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I was glad for Sanji's help with carrying the supplies up to the safe house. Thankful he didn't ask about the crumpled building, and I didn't dwell on the possibility of him witnessing what had happened.

"Thank you again Sanji." I smiled at him and he smiled back carrying the crates with no problem. I had tied my flag aroun my neck like a cape of some sort while carrying the treasure chest. The intent was to pay Galley-La to fix the ship, but a last minute decision had me dropping the chest in front of Nami.

She looked up at me with wide eyes. "What is this?"

"Five hundred thousand belli, and I'm giving it to you. Consider it a celebratory gift of your new bounties, and of course your first real bounties."

Tamara gaped at me in shock. "Captain!?"

I shook my head. "I've come to a decision, but I will talk with you later."

She nodded, but was confused none the less. "I do have things of sentimental value in there, so don't go taking that by accident. With our ship needing repairs I thought it best to move everything not nailed in place."

Her eyes sparkled as she opened the lid. Despite my reassurance that was the correct amount Nami insisted she count it. Zoro just waved a hand at me stating it's what she liked to do.

Luffy being Luffy suddenly came up behind me ripping the flag from my back holding it out on wonder. "Woah you're flag is cool!" He said showing it to everyone. There were a few bullet holes, and the one corner was burned a bit, but it was otherwise my greatest pride. It was an hourglass with two scythes crossing each other and a skull rested at the bottom. Luffy decided to parade it around and I let him as he played the role of a color gaurd in a marching band.

I sat down next to Robin. "Hasn't the Log Pose set? I didn't think you guys would be here for so long." Not that two days was very long, but for a pirate crew that needed to be on the move two days could be what cost you your life.

"Has no one told you?" She said with a small smile. "We're just waiting for Franky to finish our new ship. The Going Merry couldn't sail anymore."

"Wait...Luffy did say you were waiting for a ship, but I just thought he was talking about repairs!" I chastised myself for not paying closer attention.

"Ui what do you plan on doing now?" Luffy asked me. The flag was now gone, but that little detail slipped past me. I looked down at the table. I hadn't really thought about it too much. I didn't know what I wanted. A two man crew couldn't really sail around, but I didn't have the heart to recruit new members. I glanced at Tamara who was stating at me intensely waiting for my answer. "I don't know." I answered honestly and Tamara's face fell in disappointment.

"Why don't you come with us? We can form an alienest!" He grinned.

"You mean an alliance?" I questioned the idea of sailing with Luffy made my heart swell, and a smile spread across my face.

"That's what I said!"

I looked at Tamara who smiled. "Tamara before I make my decision I guess I will ask you now. Is there something you want to do? Somewhere you want to go? Someone you want to see?" I emphasized my last words knowing full well she's been wanting to find someone since they day we reached the New World. It was the deal from the beginning.

She hesitated in answering having an internal debate. "You are free to do as you please. He isn't in the New World anymore." I continued, and that was enough to make her decision.

"I want to go to him. My former Captain."

I smiled tossing her a transponder snail. "I'm sure you'll have an easier time finding him with that."

Getting Around the World in One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now