Chapter 45

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(Becca's pov)
"Becca, I love you."
Justin's chocolatey eyes were staring me down to make my stomach do flips.
"Now, do you love me too, or are we never gonna see each other again?"
Justin's lips pursed together, signaling he was nervous.
"Justin, I love you too."
I kissed him, making me wince. I just gave in. After all, he did go through all this trouble just to get me back.
"I'll take that as a make-up kiss."
He smiled and gently laid me back down.
"Scoot over, babe."
Justin sat next to me in bed.
"Now, tell me what happened to you?"
He pulled the blankets over us. His eyes were worried and shameful.
"After I started running, I ran into Max. H-He tried to take me, and he hit me..."
I touched my cheek, where Max had slapped me.
"...I got free and started running again. Before I knew it...this happened."
I motioned to my miserable condition.
"I'm sorry, Becca."
Justin's voice was smothered in guilt.
"It's not your fault. It would've happened anyway."
I didn't want to move, because I'm sore all over.
"Do you need medicine?"
Justin's eyes glanced at my swollen lips then back in my tired eyes.
"No, I already got some 30 minutes ago."
I didn't want to talk either, because I wanted to cry.
"Becca, are you sure?"
Justin must've noticed that my eyes were watering. I nodded as my eyes blurred with tears.
"Hey, why are you crying, babygirl?"
He gently embraced me as I started crying in his shirt.
"I wanted this to be fun. I didn't think all this would've happened. It's all my fault for being jealous."
I cried and hugged him close.
"Becca, this isn't your fault. I know you couldn't help it. I should've realized what you were going through."
He cautiously stroked my back, making me wince.
Justin tensed up a little and stopped stroking me.
"It's ok."
I remained buried in his warmth until I fell asleep. I just want rest. It's the only thing I can do for now.
I woke up feeling like crap. Every move I make hurts like a bitch.
I mumbled, even talking still hurts me.
"What? Oh, Becca, is everything ok?"
Justin woke up and murmured in his sexy morning voice.
"Everything hurts, Justy."
I whimpered painfully.
"I'll get someone."
Ryan offered and walked out the door. A nurse walked in a few moments later and gave me medicine. She told me that the medicine should kick in soon; then she walked out.
"I look like shit, don't I?"
I asked Justin.
"No, you don't, bae. You look beautiful, as always."
He brushed my hair away from my eyes.
"Just look at me. I'm covered in cuts and bruises. Plus, I hurt like hell."
I winced from sitting up.
"Becca, you look perfect. Ask anyone."
He motioned to Ryan, Emily, Chaz, and Mallory.
"You look amazing."
They all started to compliment me, making me blush.
"See? Told you."
Justin smiled at me.
"By the way, don't you have to catch a flight?"
I reminded him.
"Shit, yea, we do. Baby, we need to get you out of here."
Justin must be out of his mind. I can't go anywhere like this. I'm in too much pain.
"Justin, I don't feel good."
I looked at him in pain.
"'re not coming?"
Justin looked sad and bummed out.
"...Carry me."
I sighed and hoped this isn't too painful. Justin removed any wires from me, making me squeak in pain. He then cautiously lifted me up into his arms. I winced and let out a painful moan.
"Sorry, babe."
Justin looked so worried to hurt me. We all walked out and to the back door. There I saw the bus waiting for us. Once we were in, Justin carefully set me down on the bed.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, beautiful."
Justin kneeled beside me to stay close.
"It's ok."
I wanted to shrug, but I didn't.
"I have something for you."
Justin motioned me to wait a moment; then he walked away. I smiled at his cuteness.
"Here, bae."
Justin returned with small, white box.
"Can you help me up?"
I asked nicely.
"Oh, yea, sure."
He gently helped me sit up; then I opened the box to see lots of cake pops. To make this better, they were all chocolate.
"I got you milk, dark, and white chocolate. You like it?"
His smile made me grin.
"Yes, thank you, Justy."
I kissed his cheek then grabbed the milk chocolate cake pop.
"I'll get you some water."
Justin stood and walked back out while I enjoyed the chocolate treat.
"Aw, you're so cute."
He handed me a water bottle, which I opened and sipped from.
"So are you."
I blushed and took another bite.
"Yea, but I don't have chocolate on my face."
Justin chuckled.
"What? How does that make me cute?"
I wiped my mouth, but Justin stopped me.
"I'll get it for you."
He kissed me, licking my lips for me.
"Ok! That's enough!"
I giggled and broke the kiss.
"Oh, alright."
He used his shirt to gently wipe my mouth. The bus stopped; then Justin carried me up again. I held onto my cakes and water as we entered a private jet. I was carefully set down on a seat, which was soft and comfy. Damn, this is what you get when you have shit loads of money.
"You ok?"
Justin sat next to me.
I nodded and rested my head on his lap.
"Becca, can I ask you something personal?"
Justin moved my hair away, so I could look at him.
I looked into his chocolatey caramel eyes.
"Why can't you trust me?"
He sounded like it hurt him.
"I don't know. I guess hurt so bad the first time you cheated on me."
I confessed truthfully.
"I guess you'll never forget that...I want you to know that you can trust me."
Justin squeezed my hand.
"I'll work on it."
I knew that if I didn't, then this relationship won't last.
"Thanks, baby."
Justin kissed my busted, swollen lips.
"Am I hurting you?"
He mumbled in the kiss.
I kissed back and wrapped my legs around his waist, trying not to hurt myself. We kissed for a long time since its been a while. When Justin wrapped his arms around my back, I let out a gasp.
"Shit, Becca, I'm sorry."
Justin cursed then slid me off of him. That's it?
"I don't wanna hurt you, baby. Just wait until you feel better; then we can do that."
He spoke apologetically.
I sighed and hugged myself.
"Becca, come here. Let me see how bad it is."
He pulled me close again and raised my shirt up.
"No wonder you hurt so much."
He muttered.
"What? Let me see."
But I knew I couldn't see without a mirror.
"I'll show you."
Justin carried me to the bathroom.
He raised my shirt again. I saw scrapings, cuts, and bruises all over my whole back. Justin's right. No wonder it hurts so much. Plus, the bruises on my stomach hurt just as bad.
"I know what we can do."
Justin sat me back on the comfy seats.
I laid my head on his shoulder.
"I've been working on a song. Tell me what you think."
He cleared his throat.
"You're all that matters to me. Ain't worried bout nobody else. If I ain't with you, then I ain't myself. You make me complete...Thats all I've got so far."
Justin sang perfectly.
"It's so sweet. Who is it for?"
I asked even though I knew who it was for. Me.
"I'll let you answer that."
He smiled.
"Hm, Beyoncé?"
I purposely guessed.
"No, baby. It's for you."
He chuckled and kissed my head.
"I know."
I smiled and felt my eyes get heavy. My body is sore, and I need to rest.

(A/N: The WAUN music video is amazing. Justin's so perfect omb😱😱😍😍😍 Next post is on Thursday)

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