Chapter 1

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(A/N: This story isn't written to hate on anyone. I chose Selena, because she was one of his girlfriends at the time of 2011-2012. Don't take it the wrong way please)
Chapter song: Fire Burns by Nicki Minaj (sorry I couldn't find a video)
(Justin's pov)
"I love you, baby"
I held my girlfriend, Selena, close. Ever since the end of 2011, I've fallen in love with Selena Gomez. There's something about her. It's hard to explain, but all I know is that I love her.
"I love you too"
She gave me a quick, 3 second smile from her phone. I was on my way back to Canada. I'm now 18 and happy.
"Shit, Justin, can you lend me $60?"
Selena put down her phone.
"Uhm, sure, babe"
I handed her $60.
"Thanks, babe"
She kissed my cheek. Everyone says that she's using me, but I don't see anything wrong about her. Yes, she asks for a lot, but that's what girlfriends do. She leaves a lot, but that's because she's like me. She has interviews and events to go to.
"We're here, Justin"
My bus driver called.
"Sweet. Hey baby, are you coming?"
I asked Selena.
"Ok, but can you take me shopping after?"
She took my hand.
"Anything you want, babe"
I put my arm around her. We entered my old house.
"Welcome back, Justin!!"
Everyone cheered.
"Wow, thanks guys"
I hugged my mom first.
"Geez, Justin, you've gotten tall"
Mom looked at me and smiled.
"And your voice changed"
Ryan joined in with a smirk.
"Wassup guys?"
Ryan, Chaz, and I did our old secret handshake.
"Not much"
They smiled. I heard Selena clear her throat then introduced her to them.
"Guys, this is Selena, my girlfriend"
I presented her like a trophy.
"Uhm, hey"
"Yea, nice to meet you"
They didn't seem happy to meet her. Eh, I'll talk to them about it later.
"Sel, have you met my mom, baby?"
I tried to get her to give us some guy time.
Selena shook her head.
"You should. Don't worry, babe. She's nice"
I pulled her to my mom.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Selena, my girlfriend"
I introduced my mom to her.
"Hi, I'm Pattie, Justin's mom"
Once she said that, I walked over to Ryan and Chaz.
"Bro, that was a dick move you pulled last year"
Ryan didn't sound happy.
I grabbed a bottle of water.
"Getting with Selena when you were in a relationship with Becca"
Ryan narrowed his eyes.
"I'm sure she's fine. Where is Becca anyway?"
I looked around the room.
"I don't know. She got another boyfriend, you know"
Chaz muttered.
"See? She's perfectly fine"
I took a swig of water.
"Now she is"
Chaz overemphasized the "now"
"What does that mean?"
I finished off the bottle of water.
"She was a mess without you, and when she found out that you found another girlfriend, Becca went mad, bro. It was terrible"
Chaz explained. I felt a little guilty, but not enough to break up with Selena.
"Where is she?"
I threw the empty water bottle in the trash.
"Probably with her boyfriend. Her parents finally let her date someone. We'll see you later, bro"
Ryan spoke then left with Chaz. I felt Selena tuck herself in my arm, then realized why they left. Talk about dick moves.
(Becca's pov)
I hate this. Well, at least I'm not at that stupid "Welcome back party" for Justin. He's such an asshole.
"What's wrong, babe?"
My boyfriend, Max, asked.
I shook my head.
"Tell me"
He pulled me close.
"I'm still upset about my ex"
I knew that was a bad thing to say. You see, my boyfriend isn't normal. He's highly abusive. And why do I stay with him? Cos I deserve it. I feel like I deserve to be treated like crap, because I actually believed that Justin loved me.
"Will you stop talking about that? That's all you fucking talk about"
He muttered irritably.
"You talk about your ex all the time"
I muttered under my breath.
"What did you say?"
He had a cold glare in his eyes.
I stuttered.
"What'd I say about lying to me?"
He pinned me on the floor.
"I wasn't-"
"Exactly. Now shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you"
He slapped me, making me curl into a ball on the floor. Max gets mad so easily. It's not even funny. I can't say or do anything without him getting mad. I'm used to it though. He's been beating me since the end of 2011. Fuck Justin. He cheated on me with Selena. She doesn't even love him. She just uses him for money and fame. It's so obvious.
