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"Wait! Take me with you!"

Kai and I looked at each other then looked back at the growing dust cloud racing towards our boat.

"Oh it's that guy we saved earlier." Kai said with an amused look on his face. His hands were on his hips and he was leaning back. "I thought he would show up sooner." He laughed.

"I was just about to say the same thing."

The man in the strange clothes was trying to catch his breath holding up a gloved hand. "I wanted to thank you." He breathed standing up to his full height as he took a deep breath before bowing politely. "You didn't have to step in, but you did anyway. This lead me to be finally be free from my imprisonment! I want to offer my services, and to repay you a great debt! Please allow me to come with you on your journey!" He yelled, and I sat on a barrel head tilted in curiosity.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Usudos Top."

"If you want to come along you can. Just remember who your Captain is." I winked, and small tears formed in his green eyes.

"Thank you Captain!"

Two days had passed, and we were currently looking to save money for a new ship, but the East Blue was very lacking in proper shipyards.

"Ui-san why do you sail the sea's?"

"I want to see the world with my own eyes, and live up to my full potential."

"You said once that you're waiting for someone to set sail. Who're you waiting for?"

"Aren't you full of questions tonight." I smiled and Top plushed rubbing the back of his head.

"I just want to get to know you that's all."

"I have two childhood friends. Ace set sail last year, and I followed after him this year. Luffy will set sail in two years."

He grew quiet and I glanced over from my spot on the deck. Kai was sleeping peacefully in the cabin, and the two of us were usually alone like this.

"Do you think he'll want to join the crew too?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Luffy has his own dreams of being a pirate captain. If anything he'll probably ask me to join his crew."

"Would you?" Top asked, and I could hear the worry and wonder in his voice.

"Of course not. I have a responsibility to you boys now. I want my own crew. A crew that will best the both of them."

"I think the Gods intended you to find me. I think we will do great things together."

"You believe in all that?"

"I believe that life is short, and if it weren't for the Gods our lives would be unfullfilling."

"Hmm." I rested my head on my hand.

"Ui-san you should always remember to live your life with no regrets. Life is too short to dwell on such things. I'm getting off topic now, but I just thought I should share my piece. Offer advice to you. Don't let anything be left unspoken." He smiled at me. "You will be much happier that way."

Top's words echoed in my head as I sat on the swing watching Luffy play tag with the other boys. He tried to get Zoro to play, but he refused hiding away in the crows nest. I watched Sanji bringing supplies on the ship while Franky cleaned some of his tools. We were going to leave today before the Log Pose reset. I decided not to go say good bye to Diane and Faith. She would understand.

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