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Luffy came running out of the hut yelling at us. "Some big guy in a mask is coming!"

Seconds after a bull game crashing through the hut destroying the base of the Flying Fish Riders. I watched dumbstruck at the idiocy of this man.

"I won't need a base after I kill all of you!" He raged. The bull blowing steam from his nose and brushed his hooves against the ground waiting to charge.

"I'm sorry Duval-sama! We'll send these bastards flying into the ocean!"

Duval ignored him glaring harshly in the direction of the ship where the rest of the crew stood at the railing watching. "I've waited years for this moment. And today is the day I finally get to meet you!"

"You have turned my life into hell! If this battle comes to us stabbing each other than so be it. A bloody battle awaits, and I will be the winner! Black leg Sanji today is the day I finally get to kill you!"

Surprise was evident on everyone's faces as they tried to figure out how Sanji knew this guy. "I have many people with grudges against me it could be anyone!" Sanji said counting on his fingers.

"Don't just sit on your ass Black Leg!" Duval yelled firing harpoons at the ship.

"Something weird about these." Usopp commented covering his face in fear as he cowered on the deck.

"They're covered in scorpion's poison. If it so much as grazes you Black Leg you'll be dead in less than three minutes!"

"You will know my wrath!" He shouted firing more harpoons to which Sanji blocked protecting Nami.

"I've seen what's under the mask." Luffy said causing Zoro and and I to look at him. "It's a face you know."

"What do you mean it's a face we know!?" I asked him and he barreled towards Duval. He kicked hard at him stretching his leg out causing the mask to come flying off as the Flying Fish Riders let out an audible gasp.

"His mask came off!" They shouted in unison. "Duval-sama has lost his mask."

"Fine! Go ahead and look at my scarred face then!" He yelled and everyone looked on in shock.

"Oh wow." I mouthed silently to myself as I realized he looked like Sanji's long lost twin, and suddenly it all made sense as Duval pulled out Sanji's wanted poster. He continued to preach about killing Sanji to take back his life.

The former having already taken action as he jumped into the ocean and swam at Duval. "Don't you understand!? Do you even care!" The guy yelled tears and snot running down his face. I scrunched my face in disgust, but watched on as Sanji kicked him in the cheek with a harsh no.

"What do you mean no?!" Duval yelled. "Are you some kind of moron?"

"You're the moron!" Sanji hissed in his direction. "You could have just changed your hair style or your beard for Christ's sake."

The looks on him and his guys caused every one of the Straw Hats to roll their eyes. "Stop looking at us with those stupid faces. Don't go spouting about murder when the solution is so simple."

"Our simple life was ruined because of you!" Duval yelled becoming angry again. "I have this nasty scar on my back because of you and your dumb face! My peaceful little mafia had to turn tail from the good life we had!" Apparently Duval had had enough talking as he threw more harpoons for Sanji to dodge. "Men!" He shouted.

Two of the Riders appeared with a steel net pulling Sanji under the water and into the deep abyss of the ocean. We all rushed to the edge yelling for Sanji helplessly. Zoro had to pull Luffy from the edge, and I just watched in helpless horror as the fish disappeared and I couldn't see them anymore. The same helplessness washed over me that had the night Top and Lulu carried me from the building as I watched Kai take on Azura.

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