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Quinn Blake

I slowly opened my eyes to see Luke's head cuddled in my shoulder. His hair was everywhere and tickling my neck. He had some soft breaths on my neck as he was sleeping.

I smiled and slowly looked over at the time. 9.27AM.

I rolled over on my back and looked at the ceiling. Luke started to move around a bit and he eventually woke up.

He rolled over and faced me. He blew his hair out of his face as he started to chuckle. 'morning' he smiled.

'well good morning' i chuckled and leaned against my elbows and looks at him.

'i'm so haaappyyy!' he chuckled and grabbed my waist quickly and pulled me to him. I squealed and looked up at him with his blue eyes staring at my blue eyes.

'i am happy toooo' i giggled and blew his hair out of his face.

'god we need to tell the boys.. oh we should go to the pizzeria!' he said as he pushed my hair out of my face. I nodded quickly snd we both sat up.

Ashley immediately walked in and looked at us. She ran to the bed and jumped in between us. 'soooo! how did your date go?' she asked as she looked at both of us.

'we are dating now..' i smiled a little, my cheek starting to get red, and i played with my fingers. I heard a squeal from Ashley and she hugged me tightly.

'i'm so happy for you two!' she smiled and rubbed my back. 'Now you sir, if you break her heart, i break you' she said as she tried to stay serious but she couldn't and she bursted out laughing.

Luke and I bursted out into laughter and he wrapped his arms around me. 'so you and Ashton?' Luke asked as he looked up at Ashley who was now standing up.

Her cheeks went red very quick and she looked down. 'is it that obvious..'

'yes! you literally cuddled him last night to death!' i laughed and felt Luke's hands slide up and down my waist a little. She giggled and nodded.

'okay yes I do like Ashton.. but how do i.. like i don't know.. tell him?' she groaned snd sat in my chair looking over at us.

'Oh my god i got it' Luke said instantly. 'He's always wanted to do this with someone. If he still has his old drums at his house you can totally do this.'

Ashley sat up quickly and looked at him. 'Since he's a drummer in our band, you should act like your interested and ask him to teach you to play. Then he'll bring you over and he'll teach you while you sit in his lap. Then after you stop, BOOM, kiss him' Luke chuckled and looked at Ashley.

'He's been wanting to do this for so long' he laughed. I leaned against Luke a little and Ashley got up immediately.

'I'm gonna text him' she squealed and walked out snd shut my door. I looked up at Luke and he softly pecked my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly slowly kissing his bottom lip. Both of his hands held my waist softly as we kissed.

We both pulled away quickly as Hailey rushed in my room squealing. 'You two are dating!?!?'

Luke and I both bursted into laughter again and we both nodded. 'God i didn't expect this!' she squealed and hugged me tightly. 'Goodness Luke brush your hair'

'Never' he chuckled snd ran his fingers through his curly mess of hair. He kissed my forehead softly as Hailey walked out. I leaned against him again and smiled.

'So how is this gonna work out when we have to go home.. when are you going home anyways?' i asked as I looked up at him.

'We'll, all the boys and I are supposed to be flying out on the 3rd..' he sighed and helped me close. 'And we can do long distance. Calls every day or something like that?' he said as he rubbed my waist.

My mind started to wander as I started to think about what happened after the got in the band. I didn't even realize i was tearing up until Luke wiped a tear off of my cheek.

'Q.. why are you crying?' he asked softly and he held my face. More tears started coming as he asked me.

'w-will.. you pinky promise that you won't leave me.' i said softly, close to a mumble, as i put my pinky up. He looked at me and he looked down at my pinky. I hid my face in his chest and I felt his pinky wrap around mine.

I let out a sigh of relief and i felt his hand lift hmmm face up. He wiped my tears with his thumbs snd softly pecked my lips. Then she started attacking my face with kisses.

I immediately bursted into laughter as he did that. 'okay okay let's go downstairs and have some breakfast' i smiled and got out of his lap. I started walking towards the door and felt his hands on my waist.

He quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. 'LUCAS!' i screamed out laughing and started hitting his back softly as he carried me down the stairs. 'put me dooownn!'i whined.

'never' he laughed and i heard other people chuckling. He stopped as he walked into the living room.

'put me dooown' i whined again and he set me down. I fixed my hair and turned around to see Ashton, Calum, and Michael sitting on the couch laughing at us. My face got a little red.

'so what? are you two dating or having a little friends with benefits going on?' Calum laughed as he nudged Ashton.

'We are dating' Luke smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder. I looked at the boys and noticed how Michael's face dropped.

Now i'm confused..

Ashton and Calum laughed as I heard feet rush down the stairs. I immediately saw Ashley smiling and she went over to Ashton.

'did you get my text?' she asked him.

'Yesss i did and i'm so excited! The drums are in my basement and imma show you how to become a drummer like me' he laughed snd tickled Ashley's waist as she laughed with him.

He pulled her on his lap. 'Hey Michael where's Crystal?' Calum asked as he got up to go get a cup from a cupboard.

'on a plane.. to LA' he barely mumbled. My heart stopped as everyone froze.

'what?!' I immediately said as I looked over at Michael. His eyes shot to mine. 'did you to..'

'yeah..' he groaned softly and put his head in his hands. Ashton immediately hugged him.

'dude tell us what happened' Luke joined in snd unwrapped his arms around me. He walked over to Michael.

'it's not really a big deal.. we had an argument and then she broke up with me' he said as he ran his fingers through her hair.

I felt like something was off with him, but i didn't wanna say anything. I walked over to everyone and sat next to Luke and leans against him.

My mom soon walked out of her bedroom and looked at all of us. Then she decided to make breakfast for all of us.

Today is gonna be.. fun.

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