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Quinn Blake
Hours Later

My mom was gone and the house was ours now. We had drinks set up on the counters and some snacks. Since it's only going to be the 6 of us, we didn't have really anything planned.

Calum or Michael haven't came yet, maybe they are getting some other drinks. Ashton and Ashley were on the couch talking with each other as Luke and I were leaning against the counters in the kitchen eating some chips.

'so what do you reaaaally want to happen next year?' i asked luke as I popped a chip in my mouth.

'honestly.. i don't know. I really want to go on tour again. I miss being out on stage' he smiled.

'i bet' i chuckled and aye a few more chips. He smiled again and we both ate some chips together. It was getting close to 8 and Calum and Michael still aren't here yet.

'does anyone know where Calum is?' I asked as i tapped my foot a bit getting anxious something bad happened.

I looked around and everyone and Ashton shook his head. 'i'll text him' Ashton said as he grabbed his phone.

Luke went up to me and wrapped his arms around me. 'you are just adorable i hope you know that' he smiled and pecked my cheek.

'well thank you Lucas' i chuckled.

'woah woah the full name, did i do something?' he asked quickly as he pulled his lips away from my cheeks. I shook my head giggling and leaned against him.

'he said that he's with Michael. Michael isn't doing so well.' Ashton said slowly looking at us.

'shit he might be mad at himself.. and about that fight you two had last night' luke added and looked down at me. I quickly looked away, not wanting to talk about it.

I broke away from Luke's arms and went to the couch and sat down.

Finally, after an hour or so later, Calum and Michael walked through the door. Neither of them said a word, they just walked in.

Calum looked tired and restless as Michael has some puffy eyes and also looked very tired. 'i don't think you two are gonna last till midnight' Ashton chuckled and looked at them.

Michael flipped him off and went to the kitchen not looking at me at all. I knew something was up with him again.

Actually, everyone knew something was up. I guess he's been putting himself down and Calum went to go help him.

I didn't wanna get up and recreate the scene that happened yesterday, and that's what i did for the rest of the night.

It was 11:50, official 10 minutes till the new year is here. I was now leaning against the counter eating some chips as Luke was talking to Michael on the couch.

Ashley was in the kitchen eating some chips with me. 'do you mind me asking about what happened yesterday?' she asked me softly as she popped another chip in her mouth.

I sighed softly and looked over at the guys and then Ashley. 'He told me that he had a problem with me dating Luke. Then I blew up at him and stuff about what happened and now we are like this' i huffed out and took a sip of my Sprite.

She nodded slowly and took a sip of her Pepsi that she had. 'anyways, what are you planning for 2019?' she asked me.

I took a deep breath and started to think about it. What are my plans? I honestly have no clue.

I looked up at her again. 'No clue' i shrugged and took another sip of my drink.

'guys 5 minutes come on' Calum yelled over at us and waved us to come over.

I grabbed the chip bowl and my drink and went over to the couch. I didn't want to make eye contact with Michael at all. I sat next to Luke and placed the bowl in the middle of the coffee table.

I felt Luke's hand wrap around my waist softly and he did a soft tug on my waist as he smiled. It caused me to smile a little.

We all watched the time go down from 5 minutes to 4, down to 3, then to 2, then started to 60 seconds. I smiled a little and watched it slowly go to 10 seconds.

'10' we cheered.

Ashley was on Ashton's lap.


Calum was leaning over counting down.

'8, 7, 6'

I was in Luke's lap.


Luke was holding me softly in his waist as he counted down.

'4, 3, 2,'

Ashton was already kissing Ashley.

'1, 0'

Michael took a deep breath and looked over at me.

'happy new year!'

We all cheered, except Michael.

Luke grabbed my chin softly and kissed me gently. All I heard was 'i'm so sorry Quinn.'

Did he really just? I quickly pulled away from Luke and turned to look at Michael but he was gone already. I looked over and Calum was up and going after Michael.

Luke looked at me confused. 'what's wrong?' he asked softly. I looked around a bit not seeing Michael in sight or Calum.

'nothing, nothing' i said as I faced him again. He slowly smiled and pecked my lips softly. I slowly started to smile and leaned against him.

We both looked over at Ashton and Ashley and they were still making out. 'yo love birds go get a room' Luke chuckled and they instantly pulled away.

Ashley's face was red as a tomato, it was pretty funny. Ashton softly chuckled. 'dont test me'

Luke face palmed himself and laughed out. I softly chuckled and took a sip of my soda.

All of a sudden i heard a loud bang from across the hall. Everyone got quiet and we looked over at the guest room.

I quickly got up and everyone followed me. I noticed the light was on and I quickly opened the door. All i saw was Calum looking at the wall, that now had a hole in it, and Michael having a breakdown and his hand now red and bloody.

Great way to start the new year.

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