"I'm sorry"
I whimpered.
"You should be. Your ex cheated on you, remember? He hates you"
Max said irritably.
"I guess so"
I mumbled as I dried my eyes.
"Don't guess, baby"
He pulled me in. I hugged him, but he insisted to kiss me instead. His hands grabbed my butt as he french-kissed me. No matter how many times he kisses me, it's never the same as Justin.
"Do you still miss him?"
He muttered. I shook my head and swallowed hard, knowing he didn't believe me. He never believed me.
"Look at me"
He made me look at him by grabbing my face.
"Don't lie, or I'll make you regret it. Now go"
He pushed me forcefully, making me tumble in the floor. I picked myself up then left. Dammit. I left my jacket at Max's. I shivered as I walked home. My parents finally understood me enough to let me date and wander on my own. When I got home, my parents weren't there. Of course, they were at Justin's. My dad was forced to go. Now, I actually wish my dad beat the shit out of Justin. He deserves it. I went up to my room and cried. It's like 2011 all over again. I would stay in my room all day and not go to school. I would have panic attacks everyday, including in my sleep. Those were the worst. I failed all my classes and got in trouble at school. Ryan and Chaz were the only ones there for me. They were the ones I cried on. They were the ones who bought me small gifts to cheer me up. They were the ones who listened to my complaints. They were the ones to dealt with the tissues and tears. Not Justin. All Justin did was fall in love with another girl and have the time of his life. He never contacted me after he met Selena. He stopped caring about me. It hurt so bad. It's been about half a year, and it still hurts. Look at me right now. I'm crying over a guy who doesn't even give a fuck about me anymore. I'd be surprised if he even knew I existed.
(Justin's pov)
"I think I should get the red ones. What do you think?"
Selena asked about which shoes she should get.
"Yea, those look great, babe"
I didn't really care. It's girl stuff. Shopping bores me to death.
"So what's for dinner tonight?"
She paid for the shoes.
"Uhm, how bout Chick-Fil-A?"
I suggested.
"Nah, how about Olive Garden?"
She insisted.
"Eh, ok"
I stood up and grabbed some of her shopping bags for her.
"Does my hair look good, Justin?"
Selena twirled her hair with her finger. We were now at Olive Garden.
"It looks great, baby"
I nodded. Sometimes, she really bores me, but it's tolerable. I mean, she's beautiful and sexy. When we finished eating, Selena wanted to go to a hotel. I would've preferred the tour bus, but I'll do anything for my baby. I took her to the Renaissance hotel.
"Baby, I'm gonna go visit my family again. You wanna go?"
I put my arm around her.
"No, I'm too tired"
She got on her phone again.
"Alright, see you later, babe"
I walked out. My bodyguards made sure that my destination was private. I don't want the paparazzi attacking my mom's house.
"Justin, you're back"
Mom hugged me.
"I am"
I kissed her cheek.
"Ryan and Chaz will be back soon. They went to visit Becca..."
Mom fixed a crooked picture frame on the wall.
"...Are you guys still friends?"
Mom turned back around.
"Uhm, I don't know. I haven't seen her in years"
I was uncomfortable with speaking about Becca. I felt awkward.
"You should, Justin. You guys were so close"
Mom walked up to me.
"I know. It's just..."
I don't know how to feel about Becca anymore. She wouldn't want to see me.
"-Not the same, I know. You basically cheated on her. Poor Becca. I'm sorry, Justin, but that wasn't very smart of you to do. Can you imagine how it felt?"
Mom sounded disappointed yet sad.
"Mom...ok, I'll visit her"
I sighed defeatedly.
"Thank you, Justin"
My mom kissed my cheek.
"We're back"
Chaz and Ryan walked in.
I waved to them. I noticed that Ryan's shirt was wet, and Chaz was holding a box of tissues. The look that they gave me showed it all. I motioned them to go outside as I went with them.
"I'm gonna visit her"
I muttered.
"Don't be surprised if she tries to rip your head off"
Chaz said.
"Dude, it's fucking sad. She won't stop crying right now"
Ryan shook his head.
"I'll give it a shot"
I walked away to Becca's house.

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