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Quinn Blake

It was the next morning as I woke up alone. As so I thought.

Soon as I turned around my chest met someone's back, my eyes trailed up their shirtless back and to their hair.


He was sound asleep as I was now wide awake. I wanted to move but I didn't want to wake him up. But soon as I tried to sit up his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me back down.

He groaned softly and pulled me close to his body. 'dont leave'

I laughed a bit. 'i need to get up though'. His grip tightened as i tried to leave. I whined and laid back down next to him. 'michael please'

'fine fine' he mumbled and unwrapped his arms around me. I sat up and stretched my arms then continued to get up.

Michael slowly arose from the bed and checked his phone to see what time it was. 'Shit- i gotta go' he jumped up from the bed and grabbed his stuff and ran to me and kissed my forehead.

'what why-?' i questioned as i looked up at him.

'i have 47 missed text messages from Luke, Ashton and Calum combined asking where I am and why i'm not at the house. I'll see you later though Quinn' he stated and kissed my forehead again as he broke away from us.

'oh- okay.' i mumbled and grabbed my laundry basket. 'see you later..'

And then he walked out of my apartment without another word. Now I was alone and now bored.

I continued to walk to my hallway to pack a bag to bring it to the laundry matt across the streets. I put all of my dirty clothes in a bag along with quarters to place in the machine.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed out of my apartment to the laundry matt.

Luke Hemmings

I paced around the living room waiting on an answer from Michael, he went MIA ever since last night. I finally arrived back home after my flight this morning and came back and he wasn't here.

Ashton stated how he didn't come back from the store yesterday, where could he have stayed at?

As i was about to call michael for the third time, the door finally opened and there he was with a few bags. 'Hey guys i'm sorry i'm back, i was- holy shit Luke you look like a mess"

"jet lag, missing Quinn, going across new york city to see where she is, then coming back here. Yes i am very tired Michael' i stated and looked at him. "where were you all night?"

"I was at target and then i uhm... met a girl and hooked up with her last night. Sorry about that" he stated. I looked at him and new that was a lie.

They boys cheered on for him. 'What's her name?' i asked him.

'Melanie' he replied. 'She has brown hair and blue eyes, she was really sweet too'

'Mhm.' i stated and walked away. 'I need to go on a drive.'

I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I need fresh air and a walk. I immediately got into my car and started to drive around LA.

After a few minutes of driving I parked in a spot and got out. There was a cafe and I desperately needed some caffeine in my system.

I headed inside of the cafe and looked at the menu. I didn't want anything hard so I went up and ordered my normal drink and paid.

After I got my drink I headed out and started walking along the side walks around town. I kept my head low with my sunglasses on trying not to catch fans eyes.

But soon as I know I see a group of teenage girls walking my wag and noticing me. I turn to my left and see a laundry matt and rush in there to miss the girls nearby.

I let out a heavy groan and put my sunglasses up and looked around the laundry matt and recognized a familiar set of eyes across the store.

Soon as my eyes caught hers, my heart stopped. Her face fell as she looked away from me quickly. I started walking toward her until her machine dinged and she got up quickly.

I stopped and heard many voices of teenage girls behind me. 'Luke is that you?' one of them questioned. I turned around and smiled to them. 'uh yeah that's me'

'Is it okay if we get photos?' they asked and I nodded and took some photos.

'wait are you here with Quinn?' one of them asked as they looked at her. She was trying to keep her own business and not start anything. I wonder if the media knows we aren't together anymore.

'uh no' i mumbled and continued to take photos with them. I looked over at Quinn as she kept her head down and folded her clothes in the bag.

After a few minutes they walked out and soon as I went to turn around to talk to her, she was gone. I turned my head around to see where she went and she disappeared.

Maybe she left, i need to catch up with her. I rushed outside to see her walking across the street so i continued to follow her.

'Quinn!' i yelled from across the street. Soon as she heard my voice her hand raised up in the air with her middle finger out.

I kept running towards her until she was at the gate to her apartment complex typing in the gate code. I was soon behind her as she opened the gate.

'Quinn please i need-'

'you don't need anything.' she said as she walked in the gate. I quickly followed her as she almost shut the gate in front of me and she turned around and looked up at me. 'please just leave me alone.'

'i need to get my point across.' i said to her and looked into her eyes with guilt in mine.

'just leave me alone.' she said as she walked to her apartment. I couldn't take no for an answer. I haven't seen her in three months, which is my fault, but i still need to talk to her.

She grabbed her keys and unlocked her door. 'Can i please just talk to you. 5 minutes, give me 5 minutes' i begged to her.

Her shoulders fell in defeat as she walked in. '5 minutes Luke.'

I followed her in and looked at her. 'Listen.. im so very sorry'

'don't say sorry.' she said as she put her bag on the table.

I let out a deep breath. 'Listen, management took our lives over again and I cannot control myself again. I hate how it started off again like how it did whenever we first started the band.'

'and you can't text me, email me, anything cause management will see it, everyone will see it. etc' she said as she unzipped her bag.

'oh and send me that email and tell me how you love me then say you can't love me because of this.' she rambled and cut me off.

'Oh and how we never break up or anything so I assume we're done but then you go and kiss and fuck this girl named Sierra?' she said with no emotion and grabbed my clothes out of her bag.

How did she know this? I didn't tell anyone except-

Michael. Wait a moment.

If she's in California, Michael must've seen her and told her. My eyes wandered around the room until i saw a familiar hat on the desk, Michaels hat. Oh you got to be kidding me.

'Michael hooked up with you last night didnt he?' i said as looked at her. She looked up at me and then got up.

'and what if i did? we're done anyways Luke. You fucked another girl so that has to mean we're done. Right?' she said as she walked towards me and looked up at me.

I was speechless. I couldn't form words to come out of my mouth.

'Why won't you love me anymore Quinn?'


It's obvious luke stfu

HAHA anyways that the end of that chapter

xoxo Alexis :)

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