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I had woken up early, and smiled as Luffy laid with his arms stretched out. He was lightly snoring, and one leg hung off the bed. I giggled a little sitting up to try and make him more comfortable. The door opened just slightly so I could see Chopper peeking his head in.

"Hey I was going to see about changing your bandages." He trailed off looking between Luffy and I. "I can come back later..."

"No no." I whispered climbing over Luffy who curled into his side laying where I once was. "Let's go." I said with one last look at him.

We walked in silence the rest of the way passing by Robin and Sanji. They smiled at me. And I smiled back waving. "I'm making a breakfast bake with potatoes." Sanji said to us. My mouth watered at the thought, and Chopper seemed excited to.

"That sounds lovely Sanji." I called before he was rushing into the kitchen. I sat on the bed in the infirmary, and Chopper took off the bandages. "Well it looks like you don't need new ones. Just like any devil fruit user I know you heal pretty quickly as far as small cuts goes." He shrugged.

I jumped off the table with a smile on my face. "Does that mean I can finally take a bath?"

Chopper laughed. "If you had wanted a bath you could have just said so Ui. It's not like you're wearing a cast!"

I could feel the heat go to my face, but I laughed along with him. I wiped a tear from my eye watching Chopper go over to his desk and write some stuff down in what looked like a journal. "What are you doing?"

"I make records of everyone on the ship. Even minor injuries are logged so that I can look back and see how many bones have been broken or where. It's good to know this stuff. When someone breaks a bone that area is then weaker than it was, and even more so if it were to break again in the same place. Does that make sense?"

I nodded patting him on the head. "You're a really great doctor Chopper. The crew is very lucky to have you."

Chopper turned to me with a blush on his face. He started doing that dance he does making me gush over how cute he is. "Compliments don't make me happy ya bastard!"

"Oh really now?" I asked sarcastically. "I'll leave you to it then. I'll see you at breakfast?"

"Of course. I couldn't miss out on breakfast!"

I hummed to myself leaving the room to head to the kitchen. I sat at the table watching Sanji put everything together in a casserole dish. "How are you this morning Ui-chan?"

"I feel much better now. How are you?"

"I'm doing good also."

There was an air of silence in the room, but it didn't feel awkward. It was peaceful, and I liked it a lot. I liked talking with Sanji. Despite his over dramatic acts towards women he seemed like the kind of person who can listen. Someone who was wise and understanding, and that made me feel comfortable. "I had a dream while I was staying in the infirmary." I said resting my hand on my cheek.

"Oh?" He asked turning around to look at me. "What kind of dream?"

"I don't remember. I've been trying to recall it all morning, but I can only see this blinding light."

"Maybe you had one of those prophetic dreams."

"I don't believe in that." I said dismissively with a wave of my hand. "I just thought it was odd."

He hummed sliding the casserole in the oven before turning to look at me as he leaned against the counter. "I saw Luffy leaving in the middle of the night."

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