Chapter 10

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Chapter song: Remember by Jhene Aiko
(Becca's pov)
"I guess you're not mad anymore"
Justin walked up to me, about 2 feet away.
"oh no, I'm still really pissed at you"
I glared hurtfully at him. He deserved it.
"...I've got you something. I think you'll like it"
He led me into the woods and across the creek. Bad memories were swirling in my mind. I used to run away here a lot. This was one of the places where I shared one of my last memories with Justin.
Justin pointed to a small picnic that was set up on the grassy area near the creek.
"That's...nice of you"
It hurt to compliment him now. Especially, when he's hurt me so much.
"Take a seat"
He sat on the blanket. I sat down as far away from him as possible.
"It's not much, but it satisfies your hunger"
He handed me a nutella sandwich. Well, I do like chocolate, so I guess it'll do.
I took it gratefully yet awkwardly.
"I got some brownies too"
He offered.
I repeated myself.
He gave me a friendly smile.
"...You wanna talk about what happened yesterday?"
He unwrapped a peanut butter sandwich, not making eye contact.
"I'd rather not"
I narrowed my eyes.
"Why? Do you feel bad about it?"
He sounded like it was my fault.
"More like the opposite"
I chewed on my sandwich, ready to start a fight with him at anytime.
"I wanna know...why did y-"
"I don't want to talk about it. You won't believe me if I said the truth"
I glared at him, raising my voice a little. I really want to hit him.
"...How would you know?"
He took a drink of water, daring me, just DARING me to tell him.
"I already said it. Many people have said it, and you won't believe it"
Somehow, were talking about something totally different.
"And what is that?"
He raised his voice as well, making me flinch. It's just a habit now that Max had been in my life. Fine, if he wants the answer, I'll give it to him.
"...Selena doesn't love you....and I'm not jealous of her"
I spat. That was the honest truth.
"...Why should I believe you? You have no proof"
He gave me a glare. It made me feel like he was gonna hurt me.
"I have more proof than you ever will, and if you really wanted to be friends, you would believe me...period"
I glared and angrily stood up. As I walked my way out of the woods, I heard someone behind me.
"We're done with this"
I muttered. I knew it was Justin.
"Becca, wait"
Justin grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I gasped and flinched again. When someone touches me like this, I feel like I'm in trouble. I guess that goes to show how fucked up I am from Max.
"...I'm sorry. Becca, I'm sorry. Don't leave again. I never meant for you to get mad. I'm sorry, but...I can't believe it. Selena's nicer than that...let's make a deal. You give me our friendship back, and I won't bring it up"
He spread his arms out for a hug. I thought for a moment. This would really piss Selena and Max off, but this could fix things with Justin and me. It's either take my chances and get my ass kicked by my boyfriend, or fix my friendship with Justin, so it's not awkward anymore.
I mumbled and gave him a quick hug.
"Do you need help with your apartment? I can give you some furniture"
He offered generously.
"Nah, I'm good"
I declined.
"Are you sure? It's free"
He walked me to my apartment building.
Why not? It's just furniture. And free. Who can reject something that's free?
"I'll bring it tomorrow"
He followed me in through the apartment building's front gate.
"You can leave now"
I stopped in front of my apartment.
Justin begged with his eyes. I hugged him, and we held it until I pulled away.
"See you later"
He smiled hopefully at me.
I cracked a weak smile and shut the door. Damn, am I trying to get myself killed? Being anything close to friends with Justin would really tick off Selena. I need to stop thinking of this. I need sleep. Yes, I need to rest my head. I slipped onto the air mattress and closed my eyes. Maybe I'm just overthinking.
(Justin's pov)
I walked out of Becca's apartment building and stepped into my car. I probably missed dinner with Selena, but she's flexible with her schedule. She always is. When I parked at Ryan's and entered the door, Selena clung onto me immediately.
"Justin, where've you been? You were supposed to take me shopping"
Selena hugged me and whined.
"I was? Baby, you never told me that"
I grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"I don't have to. You should know"
She spoke sassily.
"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't know you came back"
I pulled her even closer.
"You were with her again? I've got pictures"
She scolded me.
"Selena, why does it matter? You're mine. I love you"
I kissed her lips.
"Prove it"
She smirked.
I pulled her into the bathroom.
(Becca's pov)
I had nothing for breakfast this morning. I figured it's worthless to go up Max's with a full stomach if he's just gonna make me throw it up. He hits me hard, including my stomach. I walked to Max's, shivering not only from the cold but from the fear of knocking on the door in front of me. I knocked lightly. The door opened, and a furious Max yanked me inside and locked the door. This can't be good.
"Bitch, why the fuck would you hang out with that bastard?! Are you fucking cheating on me?!"
He shook me rigorously.
"No no-"
"Are you fucking cheating on me?!"
He slammed me against the wall. A sharp pain shot up the back of my head.
"No, pleas-"
"Fucking lies!"
He threw me on the ground and started striking me with his fists. I tried to block him the best I could. He ended the violence with a rough slap across my face. I rolled over on my stomach and curled up. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even cry. It hurt too much.
"Get up!"
He pulled me up by my hair, gripped my neck, and raised me up to his face. I struggled as I tried to breathe.
"If I see you with him again, I will beat you until you bleed. Understand?"
He hissed furiously.
I choked out. He dropped me on the floor to cough.
"I've got my eye on you. Don't fuck up"
He muttered and threw me outside, making me hit the wall. I whimpered up and used the wall for support. Then, a certain slut walked up to Max's door.
"Oh, Becca, you're here? Hmm, I guess you shouldn't have been with my boyfriend yesterday. I have sources, you know"
Selena smirked evilly. I realized that she's the one that told Max about me being with Justin.
"Why are you doing this to me?"
I whimpered painfully.
"Justin's mine, ok? He's not leaving me for anything, and especially not for a cunt like you"
She spat and walked past me. Ugh, she's such a bitch! I walked painfully to my apartment building and into my apartment. I grabbed an ice pack and put it against my head. Tears wet my face, and they were wetting the floor. I sat on the air mattress as I cried and sobbed. My phone buzzed, and I picked it up to see a text.
Justin: Can I stop by?
Me: no
Justin: why not?
me: just don't
Justin: why?
I left the conversation unfinished and wiped my eyes and face, wincing from the bruises. I felt my phone ringing and sighed.
"I said no, Justin"
I already know who it was, and I was right.
"Becca, I got the furniture you wanted"
Justin spoke. I hated him, but I already agreed.
"...Make it quick"
I hung up then grabbed my makeup bag.

(A/N: Surprise! I'm posting 2 chapters of Confusion😜🎉)

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