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Michael Clifford

{back to when they landed in Cali}

We finally landed in Cali after those horrible hours on that plane. I could barely sleep, I had one of the worst spots ever. Calum sat next to me and he snored all the time he slept. In a row ahead of us, there was a baby crying, mostly screaming the whole way. Then behind us, there were people kicking my seat. Soon to find out it was two kids.

I wanted to jump off of that plane then and there, but finally we landed. Soon as it was safe to get off, I rushed off to the baggage claim and waited for the boys and me to get our bags. Luke was awake as the rest of them were half awake.

After a half an hour later we got out bags and we were now home. Luke opened the door and we all headed in. All of us separated and went into our own bedrooms. Soon as I opened the door I realized how much of a mess I made before I left.

I honestly didn't know what to bring and Crystal tried to help me but I was such in a rush. Crap, Crystal. I wonder how she is doing..

But I don't want to call her or anything, I just want to know that she is okay. She probably isn't. I broke up with her after Christmas, I broke up with her because I still like Quinn.

She's with Luke, I can't have her. I don't want to ruin their relationship by sabotaging it. So I'm just going to stay put and not ruin anything.

I shut my door and just put my bag on the floor. I didn't want to be in any uncomfortable clothes so I immediately took my shoes off and changed into different sweatpants and I kept my shirt off.

I then laid down and turned my lamp off. I laid in the dark for a few minutes until I started to close my eyes. All I heard were surrounding noises until I fell asleep.

Quinn Blake

I woke up to my alarm ringing as usual. Luke woke up also and I turned it off. I groaned and sat up and rubbed my eyes. He sat up and grabbed my waist and pull me onto his lap.

I immediately looked at him confused and he grabbed my chin and pulled me into a soft kiss that I wasn't expecting. I chuckled softly into the kiss and pulled away. He frowned and looked at me.

'what?' I laughed a bit.

'one, I don't want you to leave yet. Two I want another kiss' he pouted and held my waist closely. I kissed him again softly and he pulled me closer into his body. After a few more seconds I pulled away.

'come on we have to get going soon and make sure Ashton and Ashley are awake' I said as I got off of his lap and quickly changed into different clothes. He groaned and grabbed his stuff. 'Can you check out for me and I'll check on both of them'

'sure' he yawned and we both walked out of the hotel room with everything we brought. I handed him the keycard as he walked off. I walked towards Ashley's room and knocked.

'are you guys awake? We have to leave in about 15 minutes!' I said as I knocked a little bit more. A few seconds passed and Ashton opened the door shirtless. 'put a shirt on Ashton'

'we just woke up calm down' he chuckled a bit and let me in. He put on a shirt and Ashley was in the bathroom. After a few minutes they finished and all of us were now downstairs. We handed the lady our keycards and we then we headed outside to Luke's car.

Luke unlocked it and all of us loaded the car with our luggage and ourselves. Luke started driving to the airport and we waited a few more minutes since we weren't too far away from it. All four of us got out of the car and helped us get our bags out.

We all hugged again and Luke pulled me closer into him. 'have a great flight' he whispered softly and kissed me softly. He pulled away and I smiled. Ashley and I then went into the airport and checked in. We loaded our bags up and sat down at our gate we had to be at.

Hours passed and we were finally ready to get on the plane. I stood up and we showed the lady our tickets and boarded the plane.

We both sat down in our seats and got organized. I felt my phone buzz and found out it was a text from Luke.

shoot me a text when

you land <3

I smiled to myself and replied with an 'okay <3'

After a bit we were now in the air and I was leaning my head back and looking out the window. The sun was rising and it was a mixture of oranges and blues. It was so pretty and I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I started to take a few photos of the sunrise and sent them to Luke. I then I scrolled up our messages and went to his audio of the song he sang. I put my earbuds in and pressed play to listen to it.

I already miss his voice if I have to be honest. I wish he sang to me last night. I miss him singing me to sleep. I closed my eyes and listened his soft voice sing. After each time it ended, I pressed play again. Seconds, minutes, maybe an hour went by and I was still repeating it.

It was beautiful none of the less. It was very soft, angelic as I said before. Heavenly.

I love his voice.

I love his smile.

I love his eyes.

I love his curly hair.

I love his laugh.

I love the way he always responds with hearts at the end of our text messages.

I love the heart necklace he gave me for Christmas.

I love how he is always touchy, arm touches, back touches, etc.

I love our first date.

I love our first kiss.

I love him, don't I?

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