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Quinn Blake

"why won't you love me anymore Quinn?"

I'm sorry, what? Why won't I love you anymore. He has to be kidding me.

"Why?" i simply said. "Did you seriously just ask that Luke."

"Listen, i know it's a stupid question but Quinn. I still love you and it's-"

"You don't get to love me anymore!" i said a little louder than I expected. "You broke me more than anyone else had."

"Me? I did! Look at Michael!" he said louder to match my tone. "He broke you first!"

"That was 10 years ago Luke! I'm fucking over it!" i said to match our tones together. "I guess our silly little relationship was a mistake."

His lips parted as he looked at me. "A mistake?"

I turned to him and looked up at him, he was towering over me. "Yes, a mistake." He looked into my eyes and shook his head.

"That's funny. So fucking funny Quinn." he said as he stepped away and walked towards my end table in my living room. "After everything I did for you in our relationship, you say it's a mistake."

"Where i treated you the best i could!" he started to raise his voice. "The dates, movies, kisses, everything! You just say it's a mistake"

He calmed himself down and looked at me and saw that I had no expression and kept quiet.

He then grabbed my lamp and threw it against the wall. I flinched and backed away quickly not saying another word.

Fear ignited in my veins as i backed away from him. "I tried to be better for you!" he said as he pushed things over on my coffee table. He started walking towards me which made me backup even more, until my back hit the wall and i tried to move but his arms were now placed beside mine.

"I tried to make you the happiest girl alive and look what happened! You're fucking scared of me!" he yelled in my face as I looked away from his as tears filled my eyes.

"Luke stop please" i begged as he was inches away from my face.

"I just want you back Quinn.. please" he told me as he lifted his fingers to my chin and made me look at him. "I'll promise you i won't hurt you again.. please Quinn."

Tears were filled in my eyes as I was now scared of my ex boyfriend, my ex love, my ex best friend.

After all the good memories I had with him, all i could think about was the recent one of him throwing my lamp against the wall, shattering it and having glass all over the floor.

He backed away and shook his head and left without saying another word. My body fell in despair and quickly pulled my knees into my chest as I started to shake.

The lamp, shattered all over the floor. My decorations on my coffee table, now scattered in my living room. My heart, broken into a million pieces as I am now scared of Luke.

I couldn't move, I didn't want to. I felt like I was walking on eggshells now. It's definitely going to take time for me to warm up to Luke after that.

Maybe hours passed, maybe even a few minutes. But it felt like hours as I sat on the floor. I finally got myself off of the floor as I checked the time, only a half an hour went by.

I saw that I had some messages from Michael.

'Did Luke come to see you or
something? He disappeared.'

I left him on read as I looked back at my destroyed living room. It took all the power I had to clean it up, glass shards everywhere and decorations all over the floor.

But I finally got it up. I got the weird desire to clean up my apartment but soon as I started I heard my doorbell ring. 

I froze, wondering if Luke came back for a second time. I inched my body forward towards the door and went to look through the peep hole until there was a loud knock. I jumped back and accidentally dropped the broom onto the floor. 

"Quinn are you in there?" I heard Michael say. I let out a heavy breath and as I just about opened the door I noticed the mess that Luke made before hand. I couldn't let him in yet.

"Now isn't a good time Michael." I said to the door. 

"Come on please I need to talk to you." he said to the door. I let out another breath and opened the door a bit. His eyes met mine and instantly softened. 

"Quinn what's wrong?" he asked and I looked at him confused. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him dumbfounded. He pointed up to my eyes. 

"Your eyes are puffy and red. Why were you crying?" he said as he opened my door up more and saw the broken lamp and everything scattered over the floor. His jaw opened a bit as he looked around. "What happened."

I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it as he walked in and shut the door behind him. I started to follow him. "No, sit down." he said as he pointed to the couch. I sat down and looked up at him. 

He grabbed the broom and started to sweep up the broken glass. For a half and hour both of us didn't say a word to each other. After he finished he threw away the broken glass in my trash and made sure there wasn't anymore left. 

He came back to me and sat next to me on the couch. "Tell me what happened Quinn. I can tell this wasn't you." He laid his hand on my knee and rubbed it gently. I looked over at him and just broke out in tears. 

He pulled me closer to him and rubbed my back. "I.. I was at the laundry mat to wash my clothes and guess who walked in." she said as she calmed down and wiped her tears. 'Luke did. He had no clothes but I guess he saw me. He tried t.. talking to me but I didn't want to talk to him so I tried to ignore him."

I took a few more breaths to control my breathing. "Then he followed me home and he wanted to talk to me and I let him for a bit and then he argued. He then threw my lamp and got in my face." I said to him and played with my fingers. 

He was silent and I could tell that he was going to do something about this situation. "Don't do anything Michael." I said to him and he groaned. 

"Well he needs to learn. Friends do things for friends and he needs to learn."

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