Chapter 62

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(Becca's pov)
Justin's singing Catching Feelings at his show. He sounds so unbelievably perfect.
I really don't feel good. I just wanna hit something yet cry at the same time. Everything's a mess. Why can't I be ok for once? I feel like everyone is after me. I don't wanna get hurt again.
"Becca, do you want some ice cream? It's your favorite flavor."
Chaz offered some chocolate ice cream and I accepted it. I ate it while watching Justin perform.
"Do the meds help?"
Ryan and Chaz sat beside me.
"I think so."
I finally got some sleep, and it feels good. I'm still scared, but I feel a little more relaxed.
"That's good."
Ryan smiled then offered me some chocolate chips. I took the bag and munched on the chocolate.
"I'm tired."
I thought out loud.
"Get some sleep then. You need it."
Chaz told me, so I rested on his lap. He didn't mind, so I didn't ask him about it.
I woke up in a different place, the tour bus. I feel irritated for some reason.
"Hey baby, did you sleep well?"
Justin kneeled to me and stroked my cheek. I just groaned and buried my head in a pillow. I felt his lips on my hand as the bus stopped. Justin carried me up. I feel annoyed. Why?
When we got to our room, I shut myself in the bathroom and got ready for bed.
"Are you upset, babe?"
Justin greeted me once I stepped out of the bathroom.
I muttered before walking past him.
"Becca, don't do this."
Justin took my hand and kept me from walking away.
"I'm fine, Justin."
I released his grip and walked into bed. Justin used the bathroom as I shut my eyes. I need more sleep.
"Are you mad at me?"
Justin laid beside me with the lights out.
I'm really not mad at Justin. I'm just in a crappy mood.
"Then what's wrong, bae?"
He wrapped his arms around me, and I could feel his breath behind my ear.
"I don't know."
That was the truth.
"I can make things better."
His voice was seductive.
"Mm, quit it babe."
That made me smile.
"What? I was just gonna cuddle with you."
Justin held and spooned me close. I smiled from his body and rested warmly in his neck.
I woke up feeling a little nauseated, so I sat up and took a deep breath.
"Becca, do you feel ok?"
Justin woke up a few minutes after.
"I feel nauseous."
I mumbled and took a few more deep breaths.
"I'm gonna get you some medicine."
Justin got up and left the room. I know Justin said the prescription would make me sick, but at least my anxiousness has faded a little. However, I have this constant feeling that someone's trying to hurt me, specifically Max and Selena.
"Take this, baby."
Justin handed me these pills, one for nausea, one for pain, and one for anxiety. I took all of them then narrowed my eyes.
"You're still upset?"
He caressed my hand. I shrugged, because I really don't know what I'm feeling.
"You still up for framing those dipshits?"
Justin asked daringly.
I smiled, feeling a little bit better.
"Are you hungry?"
He knew my answer. I feel too sick to eat.
"Well, let's do this."
We got dressed. I felt a little brighter now that I know we're getting rid of the people that haunt me.
"We're helping. You know we're masters at framing people."
Ryan and Chaz beamed when we invited them.
"Yea, right."
Justin smirked playfully.
"You'll see."
Chaz smirked as we entered the car.
"He keeps his drugs in his refrigerator."
I recalled as we entered Justin's private jet. We're going to Canada, where Max's apartment is.
"This should be easy."
Ryan and Chaz each opened a pack of strawberry pop tarts. I nibbled on a brown sugar pop tart since the meds cause me to lose my appetite.
"I've got a show in Miami tonight. Lucky for us, Selena's there. We can sneak the drugs in her tour bus."
Justin told us. This should work out smoothly. It feels so good to be able to get revenge on the ones who hurt me.
The flight to Canada wasn't long, because we were not that far.
Justin led the way to Max's old apartment. We snuck in and searched his fridge to find exactly what we came here for, drugs. We didn't take all of it, just enough to get Selena in trouble.
"Hide it somewhere."
Justin reminded us. We don't wanna get arrested for something that's not even ours. I stuffed the bag of, what looked like, weed in my shirt. We entered the jet again and started to Miami.
"So far so good."
Chaz grinned, and we hid every bag in a suitcase.
"Now we just relax, because it's a long flight to Miami."
Justin motioned me to put my legs on his lap, so I did. He took off my sandals then started massaging my feet.
"Justin, you don't have to."
It was kind of a whine, because I hate being spoiled.
"I want to."
He smirked as we continued.
He gave me a pillow to rest my head on, so I used it and closed my eyes. Relaxing isn't as easy as it looks.
Justin performed magic on my feet, that's what it felt like.
I guess I took a nap, because when I awoke I was in Justin's arms.
"Hey sleepyhead."
Justin smirked at me. I realized we were in an elevator.
"Are we at our hotel?"
I asked lazily.
"Yep. I guess your meds make you extra sleepy. You know what that means?"
Justin had a playful look in his eyes.
I smiled at his eyes.
"You're extra cute."
He pecked my nose before setting me down in our hotel room.
"Aw, baby."
I blushed as Ryan and Chaz jokingly pointed to their wrists, signaling the time.
"Oh, right. Justin, it's getting late."
I reminded him.
"Can you guys wait until my show's finished to catch dinner?"
Justin asked all three of us.
We all agreed on a nice dinner after Justin's concert.
"Ok, let's finish this so I can start getting ready to perform."
We each had a job.
Ryan tracks down Selena's location.
Chaz keeps a lookout for anyone nearby.
I call the police once the drugs are positioned.
Justin put the drugs in their place.
"I'm scared."
I was a little scared, nervous, and excited.
"Don't worry, babe. It's gonna work out perfectly."
Justin wore gloves to remove any fingerprints. I giggled nervously and squeezed the phone in my hand.
"Ok, the coast is clear, bro."
Chaz spoke through the phone. We each formed a group phone call.
"It's gonna be fine."
Justin kissed me before walking out of the car. I watched him walk to Selena's tour bus and unlock the door. He disappeared into the bus, and I crossed my fingers.
"I'm in."
Justin's voice was loud and clear.
"Ok, put the bag somewhere visible for the police to find it."
Ryan told Justin.
"Ok, I put it under Selena's bed."
Justin sounded perfectly normal while I was secretly nervous.
I heard Chaz curse loudly.
"What is it?"
All three of us asked.
"A few guys are heading toward the bus, and Selena's with them."
Chaz's words made my insides scream.
"Fuck. Ok, I can handle it."
Justin lowered his voice, and there was a cracking sound.
"Don't speak."
Justin whispered and all was quiet. I bit my lip and squeezed the phone in my hands.
"Is Max gonna meet me for dinner or what?"
Selena's voice could be heard through Justin's phone.
"I don't know. He's your boyfriend."
Chantel was with her.
"Boyfriend? Who said he was my boyfriend?"
Selena spoke sassily.
"I just assumed. I mean, you're always with him."
Chantel pointed out.
"I have no interest in that bastard. I want Justin."
Selena raged a little.
"Well, Justin doesn't want either of us. What's the point?"
Chantel finally sounded agreeable for once.
"There's a point. Trust. I'm taking this to the final level. Kill Becca..."
Selena's words made my heart drop. I accidentally dropped the phone in my hands, making a loud noise.
"What was that?"
One of the girls asked.
"I don't know."
I heard the voices grow louder. Shit, I fucked this all up.
(A/N: Wait, does the WDYM music video come out the same day as the single? Next post on Saturday)


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