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Everyone was in shock as they waited for the dust to clear. "Luffy?" I questioned seeing a glimpse of the familiar straw hat. I just barely saw a flash a green hair.

He started running towards Camie yelling about how they have no right to sell her. I saw Hatchi running forward to catch him, but Luffy was just too strong. I stood up watching in horror as Hatchi's arms were exposed and the people in the building started to say such harsh things. Throwing trash in his direction. Women hiding their faces as the leaned on their partners.

I tried to jump out of my seat as I watched the Celestial from earlier stand up cocking his gun, but Law pulled me back just as a shot rang out. "Just watch." He said to me, and I begrudgingly sat back down as I worried for Hatchi. Luffy whipped around angrier than I have ever seen him.

"What's that look for boy?"

"You can't just go doing what you want! There's more at risk here than you think. The Celestial Dragons cannot be defied!" Hatchi laid there panting as he gripped Luffy's arm. "You promised not to do anything even if you saw someone get shot."

It couldn't be helped as Luffy gently brushed off the fish man walking up the steps towards the Celestial. He easily dodged the bullets and I sat gripping my knees tightly as I watched in horror as he pulled his fist back punching the Celestial sending him flying into the seats behind him.

There was an audible gasp as fear grew within the other nobles in the room. "Sorry guys I guess a Navy admiral and a warship will come here now."

I knew the crew wouldn't protest, and a sense of pride swelled in my chest. Nami and Chopper ran forward to help Hatchi. The rest figuring out a game plan. I decided to stay by Law unsure what his game plan was.

"How dare you a commoner strike my son!" The older Celestial stood up pointing his weapon at Luffy firing some shots that missed him by a long shot. "Tch." They can't shoot for shit.

Sanji launched himself above the crowd landing in front of the Celestial kicking the gun from his hands. That was when all hell broke loose everyone got up running to the exists knowing that the Celestial Dragons were about to unleash hell on the auction house. Good riddance I thought to myself. The crew jumped into action taking down guard after guard Franky making his way back stage using everything as a distraction.

I wanted to jump into action myself, but decided to stay seated knowing they could handle this one. I had forgotten about my stitches, and that's why Law kept me in place. His epithet surely didn't seem to be preceding him I thought to myself giving him a sideways glance. He had a smirk on his face almost as if he was holding back a laugh. It made me smile too. Quinn would have absolutely fallen for the creepiest guy in the world.

"The man with the 300 million berry bounty huh?" He thought out loud.

More flying fish crashed through the roof carrying Robin and Brook. We're still missing someone though I thought to myself looking around trying to find Usopp just as he came flying through a hole in the roof landing directly on top of the elder Celestial. I couldn't help but laugh at the scene.

I could see Zoro had let loose one of his slashes cutting the glass container they had Camie in. If only they had the keys to the collar she wore. "Luffy where is Camie?" Usopp asked.

He pointed down towards the bowl. "We need to get the keys so we can get out of here!"

Nami chimed in warning Usopp that we need to move fast before the Navy Admiral and the warship get here.

"They Navy is already here Straw Hat-ya." Law spoke up. "They had the auction house surrounded before it even started. I don't know who they were trying to catch, but I doubt they thought someone would attack the Celestial Dragons."

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