Part 2 is posted

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So I would just like to say I've been reading fan fiction for years. Many of them have been the inspiration to write my own.

Wanted to give a shout out to those authors, but the bulk of them have disappeared. Not all are writers for the OP fandom either but ya know good writing always sparks something.

Trafalgar Neo
Queen of the War Flowers
Lilly2011 (no longer active which is a massive bummer)

And of course the commenters who have kept me going over the years. However few of you there are.
Especially itzzFROZEN who relit the drive to finish this book.

Can't say when Book 2 will start I'd like to find a beta reader and make a cover that's not super cheesy. Finding a beta reader who is interested in helping me edit is much harder than I thought. Send help.

This book, in my opinion, could be written better. I want to write a story someone will read then reread and it be better the second time around. Maybe read it again months later because it's something worth rereading over and over. I want to write something worthwhile and have fun while I'm doing it.

For those that stuck around for this and didn't comment hope you stick around for round 2 because I plan on making the next book bigger and better than the first.

Thanks <3

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