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Quinn Blake

I woke up to a bit of movement on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ashley slowly getting up. I yawned and looked over at her.

She turned around and groaned. 'sorry I didn't mean to wake you up' she sighed and stood fully up. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at the time, 9:30.

'It's okay, let's go downstairs?' i questioned. She nodded and i got out of my bed. We both walked downstairs to see my mom, dad, and Hailey were sitting on the couch watching a parade that was happening.

Ashley and I walked over and sat on the other couch watching the parade. 'well merry christmas you two' my mom chuckled a bit and we looked over the cookies that were laying in a cookie jar.

'merry christmas' ashley and i both said and smiled. My mother got up and went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for all of us.

'Hey Quinn, when is Luke coming back?' Hailey smiled and looked over at me. I caught her eyes and looked at her and shook my head.

'Remember everyone is coming over here for Christmas dinner..' i said and fixed my hair. I smiled a lil bit and Hailey nodded back.

We continued to watch the Christmas parade and my mom finished breakfast after a bit. We all got up and joined her at the table and began to eat.

She made hash-browns, eggs, and some sausage with some cinnamon rolls for some lil dessert. After maybe a half an hour of us eating and making joke, i helped my mom was the dishes and put everything away.

'Can we open presents nowww?' Hailey whined. We gave in and sat down in the living room and began to open presents. My dad handed me some more presents for me.

I looked down at the name and it said 'To Quinn, From Luke'. I smiled a little and opened it to see a little box.

I smiled to myself and opened it to reveal a small gold necklace that had a small heart. I noticed you can open it and i gently snapped it open to see a small message written on it.

never stop loving

I tried to hide my wide smile but it was failing. Hailey went to me and looked at the golden necklace in my hands. 'Luke gave that to you?' she questioned. I looked up at her and nodded.

'I think he likes you, lol' she chuckled and sat down again and opened her presents. My heart maybe stopped for a bit. I didn't even know if it was still beating.

'Yo, Quinn you okay?' Ashley said as she was opening a few presents i gave her.  I quickly looked over at her.

'Yeah, yeah i'm fine' i smiled and opened some more presents. I got some more clothes, some printed out photos of some childhood memories, some rings and more.

I gave Ashley matching rings and jewelry for us. She thankfully loved it, and i also got her printed photos of us to hang on our walls.

Maybe a few hours passed and I was in my bathroom getting ready for the Christmas party that was happening in maybe 30 minutes. Ashley was helping me curl my hair as i was doing my makeup.

'all done' she smiled. I flipped my hair over to the sides and smiled more.

'thank you Ash' i smiled and we finished doing our makeup. I slipped on my shoes and we both walked downstairs.

I locked eyes with Luke that was talking with my mom. I forgot that I also put on the necklace he gave me. He softly smiled at me and I finished walking down the stairs and I went to him.

'Thanks for the necklace by the way' i chuckled softly and looked up at him because he was kinda towering over me. I felt a little intimidated by his height, but it was fine.

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