell is wrong with them? You're their only daughter."
He sounded disgusted as he changed.
"I don't know."
The thought kinda made me sad, because I feel like they don't love me.
"Hey, I'm sorry for bringing that up. Don't worry about them. They're just used to having all the control on you. They can go fuck themselves for all we care."
Justin grabbed my hand while grabbing his black hoodie.
"You're right. Let's get going."
But I still can't help but feel a little disappointed.
Suddenly, I felt something start to tickle me, and I bursted out in laughter.
"Justin, you're not a good listener!"
I laughed and pushed him away.
"Puppies aren't good at following orders, babe."
Justin gave me his puppy eyes.
I giggled as we stepped in the car.
"But they're good at making girls feel amazing."
Justin winked before starting the car.
"You really need to cut that out, Justy."
I smiled and blushed a little.
"Alright, I'll stop."
I drove to Panera Bread as my cheeks cooled down.
When we arrived I got us a booth in the back, so nobody would recognize us.
"We still have ten minutes so..."
Justin leaned closer and kissed me deeply. I kissed him back, and he pulled me on his lap.
"What if your mom catches us?"
I whispered in the kiss.
"I'm almost done, babe."
He mumbled back and caressed my upper thighs. I continued to kiss him until he took his hands off me.
"Ah, you're such a tease."
I smirked and sat back down.
"My mom's here."
He grinned then stood up.
"Oh, right."
I blushed a little, but I still wish we could continue.
"Omigosh, Justin, you're getting bigger every time I see you."
Justin returned with Pattie as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Hi Becca. Oh, you're just gorgeous. I've always loved your eyes."
Pattie hugged me and smiled.
I couldn't help but blush again.
"Go sit with your mom, Justin."
I told Justin, so he sat next to Pattie on the other side of the table.
"How are you guys? Did you have a good birthday?"
Pattie smiled at me.
"Yea, it was amazing. You guys are so nice for doing that for me."
I thanked her and returned her smile.
"I'm glad you liked it. What about you, baby? How've you been?"
She looked at Justin in wonder.
"I'm good. I have a show here tomorrow."
Justin told her as we grabbed menus.
"Oh, I think I'll go. I'm not busy."
Pattie stated and looked at us for permission.
"Of course, mom. You don't have to ask."
Justin kissed her cheek and hugged her.
We had an employee come over to take our orders, because we didn't wanna take any chances and cause excitement.
"Ladies first."
Justin smiled at us, and Pattie was still looking over the menu.
"I'll take chocolate chip bagel with a parfait and some water."
I ordered as Justin's eyes stared at me again. I smiled at him as Pattie ordered a hazelnut coffee with a plain bagel. He gave me the cutest wink before ordering a breakfast sandwich and a cup of water.
"So how have you been doing?"
I asked Pattie as Justin continued to stare at me.
"I'm doing really well. The house that Justin bought me is so beautiful. You guys should stop by."
Pattie smiled at Justin before smiling at me.
"We will. I think that's so sweet of Justin to do that for you."
I shifted my eyes to Justin, who had his eyes on my chest.
"Oh yes. He's such a sweetheart. Aw, and he's growing up so fast."
Pattie ruffled his hair and placed her hands on his face. I giggled as she kissed his cheek multiple times. He just smiled and hugged her back.
Our food arrived, so we quit talking. We still had small conversations in between.
"It's so nice to spend time with you guys."
Pattie's always been so sweet no matter what. She can always make you smile.
"It's nice spending time with you too."
I smiled as I finished my food.
"Well, I should get going. I'll see you guys later. Can you call me and tell me about your concert?"
We stood up and walked outside.
"Sure. I love you."
Justin hugged her so tightly and kissed her cheek.
"I love you too, baby."
Pattie smiled as he opened the door for her.
"Stay safe, ma."
Justin waved to her as she drove off.
"What are you staring at, babe?"
I didn't even know I was staring at him until he said something.
"Oh, nothing."
I blushed again while he grinned and hugged me close.
"Let's go somewhere more private."
We got in his car, and he started driving.
"Where to?"
I can't help but just naturally hate surprises.
"Somewhere special."
He's so annoying when he sets everything up. But I love how he put so much effort into something, just to make me feel loved.
Justin pulled into a normal-looking building. Justin led me inside the building and into an elevator.
When we stepped out on the 12th floor, Justin led me into a room, room 126 to be exact.
"Where are we?"
I studied the small lounge. It had a sofa, coffee table, and a lamp.
"Follow me."
Justin opened another door for me, and I walked into a small hallway with three doors.
"This one."
He opened the door on the right. It's a studio.
The room was dim and had a small recording room.
"It's not mine. Usher let me borrow it."
Justin took a seat on one of the big couches.
I admired the silence and calmness of the room.
"Oh, I have something for you. Stay there."
Justin got up and grabbed a guitar. He sat back down and tuned the guitar while humming a little.
"Ok, here. This is a late birthday present."
He handed me a piece of notebook paper with his sloppy handwriting.
"Lately I've been thinking, thinking bout what we had. I know it was hard. It was all that we knew..." [sings Nothing Like Us]
"Wow, Justin omigod. It's beautiful."
I smiled and hugged him tightly. Justin put the guitar down and hugged me back.
"I love you so much."
I wrapped my legs around him and he kept his arms around me.
"I love you too, baby."
He kissed my temple then lowered himself so that he was lying down with me on top of him.
"You know, I'd really love to marry you. You're so beautiful, and I'd love to just have you forever."
Justin had my heart thumping fast and happy.
"So why haven't you?"
I smiled quizzically at him.
"I think we're too young. Nobody will take us seriously. I don't want all the hate to fall on you."
He caressed my waist as he spoke softly.
"Are you worried that I'd get mad at you if you took too long to ask?"
I brushed my fingers over his cheek.
"A little."
He nodded.
"You're so adorable. Don't worry. I'll say yes. Ask me whenever."
I grinned and ran a hand through his soft hair.
"I have to have your dad's permission first."
He smirked and lowered his hands over my thighs.
"But...I thought you were my dad?"
I joked playfully.
Justin chuckled and pecked my nose.
"Honestly, I don't care about what people think about us anymore. And who says we have to tell people about getting married?"
Celebrities do it all the time. They get engaged and married without people knowing it.
"Let's wait."
He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. I nodded and buried my head in his neck.
"Hey baby?"
Justin murmured soothingly.
I lifted my head to look in his eyes.
"Truth or dare."
He smirked playfully with his hands at my waist.
"Hm, dare."
I'm in a daring mood.
"...I dare you to marry me."
Then Justin took one of his hands off my waist to grab something in his bag.
I smiled, trying to figure out if this was one of his schemes.
"Yes or no?"
He took my right hand, and I felt something cold slid down my ring finger.
"Holy. Shit. Justin, yes!"
I grinned in excitement, and I kissed him over and over and over again on repeat.
"Mm, I love you."
He smiled as I raised my hand to look at the ring. It had a gorgeous outline with diamonds embedded in it, and in the middle was a beautiful light pink diamond.
"I love you too."
I kissed Justin again and hugged him tighter than I ever have.
And I can hold on for forever.
(A/N: Last chapter omb!😭😭😭 I'm gonna be posting the first chapter of Nowhere on Thursday☺️)

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