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We were in the bathroom for who knows how long, and I could hear Sanji yelling at Luffy from where ever he was. It was only a matter of time before he tried to come bursting in here.

I hummed holding Luffy tightly as I sat in his lap. I didn't think I could be happier in this moment..

"You should probably go before Sanji comes in here."

"Let him come in. I'll have to beat him if he does."

I couldn't help but laugh knowing Luffy wouldn't actually hurt one of his friends. The empty threat left both of us smiling. I kissed his cheek forcing myself to let go and stand up. Luffy glanced away from me with a blush to his face. I quickly pulled on my clothes while Luffy had rushed out the door when my back was turned.

Sanji's voice grew louder as I left the bathroom following behind my bare feet slapping against the wood. "How dare you run in on Ui-chwan like that! And you slammed the door in Nami-swans face! You're lucky I don't kick you into next week Luffy!" Sanji chewed Luffy out until he was red in the face.

I put a hand on his shoulder, and he immediately brightened up smiling at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. "Sanji you can stop now. That's enough."

"Yes my queen!" He sang as he spun towards the kitchen. "I have breakfast ready for you just like you wanted!" He called as he disappeared into his domain. I glanced at Luffy who smiled at me before rushing off to join Usopp who was getting ready to fish. That was when I realized where we were. The red line towered over us like an endless barrier that went up into the heavens. I could feel my fear creeping up on me.

Everything I was afraid of was on the other side of the wall. I forced myself to look away just barely seeing the mini submarine sink beneath the surface as I went to hide away in the kitchen.

Sanji didn't speak to me as he laid my late breakfast in front of me, and I was glad for it. I quickly ate everything before going back into my room. I felt like I had needed space for a minute. I didn't know what lied ahead, and I was starting to miss Tamara's comforting presence.

I stared at my den den mushi missing Tamara and the crew more than anything. I would give anything to hear Tamara laughing with the crew, and to listen to Jet bang around on the kitchen table. Hear Lulu talk about science and medicine even though I could never understand what she was trying to explain. I missed Quinn and her sassy remarks and the constant sarcasm that irritated everyone, but for some reason we all loved it. I miss Kai despite the awkwardness that had been growing between us.

He had been there from the beginning. He was there every time I had thought we had reached the end. I stared at the bottom drawer of my nightstand knowing his journal was hidden away inside. I wanted so badly to read what was written, but the idea of invading his privacy felt wrong. Or maybe I was just afraid of what I would find. A love confession? Maybe something about him I didn't want to know?

I found myself pulling my den den mushi down onto my lap and dialed Tamara. It rang and rang, but nobody answered. Worry began to find its way to the forefront of my mind. I tossed the phone carelessly on the bed pulling the log book from my desk. I held Tamara's vivre card in my fingers. It didn't look like it was damaged, but I had a feeling something was very wrong.

I tucked the piece of paper in my bra deciding to keep it close. I looked through my clothes trying to find something more comfortable feeling a little better. I pulled on a loose grey tank top, and a pair of black shorts. I threw on a pair of hiking boots, and called it good enough as I looked at myself in the mirror that hung on the wall. It was the first time I had worn something so revealing in public since my capture. I never used to worry about what people would think about my scars, but this was different. I wasn't proud of them anymore. They were tainted, and dark. I didn't get them through a fight as the Captain of the Time Reaper Pirates, and that made me want to hide them. I was ashamed of them.

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