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Michael Clifford

Quinn quickly went inside after not saying another word to any of us. All of us looked around. 'what was her deal?' Calum asked as he went up to us. Ashley seemed sorta confused.

'i think she's still hung back from what happened years ago..' Ashley sighed and went up to Ashton. We all looked around at each other.

'someone needs to check up on her..' Ashton said.

'i'll do it-' Ashley budded in but got cut off by Luke.

'no i'll do it.' he said as he quickly walked in. We all followed and went upstairs slowly but quietly. We heard soft sobs from her. I put my head against the wall softly listening. We all whispered softly at each other.

'guys let me just go in and try to talk to her okay..' Luke whispered. Everyone looked at him.

'like it's not your fault either..' Ashley mumbled. Luke shot his head up.

'Hey. You don't even know the full story.' he said a little sharply. Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes a bit.

'imma just go home..' i mumbled and lifted my head up straight. 'she hates me and I know. I don't even know how i could fix this. Im just going to give her time.' i said as I started to walk down the stairs.

I opened the front door and left without making a sound. I just wanted to apologize to her but J just keep making it worse. I just want us to be normal again. But it's never gonna happen is it?

It was close to 9 as I looked at my phone screen. It was still crystal and i. I never had the guts to change it yet.

My hand met the cold door knock of my parents house as I walked inside. My dad was passed out in the rocking chair as my mom was playing a game on her phone. My mom looked over at me.

'oh hey michael' she smiled and patted the couch signaling me to come sit next to her.

'uh i'm pretty tired mom. I'll see you tomorrow' i faked smiled.

'oh.. well. Sleep well' she smiled and turned back to her game. I quickly went upstairs and turned on my light. I shut my door quietly and groaned.

My hands met the bottom of my shirt as I took it off and threw it in a pile of other clothes. Shirts, pants and anything I wore was now on the floor. I took a quick shower to try snd calm my mind but it didn't work that much.

My anxiety was still somewhat high. I hated yelling at Quinn because I know she hates it, but she wouldn't let me talk. Yes, i couldnt tried to calm down but I just want her to listen to my side of the story.

I know she's hurt badly by all of us, mostly me right now, but I just want us to be normal again like in 2011. 

I dried off and slid on sweats. My eyes met my body as I looked at myself in the mirror. I glanced down a bit at some of my tattoos on my arms. I took a deep breath and tried not to get any bad thoughts in my head.

I quickly put on a shirt and turned off the bathroom light. I slid into my bed and felt the coldness around my body.

Tears slowly started to fork in my eyes as I stared into the darkness of my room. I didn't wanna move, i didn't wanna make any noise.

I just felt somewhat numb. I buried my head into the pillow. Silence was all around me as I slowly starting to fall asleep.

Quinn Blake

My eyes slowly opened as I saw dirty blonde curly hair in my face. I looked down and felt Luke slowly drawing circles on my side. I kept still trying not to signal him that I'm awake.

He slowly drew circles on my side with his thumb. He slowly trailed them down to my stomach and kept tracing circles on my stomach.

I let out a sigh a bit and he slowly lifted up his head. 'you're awake..' he softly said as he continued. I nodded slowly and broke the eye contact we had. I wanted to get up but I felt so safe in his arms.

'do you want to tell me anything about yesterday..' he mumbled and pushed my hair out of my face. I really wanted to.. trust me I really did.

I shook my head. It's all in the past right. I should just get over it. I shouldn't hold onto something that happened 7 years ago. He softly pressed his lips against my head.

'well, guess what' he said as he looked up at me with a soft smile. I shrugged, not wanting to talk.

'tomorrow is a new yeaaarrr' he smiled and rubbed my sides. My face was still with no emotion. Luke noticed and his smile faded a little. 'cmonnn 2019 shouldn't be bad'

I took a deep breath. 'let's just go get breakfast' i said as I got up.

'okay..' he said as he followed me downstairs. Downstairs was silent. Nobody was in the kitchen, just us two.

'okay so I can either make..' he whispered as he opened the fridge looking around. 'eggs' he said as he continued to look around. 'french toast.. or cereal' he smiled a little.

'cereal' i mumbled and sat on the chair at the counter. He grabbed a box of cereal we had and poured two bowls of the cereal and poured milk in. He handed me the bowl with a spoon.

We both began to eat not saying a word to each other. After a few minutes I just became nauseous not to eat anymore. I pushed the bowl away and got up slowly.

'you okay Quinn?' he asked as he got up swallowing his cereal. I nodded and went over to the couch. I sat down and immediately laid down. I pulled the pillow under my head and pulled the blanket over me.

Luke started the dishes as my mom walked out of her bedroom. 'well good morning you two' she smiled.

'morning mrs blake' luke softly said and continued to wash the dishes. I watched the tv that was on a random show. Luke walked over to me and sat next to my legs.

'can i lay with you' he asked as he looked at me. I didn't say a word. Then I slowly nodded and he laid next to me and cuddles me into his chest. His feet were dangling off of the couch, which always makes me laugh.

I couldn't hold it in, i started to laugh a bit. He looked at me confused. 'what's so funny?' he asked.

'your feet are hanging off the couch' i laughed and looked at him. 'it always makes me laugh'

'i love your laugh' he smiled and held my face. It felt like somehow all the pain went away. He softly pecked my nose and we cuddled on the couch for a bit.

'2019 is tomorrow guys are we excited??' my mom chipped in and went to the chair next to the couch.

'very' i chuckled and looked over at her.

'very much' luke smiled and pushed my hair out of my face. 'the boys are gonna be here around 7, is that okay Mrs Blake?' he asked.

'oh yes that is going to be fine. I'm going to hang out with my friends so everyone can hang over here. Please don't break anything' my mom chuckled.

'mom we aren't 15 anymore' i smiled and leaned into Luke. He softly brushed his lips against my forehead. 'we promise we won't break anything'

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