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Quinn Blake

Luke left and I was sitting on my bed contemplating about going downstairs or not. But I did, I got out of bed and walked downstairs slowly to see Ashton awake, Ashley asleep against him, and Calum still asleep.

'morning' I whispered to Ashton and he looked over at me and smiled.

'good morning' he whispered back. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Calum. I nudged him a little and he groaned.

His eyes opened a little and he looked at me. 'Calum it's almost 10:30 wake up' i smiled. He immediately shook his head and buried it back into a pillow. I shook my head and looked over at Ashley.

'she's still asleep?' i asked him.

'Yeah, i've been playing with her hair a bit, but she's knocked out cold. Does she normally sleep like this?' he asked as he gave me a little laugh.

'Yeah' i chuckled softly and Ashley moved around a bit and looked over at me and then up at Ashton. Her face instantly became red and she looked back at me.

'did i fall asleep on you..' she softly said as she looked back up at Ashton. He nodded. 'Jesus Ashton I'm so sorry-'

'hey no worries it's fine' he smiled which caused her to smile.

'go get a room love birds' Calum groaned into the pillow and covered his ears. 'I swear i'm going to be the single one'

Ashton and Ashley giggled a little and I leaned back on the couch. I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss last night. He was so soft and gentle. Honestly I loved it.

'Hey ashley, can I talk to you in the bathroom?' i asked and got up.

'oh sure' she said and got off of Ashton and we both walked into the bathroom. I shut the door and looks at her immediately.

'luke kissed me last night' i blurted out. Ashley's eyes widened so big I thought they were gonna come out.

'what!!' she said really excited.

'shhh! shhh! Yes we did.. twice' i giggled. 'then michael walked on us..' i said pushing my hair back. 'but then he left and he kissed me again'

'omgggg he really likes you' she smiled and jumped a little. I think she was more excited than I was.

'and..' i mumbled. She looked at me concerned. 'he's taking me out tonight'

'omg Quinn!' she hugged me tightly. 'I swear if he ever hurts you, I'm hurting him'

'Okay okay' i laughed snd hugged back. We both walked out and Ashton and Calum looked at us.

'sooooo tell us what happened, we heard giggling and a little bit of yelling' Calum said as he crossed his arms.

'Luke kissed her! Twice!' Ashley said loudly and ran to Ashton really happy.

'Ashley!' i laughed and turned around to shut the bathroom light off and met eyes with Michael who looked very tired.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the bathroom then me. I walked out of his way and he went into the bathroom and shut the door.

I walked over to them and sat down. 'so where is lover boy?' Calum asked.

'Oh he told me he was going to go home and spend some time with his fam and then.. come pick me up later and we are going on a date' i started to mumble and look around.

'what!' Ashton laughed and looked at me.

'yeah.. he's taking me out' i smiled widely and leaned back against the couch.

'who's taking you out?' i heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Michael who was obviously still very tired. He walked to the couch and sat next to Calum.

'Luke is tonight' i smiled a little and looked over at him. He looked at me with no expression, and he nodded.

I looked away and played with my fingers. Crystal soon then came downstairs and went to Michael and sat in his lap.

'oooo girls we should have a girls night tonight' Crystal budded in and looked at Ashley and me.

'I have a date tonight..' i smiled a little.

'maybe tomorrow?' she asked. I looked over at Ashley then Crystal.

'Okay' Ashley and I both said and smiled a little. Crystal clapped and held onto Michael.

Maybe 30 minutes passed and Michael, Crystal, and Calum left to go back home. Ashton didn't want to leave Ashley at all. Ashley didn't want to leave Ashton's side.

They were cuddling each other and I was on the opposite couch watching a movie that was on the TV. Ashton for once looked happy with someone.

Ever since he was young in the friend group he'd always joke around saying he's going to be the last one in the friend group to get a girlfriend. But look at him now, cuddling next to my best friend.

My mom came out of her room and looked over at us. 'Did everyone leave?' she asked.

'Michael, Crystal, Calum and Luke left' i said looking over at her. She nodded and went into the kitchen and made herself some coffee.

Ashton started playing with Ashley's hair a bit and she melted into his touch. I always wanted that type of relationship.

Where you'd melt into their touch, kiss in the rain, drive down streets at 2am blasting music, screaming lyrics and more.

I wonder if Luke and I could have that?


It was maybe around 6 and my family and I just finished dinner. Ashton was home and Ashley was pouting the whole rest of the day because she couldn't be around Ashton.

I was now upstairs wondering what I could wear. Should I wear sweatpants or jeans? Should I text him and ask? Or should I ask Ashley.

'Ashley!' i groaned and looked over at her. She was buried into her phone. 'Ashleyyyy'

'what?' she said and turned to me.

'I need help.. what do i wear for this date?' i asked and sat down on my chair.

'What type of date is it? like movie date? restaurant date?' she asked and put her phone down.

'ice cream, park, and movie date.' i said smiling a little and played with my rings on my fingers.

'omg that's like so perfect-' she smiling. 'Uhm maybe sweatpants.. oh oh and a cute shirt?'

'Okay..' i said nervously and changed into sweatpants and a shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and put on some shoes. I put my hair in a messy bun.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled widely. 'Luke would like this.. right?'

'Of course Quinn!' Ashley smiled and hugged me. 'I can't believe you are going out on a date'

'I know right, with Mr Luke Hemmings himself, a boy that i've known since i was 4' i chuckled and fixed my shirt.

I soon then heard the front door open and shut.

'Luke your back' i heard my mom say. I quickly looked at Ashley.

'Is my hair okay?? Do i look 101% perfect?' i asked her quickly and fixed my hair.

'yes yes go get him' she said. 'Wait wait put on the necklace he got you' she said and handed it to me.

I quickly put it on and walked downstairs trying to act calm. He was leaning against the kitchen counter dressed in black sweats, a large black t-shirt and some converse. He had a white beanie that contrasted with his black outfit.

But i noticed he had another beanie with him. He handed it to me and smiled at me. 'ready to go?' he asked.

'More than Ill ever be' i smiled and put on the beanie. He grabbed my hand softly and we both walked out of my house.

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