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Quinn Blake

It was the next day and Luke stayed over again. It's officially 3 days until new year's eve and i'm so ready. I need a new year.

Luke was sprawled out on the bed, his long ish hair covering his face and messy. I was awake and analyzing him and the room around me.

The time hit 8:40am, it's way too early but there is no way i'm going back to sleep. I looked around my room for the next 15 minutes, maybe an hour.

I checked the clock again and it was 8:50. Great. I don't even think Luke is going to wake up any time soon.

My body decided that i need to use the restroom so I slowly got up trying not to wake up Luke. I rushed into the bathroom quietly and shut the door. I finished my business and washed my hands.

I slowly opened the bathroom door to see Luke awake but he quickly turned over trying to fake sleep. He was already too late. He started to fake snore which caused me to laugh.

It caused him to laugh also and he turned over and looked at me. 'well good morning sleepy head' i giggled and crawled back in the bed next to him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I smiled up at him as he pushed my hair out of my face. I followed his same actions and pushed his soft curly ish hair out of his eyes.

He leaned down a bit and kissed my forehead softly. I widely smiled and leaned into him. His hands met my head as he began to play with my hair. It was still early, around 9:10.

I bet Hailey is listening to some music in her room and my mom isn't awake yet.

Then my door opened. We both looked over and it was Hailey. She looked over at us and smiled. 'God i'm so happy you two are together' Hailey smiled and then walked out.

Luke and i looked at each other and chuckled. We both got up and went downstairs. Surprisingly my mother was up and she already was making breakfast. Hailey was on the couch watching some tv.

We both joined her and watched a few episodes of whatever was on the TV. 'breakfast is ready' my mother yelled out to all of us. All three of us went into the kitchen and grabbed our plates.

We all put foods that my mom cooked for us on our plates. I sat down in a chair and luke sat next to me. We all began to eat. 'so Luke and Quinn i never asked, how was your date you two had the other day?' my mom asked as she drank her coffee.

Luke looked at me then at my mom. 'It was amazing' he smiled and ate his scrambled eggs. I blushed a little and continued to eat.

'what did you guys do?' my mom simply asked as she ate her eggs.

'we walked around the neighborhood and saw Mr Dustin and had ice cream' i smiled as i cut up my pancake into small pieces and poured some syrup on them.

'Oh oh yeah we did and then we went to the playground and acted like little kids again' luke chuckled and ate his food.

'anyways, then we danced in the rain, that's why we were soaked' i smiled and finished my food and my orange juice that I had.

'well i'm glad you two are happy together' my mother smiled. I put my plate in the sink and began to wash it. After I washed them, I put them away and went upstairs.

Luke followed me after he finished eating and he went up to me. 'imma take a shower okay?' i smiled up at him.

'okay baby' he smiled. 'Oooo i like calling you that'

We both chuckled and looked at each other. 'i like you calling me it' i smiled and pulled away. I grabbed some clothes and went into my bathroom.


It was now maybe around 6pm, we all decided to hang out at Ashton's parents house like the old times. Ashton and Calum were playing some type of game on the old xbox while Ashley and I were making tiktoks.

Michael and Luke decided to join into some and we danced with them. We were trying to show them a new dance and they tried to do it with us, but it terribly failed.

'hey i wanna try! Ashhh!' Ashton whined and finished the game he was in with Cal. Ashley chuckled and went to him. She grabbed his hand and she pulled him to where her phone was.

I sat down on one of the bar stools and started to spin. Luke came over to me and stopped the chair. 'you're gonna get dizzy baby' he chuckled and looked down at me.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw something i didn't expect to see.. but kinda expected at the same time.

Ashley and Ashton kissed for a tiktok and everyone froze and looked at them. I quickly clapped my hand over my mouth and looked at them.

They both pulled away and noticed. 'What? Did i fail to mention we are.. dating?' ashley smiled and blushed heavily as Ashton smiled a little nervously and awkwardly.

'no way!' i quickly got out of the chair and stumbled a bit and hugged ashley tightly. We both squealed a bit as we hugged.

'this is the best christmas break ever huh?' she exclaimed. We both laughed and hugged. Then i went back over to the chair. Luke and Calum began to play on the xbox as Ashton went to Ashley. I started spinning slowly this time a bit as I watched some tiktoks on my phone.

I caught Michael looking over at me a few times as I watched a few tiktoks. He finally came up to me.

'so.. what you watching?' he asked as he nudged me a little. I looked up at him.

'oh just some tiktoks' i smiled and showed him. Some weird hair tutorial videos, baking videos, guitar videos and more popped up as I swiped. We both became interested and watched a lot more videos than I expected.

'guys are you ever gonna stop watching those stupid tiktoks, it's now 7' Calum said chuckling.

'hey!' ashton said as he hit his check softly. 'tiktoks are fun, that's why you're never on the band account' he frowned and looked at Calum.

We both turned around and looked at them. I put my phone in my pocket snd went to Luke. He looked like his energy was sucked out of him.

I sat down in his lap and looked at him. 'you okay?' i mouthed to him and pushed his hair softly out of his face. He nodded and looked up at me.

He softly pecked my cheek as I leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around my waist as i leaned closer to him.

Even though it was 7, my eyes started to slowly shut as I was slowly loosing consciousness. I soon then fell asleep in his arms and everything went quiet and dark.

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