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Michael Clifford

Yeah.. apparently Luke and Quinn were going out. Great. This means that if they work good together, they'll start dating.. and now Quinn could be Luke's girlfriend and he's gonna be crying and missing her when we leave.


It was around 8am when I woke up and Crystal was acting a little weird around me lately. Even tho she is asleep beside me now, she was still acting weird.

She never even said goodnight to me last night, she just laid next to me, not saying a word, and went to bed. Which isn't normal for us.

I stared at the ceiling taking a few deep breaths and i looked over at Crystal who was waking up a bit. She yawned and stretched a bit and sat up fixing her hair.

'Can i talk to you.' i blurted out. She looked over at me and yawned again.

'Sure' she said as she got up. I followed her actions and got up too. My mind started wandering. Why do I even need to talk to her? 'so what do we need to talk about..'

I really didn't want to say what's going through my mind. I ran my fingers through my hair and pushed it out of my face. I also played with my sweatpants strings a bit. I've never been THIIIS nervous before.

'Michael you are scaring me, baby what's wrong?' Crystal asked as he grabbed my face softly. I quickly pulled my head away from her. I didn't even look down at her. I was looking down at our feet.

My sudden movement caused her to pull her hands away confused. 'Michael.. what's been bugging you?' she asked a little quieter.

I took a deep breath and sat down slowly on the edge of my bed. 'Luke and Quinn are bothering me.' i spit out a little. Crystal looked at me.

'Is Luke being Luke again?' she chuckled a little, trying to lift the tension in the room. I sighed and shook my head.  'Is Quinn being weird? Oh if you're going over there later can you remind Ashley and Quinn about our little hang out?'

I took a deep breath again and gripped my hair softly. 'I have a problem with Luke going on a date with Quinn okay?' i said as I looked up at her finally for once.

I saw how her face gotten a little redder, her eyes got teary. 'Are you breaking up with me over Quinn.' she softly said as tears started filling up her eyes.

I didn't even know the answer to it myself.

Okay maybe I do like Quinn still. Maybe i'm jealous over Luke liking her now and going on a date with her. Hell, they are probably asleep next to each other right now.

I wonder if the date went well.. well of course it did. I saw them walking back to her house after they went to the park or wherever. They were laughing and they both walked into Quinn's house.

'yeah.' i said softly and playing with my fingers. Crystal stood up immediately and looked down at me shaking her head.

'3 years Michael! 3 years! The girl that you've never talked about, maybe once or twice with the guys. Quinn this, Quinn that! You are all over her now!' she yelled at me. I knew she was angry about this. I'm already mad at myself.

'Ever since we came to Australia for Christmas and ever since we have saw her. You changed! You changed for her! 3 years down the drain Michael. I can't believe you right now!' she continued to yell as she made me stand up and push me a little.

I didn't hold back or anything. I let her push me. Tears filled my eyes a little bit as she continued.

'I'm buying a plane ticket and leaving.' she mumbled and started packing her bags. I just stood there. Quiet. I didn't want to move or anything.

She purchased a ticket and quickly grabbed her bags. 'You know.. do you really love her Michael?' she said as she stopped at the door.

I looked up at her a little. I shrugged. I don't even know that answer to that. 'Did you at least truly love me' she said softly.

'Crystal of course i did. For those 3 years. I've always loved you from the start. And I am so so so sorry' i said as i stepped towards her a bit.

'Would you be happy if you were with her?' she asked as she looked up at me. I nodded slowly and wiped my tears.

'Then go be happy.. if you're happy, i'm happy' she said softly and kissed my cheek. A small smile appeared on our faces.

Then she left. She's now on a plane to LA.

I was now sitting on the couch in Quinn's living room. Luke and Quinn were sitting next to each other, Ashley was in Ashton's lap, and now Calum and I were sitting down looking at the two "couples".

Well, one couple and one.. soon to be couple? I put my head back a bit. I shouldn't like Quinn. She looks so happy with Luke already and it's the first day of the relationship.

'How about we all get pizza at the pizzeria for lunch?' Luke suddenly said and all of us looked at him.

'God yes pizza please' Ashton whined and Ashley giggled. 'I haven't been there in ages'

I smiled a little bit and nodded. Quinn cuddled into Luke a bit as he played with her hair. I started thinking about the time i played with her hair.

It was a Saturday afternoon, we just got back from the beach and we were in Ashton's basement waiting for the pizza to come. Everyone else was upstairs as Quinn and I were down here.

She was on the verge of falling asleep from today's activities. She had her head on my lap as we watched some random show on Ashton's TV.

'can you play with my hair?' she softly said as she looked up at me. I looked down at her and nodded. She looked back over at the TV as I put my fingers in her hair.

I slowly started massaging her scalp as she closed her eyes. I started to play with her hair, twisting my fingers and her hair. I began to massage her scalp again scratching her scalp softly.

She dug her head into my lap a bit and she then fell asleep. I smiled and continued to play with her hair. A few minutes passed and the rest of the guys came downstairs with two pizza boxes.

I turned and looked at them and put my finger over my lips. 'She's asleep' i whispered and pointed down to Quinn who was passed out asleep.

Ashton slowly walked to the couch and put the pizza boxes on the table. 'dude you can't move now' Luke softly chuckled and looked down at her then me. He's right. I can't move. I have to stay still now.

Calum and Luke sat on the opposite couch as Ashton sat in a chair. They gave me a slice of pizza and we all looked at Quinn.

'She's really peaceful when she sleeps' Calum chuckled softly. I looked down at her and her face was now in her face. I cleaned my fingers off with a napkin and pushes her hair out of her face.

'yeah she is..' i smiled a little bit.

'Michael you okay? You zoned out' Calum said as he snapped his fingers in front of me for a second. I sadly, came back into reality and looked at them.

'yeah' i replied and leaned back against the couch looking at all of them. 'so what time?'

We all looked over at the time and it was close to 10:30.

'1:30?' Ashton asked as he looked at all of us. We all agreed.

[A/N: hey, also, i just wanted to clarify this. I'm from America and i barely have any knowledge on what Australia is like and stuff so sorry if anyone lives in Australia and is like 'this is wrong' lol i dont know. And also I mean NO HARM to Crystal. I loooove Crystal so much and i mean no harm to her. This is just a story. Anyways Love you <3]

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