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We were back at Shakki's rip off bar. "It's been a long time since I've stepped in here." I commented.

"You've been here before?" Luffy asked me.

"All pirates should have come here at some point if they want their ship coated correctly. Ray-san is the best."

The man himself laughed filling his drink. "That's right."

"Oi Old Man you said you wanted to meet me what for?"

"Luffy don't you know who this is? This is Dark King Silvers Rayleigh. He was on Gold Rogers ship!"

"Not only that I was his vice captain."

"Gold Roger...I vaguely remember a rookie by that name." Brook said sipping his tea. The others crying dramatically because they couldn't believe they didn't realize it.

"Even so I thought they had captured the whole crew?" Sanji asked lighting up a cigarette. "Wouldn't the vice captain receive the same sentence?"

I had never dared ask before, but everyone leaned in wanting to know the answer themselves. Each holding their breath in anticipation.

"He loved doing everything in a flashy way. Whether it was fighting or celebrating. That bled into Rogers planning, and his plan for the future even if he knew he wouldn't be a part of it. The crew was secretly disbanded and one by one everyone had left." Rayleigh swirled the liquid in his cup remembering the past.

"Eventually Roger had turned himself in, and it was announced he would be publicly executed in his hometown in the East Blue known as Loguetown. I've heard many of the young faces that were there have gone on to make names for themselves today."

He paused once more. "I didn't attend, but his final words to me were 'I'm not gonna die partner.' It must have been a shock to the government when the execution meant to serve as an example to other pirates didn't go as planned. His last words starting a fire in everyone as he became a mortar of sorts. My Treasure? If you want it you can have it. Find it! I left everything to offer there. And that marked the start of the Great Pirate Era!"

The room was silent after that each of us feeling a surge to reach our goal. A renewed sense of adventure, but it felt short lived as the realization my crew couldn't do the same. I didn't want to go seek out adventure without them. It just wasn't the same.

"Now I'm certain there are some who inherited something from Roger that day in the square. You know one of them well Luffy. The man who gave you that straw hat in fact."

Luffy spit out his food. "You know Shanks!?"

"Shanks and I'm sure you know Buggy from the East Blue as well they were apprentices on the ship."

"Shanks was on the ship?!"

He tried hard to swallow his food pulling his hat down over his face causing my heart to swell. He just looked too cute. "He told me a lot about you when I ran into him 10 years ago. You did well to make it this far. I'm sure he's waiting for you in the New World. Now enough casual talk let's get down to business. You guys wanted your ship coated correct?"

"I forgot to say it's rather expensive guys." Hatchi forced out having been quiet like the rest of us.

"Don't worry about that Hatchi I won't make friends of yours pay."

"Rayleigh-san I have a question." Robin stood up different emotions swimming in her eyes. "There was writing on a poneglyph on a sky island we had been to. Gold Roger had written it there. Do you guys know what happened in the Blank Century? What is the Will of D?"

"The crew and Ohara were too hasty to learn what had happened back then. That's the mistake we made. As you are now it's too soon to the learn the truth. Perhaps you could even reach a different conclusion than we had. Continue on your journey. I'm so very sorry for what's happened to you and your people. If you truly wish to know I could tell you right now what had happened, but nothing can be done about it yet. Don't worry though it will come to light soon."

"I will pass on your offer. I would prefer to continue on my journey with my friends." She sat back down, but within seconds Usopp was up raising his hand dramatically.

"Wait I have a question. The One Piece-"

"Usopp! I don't want to know where the One Piece is! I don't even want to know if it exists. We set out to sea knowing nothing. I don't want to go on a boring adventure!"

"It just slipped out. I was excited! I don't want to know either. I'm sorry. It's not everyday you get to talk to someone from Gold Rogers crew!"

Rayleigh smiled a knowing look in his eye. "Do you think you can do it? The sea ahead far surpasses anything you have seen so far. The foes ahead more superior to any you have faced. Can you rule the mighty Grand Line?"

"I'm not gonna rule anything!" Luffy smiled, "The freest person in the sea is the King of the Pirates!"

"I see." Rayleigh smiled.

Shaky as well. "I'm becoming a big fan of yours Monkey-chan."

"Your ship is in Grove 41 right?" Rayleigh asked us as he made his way to the door. "I'll head in that direction. In the meantime what are you going to do? There could be an admiral on the island as we speak."

"Well staying here is a bad idea. I say we go shopping!"

"What is with you all living this laid back life?" Usopp yelled. "We need to hide!"

"It won't do us any good to stay together either." Franky added.

We all followed Rayleigh outside. "Here's my vivre card. I'll be done in three days. I'll have to move your ship so it won't be in the same grove."

"I guess we'll meet up in three days then." Zoro said.

"Luffy." I spoke up catching everyone's attention. "There's something I have to do. I'm afraid I will have to go my own way for some time."

"Wait what?!" Luffy sputtered turning to look at me. "So soon?"

"I'm sorry Luffy, but Law is going to help me. I don't know how long I'll be traveling with him."

He rushed forward wrapping his arms around me. "I don't want you to go yet." He whispered.

"I don't want to either, but this is important. I'm giving you a piece of my vivre card as well. I'll be back on the Sunny in no time."

"Do you have to go with this guy?"

"His devil fruit powers might be able to save Faith. Lulu had wanted the fruit for that purpose, but Law got to it first."

Luffy finally let go. "We'll meet again soon."

I kissed his cheek. "Very soon." And before I could change my mind I rushed away using shave to disappear into the distance. Tears falling behind me as my heart broke.


I'm taking a different approach this time compared to the original story. I'll see how it goes.


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