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I woke up in a room I didn't recognize, but I could hear laughter from behind the door. I sat up expecting my body to ache, but it didn't. In fact I felt like I had no wounds on my body. I swung my legs over the side of the bed looking down at my feet. "Where am I?" I looked over towards the door listening in on the muffled voices.

I stood up opening the door to be met with a bright light that forced me to cover my eyes. When my eyes adjusted I looked around to see the galley of Kronos. Lulu stood at the bar pouring drinks while Top was tapping away at the bar spinning on his stool. Jet sat with a drink by his side. The door shut behind me, and they stopped turning to look at me with smiles on their faces. Without having to ask I knew what this place was, and the knowledge made me sad. Is this where Tamara and I will go when we die?

"Good morning Captain." Lulu said holding up a bottle of sake. "Do you want a drink?"

"What is this place?" I asked looking around as I walked over towards them. "Why am I here?"

"You're not dead if that's what you're asking." Jet spoke up looking over Top's shoulder with a knowing look in his eyes. "Just take a seat."

I nodded ignoring the questions swirling in my brain. Lulu slid a drink towards me, and I just stared into it. "Where is Kai? And Quinn where is she?"

They were all quiet for some time. "They aren't here."

"Well why not?" I asked looking up at them. They were reluctant to answer, but I continued to pressure them. "Why aren't they here with you?"

"We don't know." Top answered with a sigh. "We don't have all the answers Ui."

I was beginning to be overcome with sadness. I could feel the tears prickling my eyes, but they wouldn't fall. They were just stuck there, and I just stared down at my drink. "I'm sorry."

"Captain." Lulu said, but I wouldn't look at her. "There is nothing to be sorry for."

"We all agreed to this, and we knew the consequences." Jet said standing up, and coming around to put a hand on my shoulder. "Being alive and knowing what was happening...it was worse than death. For all of us. You need to understand that."

"I know." I whispered, "I just wish it could have been different."

"Ui." Top said catching my attention. He put a hand on my shoulder with a smile on his face. "Live the life you always wanted to. Live it with him."

Jet put his hand on top my head. "Live for us Ui."

The tears started to fall at that point. No longer resting at the edges of my eyes. They poured out relentlessly as I stared at the bar.

I looked at each of their smiling faces, and felt an overwhelming relief. "Everyone...I love you so much."

"It's time to go back now." Top said just as the galley door opened. There was a blinding light, and even as I began to protest turning on my heels Top and Jet were shoving me through. I reached out for them, but the light forced me to cover my eyes.

"Wait!" I yelled sitting up only to groan and sputter in pain. Clutching at my chest I was forced to lay back down. The pain swept through me causing me to sweat as I breathed heavily.

"Ui?" Luffy said looking down at me. "What's wrong?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why did I feel so frantic? "I-I don't know."

His thumb brushed my cheek, and I looked away embarrassed. "You were crying." He said holding my face in his hands so I would look at him. "I tried to wake you up."

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