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We had stayed under water for a few days circulating the Archipelago before resurfacing. My first breath of fresh air had me gasping. How the hell did those crazy bastards live like this?

"You get used to it." Shachi said smirking at my reaction. Law didn't send another glance my way.

"Remind me why you wanted to stay for another day?" I asked Law having no explanation to begin with. I wanted to get back to Faith as soon as possible.

"I thought you would have known by now. The World Government is picking a fight with the Whitebeard pirates by executing Portgas D. Ace today at Marineford."

I felt my blood run cold. "What?"

Law turned to look at me hearing the raw emotion in my voice. Just barely remembering when Luffy had shown me Ace's vivre card and the guilt from brushing it off hit me just as hard as the news about my crew. "No." I shook my head disbelief and denial coursing through my mind. "No, there's no way. Ace would never get caught. He's supposed to be the strongest of all of us."

"Do you know him?" Law asked.

"He's my brother." I whispered, "We have to go. We have to stop the execution. I'm not watching from the side lines. You're taking me there."

"Absolutely not."

I stared at him blankly remembering that we weren't friends. Of course he wouldn't help me let alone put his crew in danger. He was just fulfilling a favor to Quinn. "At least drop me off then."

"How do you know he hasn't already escaped?"

"If he had escaped why would you be here to watch the show."

"Fair point."

Neither of us moved and I was still in shock. I couldn't tell if I wanted to strangle Law, steal the sub, a ship, or stupidly attempt to swim there myself. I glanced at the ocean below trying to reel my emotions together. Bile welled up inside me, and I spilled my guts over the side of the sub. The world was spinning around me and I dropped to my knees. It feels like everyone who I care about is dying around me. My thoughts drifted to Tamara, and again I was sick over the railing.

"No more." I said hoarsely. "I don't want to lose anyone else. Law please." I felt utterly pathetic. Who was I anymore? Clutching at the railing of the sub like a child. Tears were running down my face and I was feeling sicker than I ever have. Hurting more than I could imagine. Did Luffy even know? Was he rushing to Ace's rescue right now? Did Tamara get captured as well?

"Pull yourself together. You don't even know what you're up against. The least you can do is see what's going on before blindly running into battle. I never said I wasn't planning to go."

Law didn't say anymore before heading towards the archipelago. Shachi and Penguin had climbed up followed by Bepo. They glanced in my direction, and I knew they had been listening in too afraid to come out.

I followed behind them my feet dragging against the ground as if weighed down by lead. Just how could this have happened!? I didn't understand. I couldn't process it. Now more than ever I wanted to call Tamara, but I didn't have any way to reach her now. I only had the vivre card hidden safely along with the one from Ray-san. My den den mushi was tucked away in my room on the Thousand Sunny.

We crossed multiple groves before coming to a stop in front of three large screens. There were even bleachers for pedestrians to sit on. The sight forced me to turn my head. I couldn't watch this.

And when the screens came to life and I heard who I knew to be Sengoku speaking I just shut my eyes tightly. Trying in vain to ignore his speech. "Men, I have something of importance to tell you today." His voice echoed in my head, but I still couldn't look at the screens. "I have to tell you the real reason we are executing Portgas D. Ace today." He paused for effect and I closed my eyes tighter fighting to keep my hands to my sides. "Ace tell them who your father is."

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now