Chapter 9

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Chapter song: Complicated by Avril Lavigne
(Becca's pov)
I felt anger rise out of my lungs.
"Oh, hi Becca"
Selena's voice dripped with evilness and sarcasm.
" bitch! Why are you here?! Max, why is she here?!"
I was so angry, so hurt.
"You wouldn't get it"
Max chuckled, so did Selena.
"I'm not fucking around! And by the way, I fucking get it! Selena's just a fucking whore who can't see what she already has! Max, you just think it's ok to treat girls like fucking toys!"
I spat with anger.
"Oh, whateve-"
"Just wait til I tell Justin!"
I threatened.
"You're not telling anyone"
Max spoke coldly. I turned to him and saw a deadly look in his eyes.
"...If you do, then our little agreement is off, and I'll harm everyone you love"
He threatened sharply.
"I can't believe this"
I sighed frustratedly.
"You know, Selena, maybe you're the one who's jealous. You thought I was trying to steal your boyfriend when you're the one who's wanting my boyfriend the whole time"
I spoke angrily.
"Enough, Becca. Get over it"
Max snapped.
"Shut up, Max! You have no-"
Before I could finish, I was being hit roughly to the floor. I felt a sharp kick to my sides.
"Selly, baby, help me out here"
Max ordered Selena. Then, I felt several brutal kicks to my stomach, ribs, and head.
"Now that you've wasted our time, I suggest you go back home, and keep your mouth shut"
Max shoved me out the door, like a stray cat.
"I gotta go too, babe. My boyfriend needs to take me shopping"
Selena strutted out sassily, purposely kicking me on her way out. I whimpered and cried, holding in a breath. Finally, I let out a breath and crawled up to my feet. It hurt to breathe from the kicks to my stomach. I limped a little and made my way into the nearest gas station to do my makeup. It was 12:45pm. I'm gonna be a little late to meet Ryan and Chaz. I finished my makeup then walked home painfully.
"Sorry, I'm late"
I saw Ryan, Chaz...and Justin sitting on my living room couch. Ryan and Chaz gave me a apologetic look. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"...My stuff's upstairs"
I muttered and walked to my room.
"You have a lot of stuff"
Ryan pointed out.
"I know"
I gave him a weak, crooked smile that disappeared once I looked away.
"Max is not here?"
Ryan pointed out in a question.
"No, he had some work to do"
I lied.
"Alright, let's get this in the car"
Chaz and Ryan each hauled a box. I didn't look at Justin. I don't know if it's because I'm mad at him, or because Selena's cheating on him with my boyfriend. Maybe it was both. I attempted to carry a box but ended up dropping it from the pain in my stomach and arms. Before it hit the floor, Justin caught it. There was a glare yet a hopeful look in his eyes. I know he's expecting an apology, but he's not getting one. I have nothing to be sorry for.
I mumbled and let him take the box himself. He took the box outside, and I sighed. I really hate him. In a way, I think he deserves what Selena's doing to him. When Justin returned, I was still sitting on my bed, staring at the floor in thought.
"...I'm not giving you an apology"
I muttered, not making eye contact.
"I'm not asking for one"
He muttered back, sounding upset yet sorry.
"Then why are you here?"
I glared at him.
"I have no plans"
He shrugged. That was such a lie. He was gonna take Selena shopping. I guess he either didn't know yet or got himself out of going. Either way, he was lying.
"Yea, ok....I think you should leave. I'm done with you"
I stood up and led him to the front door.
"I don't want to"
He stopped, making me stop too.
"I don't care"
I sighed miserably.
"Becca, I'll let you win this time. Let's get dinner later?"
He suggested hopefully.
I'm not doing this again.
"C'mon, Becca, please. I won't bother you or anything. I swear"
How did he turn arguing into begging? I swear he was upset just a few minutes ago.
I sighed in annoyance.
"Thank y-"
"Get in the car"
I muttered as I climbed into Chaz's car. I shouldn't have said yes to that. If Selena found out, she'll probably snitch on me to Max, and he'll beat the crap out of me. I'll take 1 chance, and if it's too much, I won't hang out with Justin anymore. Honestly, I could care less. I'm used to being let down and hurt.
"This is a nice place"
We walked into my new apartment.
"Just put my stuff on the floor"
I muttered. I wanted to cry, because this was supposed to be something new for me, a new beginning. I could finally be away from all my problems, but my problems just follow me everywhere.
"This is the last one, Becca"
Ryan set the last box on the floor.
"Thanks, Ry"
I mumbled.
"You need anymore help?"
He asked kindly.
"No, I've got it"
I declined.
"Ok, well, I guess I'll see you whenever. Give me a call if you're bored"
He smiled.
"I will"
I hugged him. It was sort of unexpected, but I really needed a hug.
"Aw, miss us already?"
Ryan hugged back.
"Uhm, yea"
I broke the hug to see Chaz and Justin's eyes on me.
"...You guys can leave now"
I opened the door for them. Chaz and Ryan chuckled while walking out.
"Meet me in the park at 6pm"
Justin was the last one out.
"Sure, whatever"
I motioned him to leave. For a second, I saw pity in his eyes, but it went away when I shut the door. I began crying once I turned around. How did my life get so fucked up? How did I get myself in this mess? With an abusive boyfriend? My ex boyfriend with his jealous girlfriend? I wish I could just become a different person, so everyone I know can become a stranger to me. I wouldn't know their story or anything. I started unpacking my stuff as I let the tears flow down my cheeks. I didn't have a bed or couch or any furniture. All I had was an air mattress. I snacked on a chocolate bar while I waited for the air mattress to blow up. When it finally was ready, I threw a couple blankets and pillows on it and laid down. It was 5:50pm. Ugh, I have to get up again. I don't even get to rest. My body's so sore and bruised from earlier. Honestly, I really don't have to go with Justin. However, I don't have any food except chocolate, so I'll go. I put on makeup, walked out, and made my way to the park.

(A/N: Here you go guys. Enjoy. I'll be posting on Friday)
Vote please🙏

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