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I read over the newspaper released about Luffy returning to Marineford once again. There was a clear picture of him ringing the bell, and on his arm was a message for the crew. 3D was crossed out replaced with 2Y. He wanted us to meet him in two years on Saboady.

I hummed in thought feeling like I wouldn't get to see him as quickly as I thought. The future plans I hadn't really fleshed out crumpled to dust. Diane hummed while making tea in the kitchen. I decided to take a short walk. The den den mushi I used to try and contact Tamara still sat in silence. I've heard nothing from her or anyone really. I've even tried reaching out to the Whitebeard Pirates.

I know Luffy would have told me if something happened to her, and her vivre card was in tact. After dealing with immense anxiety I took the plunge and looked at it after we had arrived here. Law was still trying to figure out if Faith could be helped. I could tell he was doing his best. The looks I would catch on his face made my heart clench. Could she not be helped even with his powers? His vast medical knowledge? I wanted to remain hopeful, but it was seemingly impossible when he looked that lost.

The sun hit my face as soon as the front door opened, and I stepped outside no longer wanting to think about what if's. I need to have some positive thoughts, and reflect on many of my actions. I wanted a better future. A future where I could stand by Luffy's side. Right now I was just too weak to do that.

"Are you heading out?" Diane held her teacup gingerly glancing at me with a worried look only a mother could give.

"Yeah. I'm just going to take some time to think."

"Okay dear. I'll have some calming tea for when you get back."

It has been a week since we left the Maiden Island. Since I left Luffy with Jinbe and Ray-san. With a heavy heart I made my way towards the village. The sounds of chatter filled my ears as I meandered through the busy streets. I continued forward stepping onto the sandy beaches. The cliff Luffy and I fought at wasn't far, and I could see it up ahead. The pieces of cliff that I knocked down still scattered around the crater I made.

I turned away walking in the opposite direction. I found a cozy little place settling down in the warm sand. Resting my arms on my knees I looked out to the sea. The den den mushi I kept by my side 24/7 sat beside me. The snail tucked in its shell sleeping away.

I closed my eyes taking deep breaths the waves calming my rattled mind. It feels like I haven't been able to find true peace in a very long time. When was the last time I was at peace?

Even my childhood couldn't have been peaceful. No memories of parents. Just woods and Dadan. Meeting Luffy and the boys. There was never a dull moment. We were always on the go. Venturing here or there. Scavenging for food and valuables. They were good times, but they were also hard times.

And the family I made. I choked up shoving those memories to the back of my mind once more. No, it would be a long time before I found peace.

Even Luffy was going to be different now. I could see it in his eyes before I left. A deep pain will be there now. I wanted nothing more than to take it from him. Mend his torn up, broken soul.

I clenched my fist trying hard not to cry again. Saved by some distant yelling I turned in the direction thinking I heard my name. The two boys I've started to get used to were rushing towards me yelling my name. Shachi and Penguin looked worse for ware in their boiler suits as the heat bore down on them.

I got up jogging over to meet them halfway. With labored breathing they tried to tell me what was going on.

"We...have been...looking everywhere for you Ui." Shachi said catching his breath.

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